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    Buffing on weapons.

    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by RANT Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:16 pm

    well with my DGM crystal+5 ive done around 1400 damage no buff and no hr(riposte), i magine that 3 hit riposte, ohko.

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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Fri Dec 07, 2012 10:08 pm

    Hey, I ran a bunch of tests and posted in the archives, and yes, the hornet ring boosts the damage of buffs (resins at least, and only against enemies that you get the special animation for):

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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by passivefamiliar Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:23 am

    I really hate how so many people seem concerned with landing a one hit kill. I enjoy pvp battles. Even if i lose if it was a real fight. Not a 5 second dps race....i usually see it coming. And do a shrug or a facepalm. And move on to find someone who enjoys the mechanic of the fight.


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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by raecor14 Sat Dec 08, 2012 10:38 am

    EeAyEss wrote:I know. I just still felt compelled to blurt this out. And who knows? A noob might see this and go, "Huzzah! Tis maketh sense of the nonsensical actions of mine. A fool I have been, fighting thine silly hollows with rather large and spontaneously obnoxious weapons such as a large club! And buffing thine club, to boot! How silly I have been."

    I dunno.

    i lol'd. and yeah but you still wont have the RAW power behind a scmitar

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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by XachAttack Sat Dec 08, 2012 11:43 am

    passivefamiliar wrote:I really hate how so many people seem concerned with landing a one hit kill. I enjoy pvp battles. Even if i lose if it was a real fight. Not a 5 second dps race....i usually see it coming. And do a shrug or a facepalm. And move on to find someone who enjoys the mechanic of the fight.

    Thank you! The longer the fight, the better the result, win or lose.

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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by PhlyingDutchman Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:51 pm

    XachAttack wrote:
    passivefamiliar wrote:I really hate how so many people seem concerned with landing a one hit kill. I enjoy pvp battles. Even if i lose if it was a real fight. Not a 5 second dps race....i usually see it coming. And do a shrug or a facepalm. And move on to find someone who enjoys the mechanic of the fight.

    Thank you! The longer the fight, the better the result, win or lose.


    I don't even attempt to backstab unless someone whiffs with a huge attack and leaves themselves totally exposed.

    ...actually it's usually me doing the whiffing - some of the R2 attacks just look so cool!


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    Buffing on weapons. - Page 2 Empty Re: Buffing on weapons.

    Post by EeAyEss Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:45 pm

    I love prolonged fights. So much fun. AND it is SO COOL to attack with a spear when not turtling. So many people don't know what to do.

    1000 hp is down and they are like wtf?

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