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    Sad Lesson Learned


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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Kirk-Barb Sun May 06, 2012 7:03 pm

    I'm taking a break from playing Dark Souls to post this.

    I'm helping people fight Sif and getting kicked to the curb by farmers when they realize I won't help them double team invaders. My typical fun time in the Forest. Suddenly I see a gravelord rune. I have been gravelorded!!!! That has never happened to me before. With true excitement I enter to do battle with the one who has cursed my world. When I come in at the top of the stairs I get a message that another has quit his invasion before me and as I fade in he fades out. I look at the bottom of the stairs and see a Darkwraith facing off with the Gravelord. So I wait my turn. They continue to face off but do no battle. Finally they realize I'm not coming down so the Gravelord motions me down. I'm suspicious, but I go down thinking maybe... well I don't know what I was thinking, I just should not have gone down. I should have just left like the guy before me. But I didn't. As soon as I got to the bottom of the stair, the Darkwraith went to back stab me. I pivoted and smacked him hard with my sword. Then the Gravelord put his oversized sword through my back, bowed, and waved good by to me as I died away.

    So to all you beginners like myself, if you see a Gravelord and a Darkwraith not doing battle, just leave. Unless, you are highly skilled at fighting against two opponents at once.

    Now I return myself to my regularly scheduled Dark Souls game.
    Duke's Archivist
    Duke's Archivist

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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by DoughGuy Sun May 06, 2012 7:08 pm

    Never trust the forest, a lesson learned the hard way. Out of interest how many people wanted help with Sif and how many were farmers?
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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Spurgun Sun May 06, 2012 7:12 pm

    and where did you put your sign?

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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Wade_Wilson Sun May 06, 2012 7:13 pm

    See, your problem is that you're within 10 miles of the Darkroot forest...

    I kid, but my experiences as a Sunbro in the forest were terrible. Barely anyone summoned me to help fight sif. Even fellow sunlight warriors simply wanted to gank. Your only friend against Sif is a high-stability shield.

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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Kirk-Barb Sun May 06, 2012 7:25 pm

    DoughGuy: In a two hour span... 3 for Sif and 5 farmers. But you also have to realize most farmers will pass me over because I'm in beginner Knight armor, Eagle shield, and Balders Side sword. Not the type of equipment of a good farmer buddy.

    The tough part for me is figuring out which is which. My best technique is to bow and immediately head for the cat house and then through it. If they follow, I'm good to go. I can also pretty much tell by their equipment.

    Helloo: I always put my sign near this rock just off the bottom of the stairs.

    Wade_Wilson: Actually I have been having pretty good luck everytime I try. I would guess at least two an hour. Sometime repeats when things don't go well. My guess is my equipment speaks Sif killer. winking
    Duke's Archivist
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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by DoughGuy Sun May 06, 2012 7:31 pm

    I think you can actually place you rsign outside of the hunter area. If you did youd get less farmers summoning you.

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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Kirk-Barb Sun May 06, 2012 7:41 pm

    DoughGuy: But what fun would that be. I take a little evil pleasure in watching the farmer find himself fighting a fair 1v1 fight while I watch. It's sort of a badge of honor when they kick me out of their world.big grin
    Duke's Archivist
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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by DoughGuy Sun May 06, 2012 7:49 pm

    Well if you're going to pretend to help then thats good. Im always tempted to but Id rather farm. You should suicide jump out first though so the hunter gets souls.

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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by Kirk-Barb Sun May 06, 2012 8:37 pm

    DoughGuy: Pretend to help? I do help. I make sure that the farmer doesn't get double teamed. If it's 1v1 I don't interfere, but if a second invader shows, I do all in my power to keep him away from the original fight. I also offer to fight on behalf of the host. But if I begin a fight and the host interferes, I withdraw my offer and just watch out for a second invader. I have actually had a couple of hosts keep me around for several battles just because they were guarenteed fair fights.... as long as I stayed alive that is.big grin
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    Sad Lesson Learned Empty Re: Sad Lesson Learned

    Post by BLA1NE Mon May 07, 2012 1:50 am

    ^lol, yeah, I remember your other thread now!

    The only time I spend in the forest, though, is running from the entrance to Sif's door, then killing the big bad wolf. I don't have much interest in the shady business that goes on in the forest!

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