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    Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?


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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by peaceful_sabre Mon May 28, 2012 4:45 pm

    If there one thing i don't enjoy alot is 2v1 as i can't win most times, especially now. I've recently returned to the game, trying out a new build. Its hard as i can't play to freely(time wise) and am still training to complete my build(im lv84 with only 18hp). what we need on xbox is a plae to fight 1v1, not gank or stuff. nice and frequent. where you can hone your skills, not a event waited for.

    Yes i know this kind of thing is probably wishful thinking, a place to go to be assured with duel, but it would be great, cuz when you testing, fighting more than 1 at a time when you need souls in 'unfortunate'.

    Im sorry if you tried to read this and you didn't get what i was getting at. need to improve my explaining skills happy

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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by MsCherryBlossom Mon May 28, 2012 4:48 pm

    I thought the undead burg was people new choice for PVP. Id speak to one of those people in that FC place.
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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by billy_bayonet Mon May 28, 2012 8:38 pm

    check out ser isaacs thread on oganized pvp in that section, im not sure what the dueling on xbox is like, but yeah i know he organises that kinda thing
    Duke's Archivist
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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon May 28, 2012 8:43 pm

    This is totally normal, you just have to find other fighters to get organized duels on Xbox. It's frustrating, but you can find them out there, it's just rarer than on PS3, it seems.

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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by Lolo. Mon May 28, 2012 8:57 pm

    I'd be up for this. I've got a build in progress close-ish to your level, send me a message on xbl. My GT is MothproofYew762.

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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by SmittyRomps Tue May 29, 2012 3:13 pm

    Undead burg is pretty frequent on 1v1s, the people there are just prettty good

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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

    Post by GkMrBane Tue May 29, 2012 4:19 pm

    If your on Xbox I have a 623 toon if you have a red soap stone or and cracked red eye orb you can invade me if we try in a less populated area and you might have to Blk crystal out if you invade anyone else.

    If you kill me at that lvl you should get around 800,000 souls or 900,000 I cant remember.

    Should be plenty though to let yor lvl up to 120 (if thats your goal)

    and I'll fight back. . . . . . . with my bare fist!!!!!!!!!! so dont expect and easy fight

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    Wishful thinking(xbox)    Specified duel? Empty Re: Wishful thinking(xbox) Specified duel?

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