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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?


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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by trinitarian Sun May 13, 2012 2:13 pm

    I've done some research on the wiki and it seems that after a patch some people have complained they haven't seen a signal slab. Thus, i'm wondering if its still possible to farm slabs from dark wraiths there post-patch, since i'm a new player, or is my best bet simply going for the great hollow? I've already got the slab from the demon at the asylum and that knight quest line i think i messed up since i didn't talk to him b/f ringing the second bell.

    P.S. what is the easiest way to kill them dam crystal lizards in the hallows? every time i see one and close in for the kill it disappears into the ground. What is the sure fire way of killing them little buggers?
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 2:19 pm

    The Dark Wraiths absolutely still drop slabs, it can just take some time to get it to happen. It's all a matter of luck. I didn't get my first one from them until I'd farmed for probably a total of 15 hours of straight farming, but then I've gotten them completely by accident before too, like I was in New Londo just to run and kill the 4 Kings and had the DWs drop them. All depends on how much time you're willing to commit to trying. For the crystal geckos try equipping the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring, which will allow you to get a lot closer to them before they bolt, also the fog ring doesn't hurt. You could try Power Within too. Cast it on yourself and fire a large arrow at one from an upgraded bow. You should be doing enough damage to 1 hit kill them before they get away.

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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by Sebastrd Sun May 13, 2012 2:20 pm

    It's absolutely possible. I've farmed at least a dozen slabs from Darkwraiths in about 300-350 chunks. It's imperative that you equip the Gold Covetous Serpent Ring/Symbol of Avarice and hold 10 soft humanity.

    Try to use a weapon with a downward slashing motion on the lizards. The Drake Sword, Astora's Straight Sword, or Silver Knight Straight Sword are good examples.

    Last edited by Sebastrd on Sun May 13, 2012 2:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 2:21 pm

    Katanas work well also
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun May 13, 2012 2:22 pm

    Possible? Yes.

    Efficient? No.

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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by lextune Sun May 13, 2012 2:33 pm

    It seems to take an hour or so to get a slab to drop from my experience. Although you could get lucky and have one drop sooner, (had a slab drop on one play through just when going to kill the Kings, with no farming at all.
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 2:36 pm

    Ive definitely had it take WAY longer than an hour. It's all luck. The fact of the matter is, however, that outside of trading and NG+ing it's the only way to do it. I've heard the lizards in the Great Hollow can drop them. But I've never seen it happen and they disappear until your next play through after you kill each of them a couple times. IMO the DW's are the most reliable option.
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun May 13, 2012 2:42 pm

    Here you go:

    The lizards DO drop Slabs. I got one off of them myself a couple days back.
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by PlasticandRage Sun May 13, 2012 3:06 pm

    I'm not saying I don't think it's possible, but it's not renewable and there's a good chance that before they stop spawning you wont get any at all. I haven't in 6 play throughs

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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by Henkyona Sun May 13, 2012 3:23 pm

    finished New Londo, a few hours ago, The second dark wraith, I fought,
    and it dropped a dark hand, and a slab, I screamed like a little girl(21
    by the way), and my mom yells and asks me if I'm ok, I said YES YES YES
    I JUST GOT A SLAB, then she said, ok dear, what ever you say :3

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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by lextune Mon May 14, 2012 10:45 am it.
    White Mamba
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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

    Post by White Mamba Mon May 14, 2012 11:00 am

    I got 2 on my last trip through the hollow. The best way to get to the lizards is to make your way to where they are and if they dissappear then quit/load your game and they will show up again. Usually they show up after the first time but it may take a few more.

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    anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines? Empty Re: anyone know the odds of the drop rate for titanite slab in the ruines?

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