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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta


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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by Dubscythe Fri May 18, 2012 9:08 pm

    I know most of you are probably waist deep in Diablo 3 right now, but there's another fantastic game of the same genre releasing this year.

    This weekend Runic will be handing out a lot of beta keys for a stress test this weekend, starting today and ending Tuesday. You're not guaranteed to get one, but all you have to do is sign up for their site.
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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Fri May 18, 2012 9:22 pm

    I've heard good about this game. I think I will sign up.

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by KomradDakka Fri May 18, 2012 10:31 pm

    from what i understand, you can build you classes like any other RPG? id like to try Diablo, but dislike the idea that i might not get -My- character, if you get my meaning.

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by Quarik Fri May 18, 2012 10:38 pm

    Of course this is my weekend for finals cramming. FAN-****ING-TASTIC
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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by Whknight Fri May 18, 2012 11:55 pm

    Loved the first one, picked it up on XBL, I'm sad this is PC only (for now), but none of us really enjoyed the class discriptions so I don't believe any of us will be trying it out.

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by Azran Sat May 19, 2012 1:13 am

    I'm not saying it should go towards a "mainstream" style with the class system; I'm just saying that at a glance I can't really determine what each of them does.

    I'd just prefer a claseless system. silly

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by Dubscythe Sat May 19, 2012 3:34 am

    Azran wrote:I'm not saying it should go towards a "mainstream" style with the class system; I'm just saying that at a glance I can't really determine what each of them does.

    I'd just prefer a claseless system. silly

    I always enjoyed class systems in games, and I find Torchlight's to be incredibly unique and interesting.

    If it was the same old Warrior/Thief/Mage/Ranger etc I probably wouldn't have nearly as much interest in the game.

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

    Post by KomradDakka Wed May 23, 2012 3:58 pm

    just picked up copies for me and my buddy. cant wait for release

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    If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta Empty Re: If anyone is interested, Runic is stress testing the Torchlight 2 beta

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