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    Post by JY4answer Fri Apr 27, 2012 9:27 am

    Wade_Wilson wrote:Everything is fine so far, my starting dose is one hundredth of a peanut and I should be taking that for 3 weeks, then it'll be stepped up to a fiftieth of a peanut for 3 weeks.

    So will you one day get to eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich?

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    Post by Wade_Wilson Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:29 am

    JY4answer wrote:
    Wade_Wilson wrote:Everything is fine so far, my starting dose is one hundredth of a peanut and I should be taking that for 3 weeks, then it'll be stepped up to a fiftieth of a peanut for 3 weeks.

    So will you one day get to eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich?
    Hopefully yeah, I'll end up having to take five peanuts a day at least to maintain my immunity, it's actually pretty mind-blowing thinking that in six months I'll be needing to eat a thing which would have killed me in minutes.

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    Thought you might be interested... - Page 2 Empty Re: Thought you might be interested...

    Post by JY4answer Fri Apr 27, 2012 11:57 am

    Wade_Wilson wrote:
    JY4answer wrote:
    Wade_Wilson wrote:Everything is fine so far, my starting dose is one hundredth of a peanut and I should be taking that for 3 weeks, then it'll be stepped up to a fiftieth of a peanut for 3 weeks.

    So will you one day get to eat a peanut butter jelly sandwich?
    Hopefully yeah, I'll end up having to take five peanuts a day at least to maintain my immunity, it's actually pretty mind-blowing thinking that in six months I'll be needing to eat a thing which would have killed me in minutes.

    May the nuts be with you then! Hope you get to enjoy them soon enough!
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    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 27, 2012 12:06 pm

    Agreed. George Washington Carver was onto some tasty things in his lifetime. Even if you never get to enjoy them, I'd be happy to hear that allergy was alleviated greatly.
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    Post by Tolvo Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:48 pm

    I've always felt George Washington Carver should have been a serial killer who used peanut based weapons to cut people up. I mean come on, with a name like that he seriously blew an opportunity.
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    Post by skarekrow13 Fri Apr 27, 2012 3:59 pm

    How about a cherry tree handled knife?

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