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    Roleplay. the writing game.


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    Roleplay. the writing game. Empty Roleplay. the writing game.

    Post by Zakkia Wed Jan 18, 2012 2:16 am

    Hey everyone. I couldn't decide weather this was off topic or not. But since it wasn't 100% darksouls then I decided to put it here, anyways back to the topic.

    I love writing, about stories, fantasy, anything my imagination can come up with. I was thinkingof writing a bit of a story on here to maybe spark the imagination as well as making theinner rp'ers come on out and join. The story/character that I was thinking of writing is based off dark souls so I can be maybe the history and story of your toon in dark souls. (Due o the fact we are in the souls wiki haha) anyways I hope this idea and passion can be shared as well. as participation is big.

    Here goes:

    The sun... never shined as brightly as it did before. Clouds always blotting out the shine as if it was an endless battle. The lone adventurer sat under a tree looking at the sky as he was shining his blade. "A blade, has a bond it shares with the wielder. A person that does not take care of his blade will fall to his foes" muttered the man. The tree was a pleasent sight. Something that reminded him of his home, a small village out in the woods back in life. Was this the afterlife? Yes? No? Who can tell. He still see's a world like home, yet this world is home to people driven to insanity. What is the purpose of this place? Its shrouded in mystery for I walk in a path that I do not know where it will take me. However I will find my path. This world hides its true purpose. For now. Let me keep the faith of my brothers nd sisters of the blade. The adventurer sheathes his sword and walks the shreaded path where thre multiple threats ahead. What will come? What will I find? Keep moving foward. Always remeber tat...

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    Post by JY4answer Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:45 am

    Sitting at the bonfire, a knight stares blindly into the flames. Its orange tongues reaching out, blasting warmth in all directions. She remembered the Dark Sun's words as she knelt in front of the magically blocked path. To punish the sinned... She was brought up as a child to be righteous, but to punish sinners was beyond her imaginations until yesterday. Now sitting in this warm room, occassionally stealing a glance through her helm at her fellow Blade, the woman in golden armor that called her 'one of us'... She rarely felt shy with men, let alone a woman. Yet this woman was different. No words can describe the feeling she gets whenever the golden helm turns her way, but the armor does not stop her from feeling the respect and kindness coming from behind the cold metal. She's more than just a fellow Blade. Somehow she knew that.

    Little was exchanged between them, apart from greetings and small talk of the Dark Sun and his punishers. Other Blades were at the bonfire earlier, but most of them too weary to chat. And soon after they recover, they were sent to work again. 'Enjoy your time for now, young one,' one Blade said to her, walking in thick, heavy armor with ease. 'You will only get busier.' And he left for his next assignment.

    There she sat, still puzzled. Inside her armor, she was uneasy. She was no less frightened than she was when the tall statue vanished in front of her eyes. She did not know why she was chosen, and now that she was, she did not know what to do.

    Suddenly, the crystal blue orb she received from the Dark Sun vibrated. Seeing it happen with fellow Blades, she knew it could only mean one thing. It seems she wasn't the only one. The woman in golden armor leaning on the wall took hers out as well. 'Looks like I'll be your mentor for now. Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do. Shall we?'

    She reminded her of her elder sister.
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:53 pm

    What is the purpose of a life? Are we slaves of destiny? Are we born to acomplish a given mission and then die to a better world? Or are we supossed to die for the good of all? I am a warrior, but what am I fighting for? I keep fighting and fighting, with all my strength, they all want me dead, during the day I fight for my life, during the night a have nightmares, I see all those who I killed, they don't want to give up, but is too late. What am I fighting for? As I get stronger and stronger, I realise that pleasure do not satisfies me anymore. I have so many questions, but I have np other choice but to keep going. I am tired of killing for nothing, all the deaths in vain, I rather die than keep having these nightmares, walking through the void while suffering. Nothing more. But one night, something happened. In another one of my dark dreams, I saw a light. I light diferent from every other light I have seen before, it was her. She opened my eyes, I could see the ones I have killed were all demons, all of them. She made me see who were my friends, she gave me hope, she gave me reason, she gave me life. After my awakening, I knew exacly what to do, what I was fighting for. My destiny is what I choose to do, and it was saving her. I will never give up, it may take a day or ten thousand years, but I will find her. This is a promise.

    Last edited by Carphil on Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Roleplay. the writing game. Empty Re: Roleplay. the writing game.

    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:55 pm

    lol, choosed XD

    who is that supposed to be though? im having trouble telling :|

    and im gonna give an Artorias one a shot later on, it won't be exactly to lore and my own take on it, but noone take that before i go for it silly

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    Post by Zakkia Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:56 pm

    (@serious. Mostppl are just doing intros atm.)
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:57 pm

    Sorry for bad english, thats why I wanted the "edit" function, thanks for reminding me. I almost cried writing that lol
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:58 pm

    lol intros? im confused now XD lol!
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:59 pm

    Well that was about myself actually, but I would do about a character later
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:02 pm

    Carphil wrote:Well that was about myself actually

    aww thats so nice, cant find suitable emoticon so lets just go with random one. :afro:
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:02 pm

    though i still dont understand the intro thing silly
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:03 pm

    Afro? thanks I guess.. will you write about something?
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 4:08 pm

    ill probably do some later on, ill have my food first (7p.m. here) then ill get my writing brain on after iv finished my work... which will not be for a while :|

    getting distracted by this isnt helping much XD

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    Post by Rellim Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:12 pm

    (OOC: If I'm reading this correctly then this will be like a BB RP of yor where the only rules are make sure it makes sense and dont mess with someone elses journey?)

