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The Once-Ler
6 posters

    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    The Once-Ler
    The Once-Ler

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by The Once-Ler Thu May 10, 2012 1:16 pm

    Please read this wall of text as it stands to be an important part of this site if folks wish it to be. Also, don't sign up yet as this thread is just to gauge interest. Hi guys. Sorry I have not been around much lately, but I shelved Dark Souls for the past month to focus one one last platinum run of Demon's Souls as my farewell to the most influential game I have ever played. I have been meaning to post this for a while, but have not been on much lately. I just joined this forum in March and mainly post to the PvP section, which is what I mainly intend for this to be used for. I have been a member of the wikidot and preparetodie forums for over a year (though I rarely visit the preparetodie forums because of all the infighting). With the help of some online friends (some of them who have joined and lured me here as well) I organized the muling threads and started the muling service for Dark Souls on the Wikidot forums. I got the idea from the bottomless box glitch and had already started organizing with several people on creating a full Mule which we could then pass foreward with a committment that once you received the mule you would then be obligated to pay it forward to 5 others. Right as we were in the beginning phases we had an old Demon's Souls friend donate us a full mule to use (he gets all the credit for actually creating the mule itself). This idea of paying it forward has worked tremendously and the service has been going strong and fueling PvPers on that site for months.

    I would like to offer my services in starting this same thing here if there is enough interest. This is not aimed at trophy hunters trying to cheat the game, or people trying to make the game easier. In fact we found out that if you receive the mule you are unable to receive the knight's honor trophy to platinum that character. This is aimed at those who have already finished the game and are fully into PvP mode. I have been asked by others to spread this to other forums, but I don't intend to join any others so I have given permission for others to spread it for me. A scandanavian friend has moved it to preparetodie, and a british friend is taking it to several other forums.

    So, you ask "what will this do?" It will allow you to quickly make builds and level up to sl 120 within 30 min of starting a character. Furthermore, you will have every upgraded item in the game (weapons, armor, and consumables). You still have to obtain your spells by playing the game, but this allows for some quick character builds for PvP.

    I will not post the link to my wikidot listing (you can search for it if you like) but I am going to copy and paste my rules from my original posting down below here so you can see how it works. I am happy to start donating to several people here to start the ball rolling if the interest is there so let me know. I can start early next week, but we will need to have a stickied posting if so (I will start a new thread for that if people want this). Also, I won't be back into PvP mode full swing here until after the Demon's Souls Servers are shut down at the end of May, but am happy to get some people going asap.

    Please respond with your thoughts here and we will make a decision on this moving forward. Thanks.

    From my initial and active Wikidot postings (please be aware that this is not active here yet so don't sign up):

    This is the new signup thread for Dks Mule Requests and active Mules. Please read ALL of the rules before you request service and to be put in service. All requests should be posted here and Please follow these rules closely. Let the Muling Begin!

    Also, any suggestions/ideas/thoughts should be directed to this thread: (I have removed all wikidot thread references out of respect for this fourm:

    1) All requests should be posted here one time with PSN: ID (please repost here if you requested in the other thread and have not received service). Once you have been "Muled" please edit the initial post to "Complete" Please feel free to contact an open mule to set up arrangements as their ID will be on their post.

    2) Once you have been muled you now become an "active" mule so please proceed to step three here and post a second time stating that you are a mule open for service.

    3) All Mules should post here (with PSN: ID) and state whether they are active or have met their 5 mule min. obligation. Mules should post edit their intial post and state who they have Muled to and should edit the post to inactive once their obligation has been met (unless you plan to stay active as some have stated they would Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Icon_e_smile )

    4) If you are an active mule then you need to actively follow this thread and grab people that need muling until your contribution is complete

    5) Please be aware of these things and read the whole wall of text below Entitled Rules for Muling

    A. Be 100% ready at the assigned time. This includes being at the right place, in human form, right soul level, with a couple hard humanities as backup.
    B. Have enough time to completely mule. At least an hour, maybe more (depending on summoning problems).
    C. Read through the first post here to know how it works, what to do, what not to do, etc.
    D. Read the summoning tips thread, so you know how to do the "purposeful" summoning.
    E. Commit to help 5 others.

    Rules for Being Muled

    We have a full mule and have begun duping in the upper burg! Duping in DKS is much different than it was in Demons Souls so please follw these rules and read closely. This is a self propogating mule meaning those that receive it pass it along to others. Our initial mules will probably do a bit more work than others to kick this off right but those that receive it are obligated to pass it on to others. We have to drop the whole mule so this is a much longer process than it was before so please don't pester these folks looking solely for trophy weapons. This service is primarily for the PvP community and is much needed to jump start it. I have no problem if you make additional mules to drop stuff to trophy hunters after your initial 5 drop obligation to the PvP community though (see below). Here are the rules:

    1) You need to have all 10 save slots filled and know how to use the proper bottomless box glitch.

    2) The person receiving the mule should be around sl 5 with way of white covenant and the taurus demon unbeaten as you will be the host to the mule and the mule should have killed to taurus so you can get the white soapstone to lay down your sign.

    3) Host should arrange summon spot for the mule and then you should both head straight for the fog gate. Once through you are immune to invasion but don't engage the taurus. Climb the ladder and kill the archers in the tower. The top of the tower is your safe dupe spot. Host should drop everything he started with so the mule does not get contaminated with starting junk (best to do that at the bottom and climb back up so you don't pick it back up).

