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    PvP arena thoughts


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    PvP arena thoughts Empty PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Imarreteet23 Wed May 02, 2012 7:10 pm

    Ok, we all know about the new addition for the PC that is coming out, and all that new content that it will have. That's all well and good, but there is one thing that has been getting me worried, and that is the new PvP only arena. And, for those of you who don't know, that is an "arena" where the whole focus will be on PvP. Not much is known about it, but I'm pretty sure it will have matchmaking, and possibly even voice chat (doubtful, but possible). There are two scenarios really, and that is either a full on mode, I.E you choose it on the main screen, or it will be an area in game. "Now what," you might ask, "is bad about a PvP arena? It sounds perfect for dueling and honerable PvP!" So, I have decided to compile a list of things that COULD (could, not will. This is all speculation) change the game for the worse. In no particular order: (Note: This is all opinion)

    1. Take away the uniqueness of Dark Souls
    This one is pretty straigh forward. Because of the new arena, invasion frequency will be reduced drastically. And, in my personal opinion, invasions are the most unique and cool part of the whole Soul series in general. Sure, the difficulty is also very unique, and the insertion of an arena barely affects this. But once you get through your first one or two playthroughs, the difficulty becomes a non-factor. So really, you (could) be taking away one of the coolest parts
    of the game.

    2. Covenants become much less of a factor
    Almost all covenants are PvP and invasion based, but, once you add an arena into the mix, why would anyone want to invade? Because of this, covenants could very well be almost completly removed from the equation of Dark Souls. The only reason people would join covenants now would be to get their items, and once they did, they wouldn't care about them anymore. And remember, this is speculation, not fact.

    3. Ganker ratio increases. Alot
    So, for every area, there are two seperate ganker to honerable ratios. One for invaders, and one for hosts. A ganker to honerable ratio is: for however many gankers you see, you will see an honerable player. So, for Burg, let's say, as an invader you will probably see about one ganker for every two honerables, so the ratio is 1:2. Make sense? But, now that an arena is made, the ganker/honerable ratio will skyrocket, and not in a good way. Why? Well, assuming that the arena will be a whole seperate mode, than you will probably get no souls for killing people. And, even if you do, phantoms will definatly not be allowed. Obviously, that will be a huge turn off for gankers, but a huge turn on for honerable players. Therfore, players who want a fair fight will congregate to the arena, and will leave all other in game areas. The result? No more honerable fighters, anywhere. Thus, the ratio will Explode. You will be seeing ratios of 30:1, 50:1, and even 100:1. That is 100 GANKERS FOR ONE HONERABLE. Insanity. I just hope I'm wrong about all of this.

    Afternote: I will say once again, that this is all opinion. I am not trying to start a fight or anything like that. Thank you for your time.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by KomradDakka Wed May 02, 2012 7:21 pm

    easy fix: make pvp arena fights compeletley wieghtless. ie, no points, no humanities, no souls, nothing. (maybe a trophy unit, so pvpers dont feel like they are doing it for nothing)

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Imarreteet23 Wed May 02, 2012 7:27 pm

    That fixes alot, true. But still, if you wanted to have an honerable fight, and you could either invade or go to the arena, you would go to the arena. Invasions (and covenant use) will become much less frequent, though it will still happen.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by KomradDakka Wed May 02, 2012 7:46 pm

    then that would be for the best me thinks. if a d1ckwraith invades with an orb he isnt really knocking at the door anyways, it would end my second guessing of my opponent.
    Buggy Virus
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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu May 03, 2012 8:59 pm

    The ganker ratio I think is silly.

    Because if you think about it, people who still are invading or hosting for souls will stay in the main world, thus if you want souls you stay in the main world and deal with the tough down and dirty fights for souls. If not you just play arena for duels.

    And more likely they don't make the arena something outside of the normal game, probably it will be what the kiln is now, just more official with more perks to incentivize PvP there.
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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu May 03, 2012 9:10 pm

    I agree on all of your points in OP ima.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Imarreteet23 Thu May 03, 2012 9:33 pm

    @Buggy Ok, maybe I was exaggerating a little bit on that point, but the "Ratio" would still go up. I have never hosted or invaded for souls, but that's just me. I'm sure plenty of people do PvP for souls and humanity, but not all. However much, there will be an increase in the gankers that you see. If it will be that drastic or not, I have no idea.
    Buggy Virus
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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu May 03, 2012 9:38 pm

    Yeah, but I would actually be happy knowing there is a place where I am assured a good duel.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Imarreteet23 Thu May 03, 2012 9:51 pm

    It will be pretty bitter-sweet for me. I just love the whole invasion side of the game, and would hate it if PC players don't get to experience it full on.
    Buggy Virus
    Buggy Virus

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Buggy Virus Thu May 03, 2012 9:52 pm

    Well, I'll still be invading. It will just be with mostly people wanting to just play the game and not duel.

    Kind of dishonorable I guess.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by Extertionist Thu May 03, 2012 9:58 pm

    Maybe make a new covenant that the arena will be exclusive to.

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    PvP arena thoughts Empty Re: PvP arena thoughts

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sat May 05, 2012 1:41 am

    i can only agree about the covenants becoming somewhat useless . im not bothered by this because although the covenants were kinda cool i think once the game had been out for a while the whole mystery of the covenants was lost and it became less fun and more about what covenant was best(had the best benefits). Im thinking they might have the arena area have some similar rule to dragon bro duels which i think was froms original attempt to give people fair 1vs1s. maybe have it so winner gets humanity or an ore something along those lines.

    i honestly think pvp worked better in demons where it was just host,summons,and invaders. i think if they had made ash lake a pvp arena ,where dragon bros could put their signs down, that would have worked great.

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