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    Buffing on weapons.


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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:29 pm

    I find that buffing is way better on faster weapons than bigger weapons. Why?

    Because you apply the damage buff over and over again with a fast weapon like the dagger or falchion, whereas with a UG you apply it once every second. The damage really adds up.

    (Not to say that buffing ultra-class weapons is useless)
    Chosen Undead
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by Spurgun Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:42 pm

    Most people figured this out a long time ago silly
    That's why there (or at least were) so many katana buff builds.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:45 pm

    I know. I just still felt compelled to blurt this out. And who knows? A noob might see this and go, "Huzzah! Tis maketh sense of the nonsensical actions of mine. A fool I have been, fighting thine silly hollows with rather large and spontaneously obnoxious weapons such as a large club! And buffing thine club, to boot! How silly I have been."

    I dunno.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:48 pm

    I don't need to hit things very many times with my Lemon Buffed Great Scythe +15 though.....
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:50 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:I don't need to hit things very many times with my Lemon Buffed Great Scythe +15 though.....

    My sentiments exactly. I've been buffing my Zweihander, and I really only need to land one hit. Two at the most, depending on who I'm fighting.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by Spurgun Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:50 pm

    @EeA. A club is one of the str weapons that makes the most out of the buff. It's ground pound can do +1000 damage when buffed, add the damage boost from a roar to that and you can OHK some opponents.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:52 pm

    Hmm. I always thought that the buff was static to the weapon's AR. Never thought that the weapon's dmg modifier for different attacks would apply to the buff.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by Spurgun Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:55 pm

    It is static. It's just that some attack do a ton of damage anyway, so adding ~300 to that will make it even better silly

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:57 pm

    Oh well. lol You are right however. 300~ dmg can make a big difference.

    I stand by my disclaimer:

    (Buffing ultra-class weapons is not useless)

    I just find it more effective to buff fast weapons. It's a better use that gets more out of the buff.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by Spurgun Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:01 pm

    I just prefer to not buff at all, and not use any spells either. I always forget that i can use them when i fight, they're pretty useless if you never use them lol

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:02 pm


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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:06 pm

    I find it funny: I have never used the large club. I think I shall in my upcoming str build for the Chaos Legion.
    Tyler Durden
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:19 pm

    i wouldnt say it's better, i would say it's wasier since dex/small weapons are a lot easier to use than the ultra weapons and since smaller weapons give you more room for more poise and you can just spam r1 and kill anyone within seconds which is why you never go heah to head against a weapon like the falchion, buff or no buff.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:22 pm

    I say better because the buff is applied over and over, making them more effective than slow weapons, pureley because of the amount of hits.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:02 pm

    that's one o fthose things that it's up to who's handling the weapons. with a great hammer you can do a ground pound then bs them while theyre stunlocked and youre dead, the only thing yo need is enough poise to take one hit from whatever weapon your opponent is using and you won the fight. it all depends on who's better but smal weapons are definately easier to use which is why you see everyone using them.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:04 pm

    Not saying which weapon is better, Rant. Just saying that buffing is more effectively used on small weapons, due to how the buff damage is applied over and over again over a smaller amount of time.
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:07 pm

    dude, i agreed with yo on my first post, i said small weapons with buff are definately better but only if you go head to head against them which is something you should never do.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:12 pm

    There we go. My bad hahaha! Any way, fast weapons are for p*ssies. LARGE WEAPONS FTW! twisted

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:41 pm

    One aspect not mentioned yet here is this:

    The buff damage gets applied to each hit in the backstab/riposte animation, and big weapons typically have two-hit criticals. Without a buff, having your critical occur in two hits doesn't really buy you anything over a single-hit critical since the total damage output is the same (if I'm not mistaken), but with a buff, you get the bonus damage twice.

    Add in the hornet ring, which boosts the buff damage, too, and a riposte against a human with a large weapon is getting the buff damage applied 3 hornet-ring-boosted times. Of course a lightweight weapon still gets the buffed-buff damage applied twice in this scenario, but I think that the extra hit on criticals for large weapons is not to be overlooked.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:42 pm

    Good point. I forgot. Completely. I'm sure you parry people will find a big use of that fact :p
    Tyler Durden
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:52 pm

    hornet only boosts physical not buff.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:54 pm

    Aye, but he said that the buff was applied to every hit, right? A riposte with a ultra-class weapon is a 3-hit wonder. A buff supposedly is applied to every hit. So you gain more damage because of the 3-hit riposte.
    Tyler Durden
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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:56 pm

    yes, you do get the boost only from the phys damage but the buff itself gets no damage boost, its not like it needs it anyway lol.

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:04 pm

    Lol. Do you get what the 3-hit riposte does? Buff dmg is static, but it is applied with every hit. So, logically thinking...

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    Buffing on weapons. Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:14 pm

    RantFromRant wrote:hornet only boosts physical not buff.

    Is that tested and true? I thought the thread I linked was concluding the opposite, that the buffs do get bonus damage, but maybe I was reading it wrong.

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