    4) Mule then drops everything and host picks it up at the same time. Tips here: if the hosts runs toward the mule as he is dropping he is able to pick items up quicker. Also, don't let there be more than 30 separate dropped item on the ground at any time because those items will disappear for good and the mule will be corrupt.

    5) Once you have the whole mule in your posession, make your duping copies as once you have dropped the stuff fom one character that character is done and can be sacrificed/overwritten. I have three mule slots going right now and as I use one I overwrite it with a fresh copy (this takes 15 min from character creation to full box at the burg bonfire).

    6) Once you receive a full copy, you are Obligated to give it to no less than 5 other people who do not already have a copy. This is your pay it forward obligation to the PvP community for receiving such a huge gift! Please fullfill this obligation by giving it to friends in PvP who will in turn pass it on to others. This whole thing only works if you faollow through with this obligation! After your initial 5 drops, feel free to make mules to drop to trophy hunters if you wish, but your first responsibility should be to the PvP community we are trying to build

    7) This last one is the most difficult. I don't know if this is possible, but it would be nice to be able to verify who we are giving it to. We don't need any more sl1 maxed griefers out there so I would be hesitant to give it to people I didn't previously see active in PvP or on these boards (including the other boards)

    8) Then, copy to as many slots as you would like and optimize your PvP builds . Keep one slot as a mule if you would for future needs though and as your copy from slot.

    9) Finally, post your initial requests for you mule in this thread with your PSN ID. Once someone has given it to you, please edit your original post stating you received it and please post a second time stating the 5 people and PSNs you have given it to so we can try tracking how this spreads. If you have received your mule and are looking for people to give it to you should contact those who have posted here and not received it yet.

    Other tips:

    1) To quickly transfer items too and from the box(there is a ton of stuff) press and hold R1/L1 and then down on the keypad. This works for weapons and armor. For all other consumables, manually use R2/L2

    2) All weapons trophy will not pop by the dupe

    3) If you join the darkmoon covenant, you must make sure you do not have the darkmoon talismon on you or you will not get anything for joining!

    4) There is alot of stuff and each dupe takes 1.5-2 hrs total with creating your charaters. Be aware of this before you undertake this. It is a large commitment so please be aware of that before you take this on.

    5) IMPORTANT To avoid items being lost doo not drop more than 20 items at a time and wait for them to be picked up before you drop another 20. Duping too fast can result in a corrupt translation as there can only be 25 items on the gound at any one time before the system starts deleting items. This method works and does not add much time to the drop. Please follow closely as we have needed to repair mules before they could be put in action.

    6) Important Tips for your own PvP toons from Glumort, Irian, and Dellusions:

    If you've been "muled" equip a good Lightning Weapon, a good Shield and some good Armor. Speak to Solaire to get White Sign Soapstone, buy Orange Guidance Soapstone at Undead Burg Merchant, revisit Undead Asylum to get Peculiar Doll, kill Gargoyles, Quelaag and Iron Golem, reach Anor Londo and enter Painted World of Ariamis, get Red Sign Soapstone and Dried Fingers. Congratulations your mule is ready for your own PvP. Also, you can put Soapstones, Covenant of Artorious (kill siff to get), and Dried Fingers in the BB to glitch though they cannot be dropped. So, if you create your final mule using the BB glitch on a character that has Soapstones, Dried Fingers, and covenant of Artorius Ring in the BB, you'll have them without killing any boss Plus, all these areas will still be open for PvP:

    Undead Burg (skip boss by going through havel's doors)
    Butterfly Forest
    Sifs Forest
    Twilight Londo
    Painted World

    Thanks and enjoy!!! Here's to hoping FROM never fixes the Bottomless Box Glitch! Oh, and everyone should give a big shout out to Glumort who donated his mule and tips to this community and a big thanks to those that made it and gave it to him! You are the man Glum! Our PvP Adam and Eve Mule! Your contributions cannot be overstated!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Last edited by reim0027 on Mon May 14, 2012 2:31 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Removed bb glitch tutorial video)
    The Once-Ler
    The Once-Ler

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by The Once-Ler Fri May 11, 2012 1:13 pm

    So....I was thinking there would be more interest in this from the PvP crowd as people can make builds extremely easy and quickly and try all weapons rings and armor. I have only had one respose via PM so I guess I will table this idea unless/until there is more interest.

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by Sebastrd Fri May 11, 2012 8:08 pm

    I'd be interested, but I'm on XBL.

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by quantumcoke Mon May 14, 2012 11:25 am

    Do you have anything going on for xbox? I`d love to help others

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by Emergence Mon May 14, 2012 1:57 pm

    The issue with this is the use of the bb glitch. We don't discourage players from using it but we don't allow it to be detailed on the forums, because of it's potential misuse to grief.

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by quantumcoke Mon May 14, 2012 2:03 pm

    I have a full mule on XBL VaN DeR Pro, GMT+1 on Saturdays or Sundays
    exod FEAR
    exod FEAR

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by exod FEAR Mon May 14, 2012 2:10 pm

    I'm interested in starting this. I have three PVP characters (all legit), it's so tedious though. I would like to simplify getting to SL120 because PVP is all I play the game for at this point. SADLY, I am on XBL, maybe have a subsection for us 360 gamers?

    edit: I do not have a FULL mule, I would need to be muled before I could help anyone

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    Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service Empty Re: Gauging interest in self sustaining mule service

    Post by reim0027 Mon May 14, 2012 2:33 pm

    Emergence set the tone for this thread (thanks for the clarification). I removed the video about how to do the glitch, however.

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