In fact heres a teaser of Letos journey to avenge poor Lady Allant...
"The coin purse failed to jingle as Letos strode through the backwater town of Eastparith, his pack now laden with all sorts of supplies and various flints and tinder, blankets, while at his hip the wide bladed dirk rested comfortably.
The merchants had little to spare for the wanderer who sought thier wares, little would come of him they though and all the better to keep the food for themselves, though he had be able to aquire a heavy loaf of grain bread, with small patches of blue mould. Also cheese was another commodity he had been able to purchase, though he was unsure how long it would keep, it too was sloppy thick with blue viens, and meat, though not much more than a few scraps unfit for anything more than stewing.
The weather was over cast and burdened with the remnants of last nights rains. Letos worried that his armour may soon rust, though he took good care of it. His breast plate was of heavy iron,as too were the shoulder plate, the rondels forged in the shape of the writhing flame of Eos. The plate mail ran down his shoulders, elbows, ending at the wrist guards which fitted over tight black leather gloves. No plate did he wear on his lower half, though he was prtected by the well made chain links which remained hidden under a forest green tunic.
Sadly not this forest, Letos though despondently.
At his waist the hand-and-a-half blade, Magebinder, rested too, long leather sheath protecting an ornately carved blade of vines crawling up the spell forged steel.
Damn and Maker Blast this accursed place, he muttered a little too loudly drawing the attentions of several marchers. He would have to be careful not to draw attention to himself as knights were sorely wlecomed in these wild parts. Ser Cleors had once told him the a knight would find himself with a second mouth should be too haughty in the Marches.
He swept back a damp lock of dark brown hair, it was long and shaggy now, he liked it this way though the Spye had required his hair be cut short. He had thick eyes brows which hung in place of deep green eyes. Letos oft liked to think of his gaze as steely, he seen Cleors do it many at time back in Eos but no matter how hard he tried, and whether it was the eyes themselves or the curvature of the brows he did not know his gaze never seemed penetrating enough. Over concerned or thoughtful perhpas but never the same steel he saw in the other knights eyes.
As he brushed the lock of hair back he could not help but run his fingers over the thick, ropy scar that ran across his face, a present from another time, which ran down between his brows, across the left side of his nose, he thanked the Maker it had not taken it off, and down onto his ceek.
Letos was by no mean ugly, or so he thought, but the scar compounded with the toll his journey was taking on his body. He rarely slept much these days which gave hos face a thin and haggard look, his body thin, though full of lean muscle, n'ere a full nights sleep since he left Eos, since he saw what they had done to Lilith.....
He tore his mind away from such thoughs, the air stank thickly of **** and unwashed bodies, so much some he had to cover his mouth with his gloved hand.
His beard was rough, rougish perhaps, not overly thick, he managed somehow to straighten it each day though he longed to shave.
As he approached the edge of the village the ramshackle houses started to fall back as if to fear the wilderness beyond, only a few of the more eccentric villager would make thier homes in the woods, full of bandits and worse as they were.
Behind him he could hear other voices, haggling, cursing, raccous laughter,and the quiet , yet determined voice of a young woman.
Letos turned, not knowing how this one momment would delay him for many days, nor knowing how it would shape the rest of his life."
Ignore the last line. its more for dramatic effect than actual story telling.