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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)


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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by trinitarian Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:14 am

    well i have a moment to sit here and think about where im going to go with my build, i have to go off of memory cause my mom is playing zuma on my xbox :affraid:
    if all the points dont add up right, then i may be off so give a point or two here or there but it is fairly accurate.

    class: pyro

    vit: 20
    atonement: 16
    strength: 22

    everything else is base since i didn't invest any points in. I was thinking of a dex build but now i'm split on that or a strength build. I want this guy to be murderous psychopathic manic on PvP but i want him to be good enough for some NG.

    Any thoughs on what stats i need to pump up from here on out and what weapons i need to go after thx.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:28 am

    Hmmm. You want to keep your dex up to recude casting speed. Especially if you go into pvp you need to be casting faster. Why have you put points in faith? Is tere a specific miracle you want? Or do you just want more options? Its look pretty good otherwise. What gear are you using?

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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by trinitarian Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:33 am

    well i wanted the healing mirecal. And dex makes me cast pyro spells faster? if so thats good to know lol. and i have just been danking around with armor sets. Ill just toss on that gold trim ruggish out fit that looks like it came from the grim reaper when i want to move fast and some heavy armor that you get from that hidden door in that castle area where the demons fly you up to when i want to tank. and i'm still banging that sword you get from that dragon's tail you shot off underneath that bridge early in the game, i cant find anything stronger than it 😢
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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by Reaperfan Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:36 am be really specific, you've got the startings of a Murakumo co-op build going. Almost enough strength to one-hand, enough dexterity to start pumping it for the weapon's scaling, and attunement+faith to be able to cast Heal. The Heal miracle is important because if you participate in co-op play it will provide you with a way to heal yourself since you can't use Estus as a phantom. If you want to get really specific with your stats, here's what I'm ending up seeing here:

    Know that this is mostly just for the stats, I left the shield, armor, and rings blank since those are all personal choice based on what you find out you like most so you can fill those in yourself. Also keep in mind this is designed for co-op because you've invested in some Faith, but if you want to PvP, these won't be the optimal spells to go with.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts on this and if it helps at all winking

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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by trinitarian Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:42 am

    thanks for the help, i think i'm going to be pumping up my dex for now, however, what should i focus on for PvP? Also, that program is pretty nifty lol and ill try to follow that set up happy
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Apr 30, 2012 3:54 am

    Which covenant are you going for? because that will determine whether you go PvE or PvP.

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    need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60) Empty Re: need advice on where to go with my build, i'm still a noob (XBOX SL 60)

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