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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    chimi chongos

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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    Post by chimi chongos Thu May 17, 2012 3:10 am

    I have like 30 white titanite chunks on my main melee build (SL 152). My faith on this build is low (14). What's the best thing for me to do with these chunks? I can upgrade some occult weapons I have but with my low faith, it doesn't seem like I would get any useful weapons out of it. I only get 50 souls a piece if I trade them with Frampt so that doesn't seem like it's worth it either. Am I stuck with a bunch of useless white titanite chunks?
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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty Re: More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    Post by Whknight Thu May 17, 2012 3:28 am

    You can actually break them down into other titanite pieces by having them in your inventory when you speak to him. I don't know what path they go down, but I imagine they break into green then shards. Who knows they may even break into larges big grin I sure as heck know they are a pain in the butt to get when you need them.

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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty Re: More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    Post by Kaminari Thu May 17, 2012 4:34 am

    they break down to the green ones.
    chimi chongos

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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty Re: More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    Post by chimi chongos Sat May 26, 2012 2:39 am

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but how do I "have them in my inventory" get Frampt to break them down to green ones. I don't see an option to "Feed White titanite Chunks" in the main dialog menu with Frampt?

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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty Re: More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

    Post by Kaminari Sat May 26, 2012 6:39 am

    that's trange....they should show up just as the normal titanite chunks..

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    More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with Empty Re: More White titanite Chunks than I know what to do with

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