    A man, average in height, wanders into view of the bonfire. His tattered hood on his head conceal his features but what it cant hind is the Blighttown Swamp muck dripping from his pants nor the stale aroma that filters through the air.

    He sits down on a nearby log and grumbles something about "slugs" before pulling out a large titanate. He admires the hard fought for metal for a moment before starting to etch it into his Halberd.
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:20 pm

    I love the way the title is role play yet people are writing in the third person XD but then again fits with the game..
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:36 pm

    ..So then, he took off from the familiar surroundings of the great castle and cathedral. A place strewn with great stone statues only matched by the giants guarding this ethereal, magnificent city, so far removed from the rest of the world that not even the highest peaks could glimpse the wonders inside the high walls. His only purpose, to fulfill his pledge to his king; to voyage into the unknown lands where the servants of dark itself reside.

    With only his trusted weapons to keep him safe from the dangers that awaited him in the land of the dead, he carefully progressed through fortress, swamp, all manner of isolated thing he reached a forest. The environment so strange, so twisted, so dark. No mortal eye could view the far side of this seemingly never ending expanse.

    The trees drowned out the sound so that nothing could be heard above his heavy, fleeting heartbeat and nerved, inconsistent breath when a noise caused him to snap his head to the right. There emerged out of the black, a great wolf, with fur stricken with silver that almost dwarfed even his own monstrous frame. The only thing more fearsome than the sparkling claws was his bright golden eyed gaze piercing his soul..

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    Post by Zakkia Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:11 pm

    Tired... the blade I wield weighs down my right arm, my shield swinging against my back as I continue to walk."On my toes..." my old master used to tell me to always be on my toes. I continue wandering the broken darkened hallway with a shimmer of light going through the ceiling cracks. I see a chair and thankfully i slowly walk towards it in a relaxed feeling. But.. something isn't right... I glance around take my shield out for protection and slowly start sitting in the chair. When its pulled out from under me. Suddenly i flip backwards to see who was there. Nothing... "What.. in the world..?" I look up and see a green branch crawling through the ceilings. I follow it with my eyes all the way down to behind a corner. I walk towards it slowly readying my blade and right before pulling the curtain, something grabs me by the foot and drags me through the curtain....

    "Darkness... what is darkness without light?... What is light without darkness? Perhaps they are all relevant and depend on one another. One cannot exist without the other...."
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:15 pm

    You don't have ideia how I love this posts, makes us feel more important, and everyone around us...
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:20 pm

    I just find it fun... dunno what direction to take my one next though.. need some inspiration XD

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    Post by Rellim Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:46 pm

    I just find it fun... dunno what direction to take my one next though.. need some inspiration XD
    OOC: How about your first characters experiences throughout the game?
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:50 pm

    I'm doing artorias one lol, read my post silly

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    Post by Zakkia Wed Jan 18, 2012 10:55 pm

    "Hello!... Hello!" I look around, its completely black, cant even see my own hand. I hear something, crawling... What is it? I search around for my sword but without any luck, my shield luckily stayed on my arm so I have some sort of protection. I stumble over some branches that must have been part of the plant that pulled me in. I was dropped here but i can still hear it. I see a small glow in the distance. Walking towards the light its the only source around. As i get to the small ball of light i try to catch it in my hand... Nope, too quick. It moves around and around, almost like a playful little fairy. suddenly a flash of light comes around the room. About 6 feet away was my sword, the blade given to me by my grandmaster. I sprint to it in a roll sweeping up my sword in a crouched position. I see the green vines leading to a black oily skin like vein. It goes up to this horrific looking man eating plant. I observe the plant as the crazy movements flail around nearly hitting me. Then all goes dark, the noise and screeching stops. Light, i have to find the source. The ball of light floats to my right, to the left i remember the plant was. Perfect. I sprint towards the light then i tap the light once more. The plant popped right where the ball of light was and flailed at my wildly. I roll forward and try to stab at the plant. My blade is sucked into the center of the black vein as he takes me with it. Suddenly i hear a rapid heartbeat and the black and red coiling intestine moves rapidly. I take my sword and stab into the gory mess as it then disappears and i appear back into the castle room which i started. "Crying..?" i listen closely as the fallen curtains hold a shape around them, then a girl with short green and black hair appears, sobbing. She looks up at me frightened but hopeful for mercy. I remove my hood, revealing my medium blonde look and green emerald eyes. "Are you okay?" I ask her softly, such a young girl, around the age of 15. She told me about how she was once cursed by a jealous witch who believed everyone to be against her. She betrayed her mother who was the mistress sorceress of the kingdom. She held up a wand and explained how she was taught magic by her mother and is relatively a prodigy. "Can you handle yourself?" i asked even though it didnt matter. I could never leave this girl by herself in this new world. I asked her to accompany me and she agreed happily. "May my magic help you how it may!" she said sweetly. Her name is Crosia. She is a girl with many hopes and dreams of finding her people. Sadly i couldnt bring it to heart to tell her that this world was a place of dreams. Nightmares and of the unliving. So i march on with a new companion to assist me. I will protect her as well as anyone i find.

    This new world is a hard place. But relying on eachother is all we can do.
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:12 pm

    😢 beautiful story!

    Its already late here, tomorrow I will write something ;D
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:16 pm

    LOL carphil what do you class as late? it's past 2 in the morning where i am silly
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    Post by Carphil Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:19 pm

    mid night here, but tomorrow I was supossed to wake up 7 am to go to the beach and buy some stuff near there, normally I would go sleep around 2 am as well
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    Post by Serious_Much Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:24 pm

    lol, twins! big grin

    seriously though, because i have nothing to do hardly I stay up till early morning for no reason.. so bad!

    I remember staying up till 1a.m. playing Dark Souls before a shift at the carehome.. NOT FUN.

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