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    Had something funny hppen while co-oping


    Posts : 762
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    Join date : 2012-04-23
    Age : 31
    Location : Flying in the skies above

    Had something funny hppen while co-oping Empty Had something funny hppen while co-oping

    Post by Dubscythe Mon May 14, 2012 6:03 am

    I was co-oping with people to help them beat Quelaag. The first time I got summoned me and the host bowed, he summoned Mildred and right as we were about to enter the fog door we get invaded. Being the loyal phantom I am I go after him to protect the host I manage to get him close to death and right before I could get him the host died.

    Apparently he went after the phantom too and accidentally hit on of the egg carriers and died to the larvae, I was confused at first but laughed when I realized what had happened.

    Posts : 1755
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    Location : New Mombasa

    Had something funny hppen while co-oping Empty Re: Had something funny hppen while co-oping

    Post by Quarik Mon May 14, 2012 6:16 am

    Ah, the comedy of multiplayer.

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