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Phoenix Rising
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    Buffing during a match.


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    Buffing during a match. Empty Buffing during a match.

    Post by bloodpixel Sun May 27, 2012 1:02 pm

    So lets say the opponent did not let you buff. How will you buff during the match? Or do you just ignore buffing?
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Serious_Much Sun May 27, 2012 1:05 pm

    I just buff after bowing always, if the guy attacks me while I'm doing it, Ce la vie right?
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by dancash1808 Sun May 27, 2012 1:05 pm

    Backpedal. either that or get a good distance away wait for some kind of a spell get behind a tree and buff (forest). people often seem to expect some kind of a trap if you move backwards quickly and often dont follow.
    Phoenix Rising
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Phoenix Rising Sun May 27, 2012 1:31 pm

    I'll usually either backpedal while they're swinging, cast WotG and make THEM back up or just say screw it and try to win unbuffed. With the falchion thats a tall order though...
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Tolvo Sun May 27, 2012 1:33 pm

    Parry Riposte, Buff as they get up.

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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by reim0027 Sun May 27, 2012 1:46 pm

    I usually don't buff unless they do. That gives me the time. But, if I want to buff, and I'm hosting, then I'll do it during the spawn animation.
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by RANT Sun May 27, 2012 2:32 pm

    I just won't buff, the three build I use the most don't really need to buff anyway, two of them have high str and the other has50 faith and 6 wog in case I can't buff or get ganked.

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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by GrEeNgObLiN Sun May 27, 2012 8:22 pm

    why buff.
    its more fun to win from someone who buffs .
    once i had a duel with only my claws,the oppenent had a demons machete and DM buff.
    i hit him bit bye bit till he finally die s cause my little dmg weapon!
    that feels sooo great!
    after the kill he pm me to say it was awesome and he wanna fight me again.
    this was during hosting in sens
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun May 27, 2012 8:27 pm

    I buff as they bow, then I bow. If they just attack me instead i wog bs foe 900 or so damage, then buff while their down.
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Rynn Sun May 27, 2012 8:31 pm

    Buf animations aren't too long, I just get about 20 feet in-between us and start the buff come hell or high water. My dagger only has 171 AR otherwise, I need to do it <3.
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Forum Pirate Sun May 27, 2012 8:35 pm

    No chaos bandits backup?
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by Rynn Sun May 27, 2012 8:38 pm

    Got a chaos rapier for backup, yeah. But it's not as efficient as the 2-3 second victories the dagger gives.
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    Buffing during a match. Empty Re: Buffing during a match.

    Post by billy_bayonet Sun May 27, 2012 8:59 pm

    put your back to a wall and catch HSM, most people wont risk having to get that close and it gives you the 5 seconds you need to buff, if you dont have it just kick them roll back and buff with your back to the wall,

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