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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:13 pm

    Due to lore, and the fact that I just do not want to be stuck with the RoFaP, I have to have 48 endurance to light roll. Oh, and I don't want to wear the DWGR. I don't need any more stats into anything else, So I don't really think the 8 points are wasted.

    Any of you guys have any ideas? I want to keep the same armor on.

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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by nemesismonkey Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:36 pm

    Drop dex to 14. Just saved you 26 points. No point in putting into dex if you are gonna use chaos. I imagine you or someone else will say it is to increase pyro cast speed. But if thats the only reason. I think its a waste.
    And as you are not using rofap, you may as well vit gouge.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Phoenix Rising Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:39 pm

    The only thing i would do is switch to a straight +15 flamberge so you don't have to split damage...thats just me though...other than that it looks good.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:44 pm

    nemesismonkey wrote:Drop dex to 14. Just saved you 26 points. No point in putting into dex if you are gonna use chaos. I imagine you or someone else will say it is to increase pyro cast speed. But if thats the only reason. I think its a waste.
    And as you are not using rofap, you may as well vit gouge.

    I don't want to call you an idiot, but... Look Skyward It makes a huge difference. I've had a character without 40 dex and a character with 12 dex. It's.. just.. HUGE. Plus, if I choose to do so, I can use a dex based weapon.

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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:23 pm

    yea dont drop the dex, especially since you're using pyro and a flamberge. only thing i would suggest is using a +15 flamberge, you will do better dmg since it scales mainly with dex. +15 does 445 pure physical dmg while chaos 469 dmg, but thats split into two different types of dmg and two different defenses you will have to go through. if you are using a claymore or bastard sword then go chaos +5. i like it, its very similar to my pretty much favorite build.

    edit:might not be a bad idea to do what i do and just use steel gauntlets and heavy boots, it will give you an extra 1.8 pounds(for a bow or rapier ext)
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:26 pm

    Ahh. ok. I didn't compare the damage of the +15 and fire. Thanks XD
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:00 pm

    nemesismonkey wrote:Drop dex to 14. Just saved you 26 points. No point in putting into dex if you are gonna use chaos. I imagine you or someone else will say it is to increase pyro cast speed. But if thats the only reason. I think its a waste.
    And as you are not using rofap, you may as well vit gouge.
    Casting speed. I very much disagree, pyromancy with under 30 dex just doesn't work. I've tried. A lot actually, you never hit anything. Minimum 30 dex for your pyromancer joe.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:03 pm

    Forum Pirate wrote:
    nemesismonkey wrote:Drop dex to 14. Just saved you 26 points. No point in putting into dex if you are gonna use chaos. I imagine you or someone else will say it is to increase pyro cast speed. But if thats the only reason. I think its a waste.
    And as you are not using rofap, you may as well vit gouge.
    Casting speed. I very much disagree, pyromancy with under 30 dex just doesn't work. I've tried. A lot actually, you never hit anything. Minimum 30 dex for your pyromancer joe.
    She's already SL79 with 40 dex silly

    Thanks, tho big grin
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:13 pm

    Its a sl 80, not a 120, but I've been really successful with mine.

    Poision mist, great fireball, great combustion, fire surge, and fire tempest are my spells. Though for dues I might change them, barely use gfb really. Fire surge and fire tempest are most of my kills.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:15 pm

    Forum Pirate wrote:Its a sl 80, not a 120, but I've been really successful with mine.

    Poision mist, great fireball, great combustion, fire surge, and fire tempest are my spells. Though for dues I might change them, barely use gfb really. Fire surge and fire tempest are most of my kills.
    Sadly, I didn't grab Fire Surge on my first playthrough. Is it worth having two is is one good enough? I like having two tempests XD I'm not allowed any spell that isn't fire. Any mists or buffs is out. Only one I can use is Flash Sweat. (Covenant kind of thing)
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:47 pm

    any reason why your sig can a spelling mistake lol?
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:49 pm

    billy_bayonet wrote:any reason why your sig can a spelling mistake lol?
    ... wat. Engrish pwease.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:51 pm

    oh my that was such a major typing fail!!! now i roam these parts feigning ABLUTION.....isnt it absolution?
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:51 pm

    nope. big grin
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:52 pm

    whats ablution!? is that even a word :O
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by JoeBroski09 Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:53 pm


    The act of washing oneself.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by billy_bayonet Sat Jun 09, 2012 10:54 pm

    we call that a shower in england :O
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Forum Pirate Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:14 pm

    Fire surge is great. 2 would be cool, but 1 is enough for it to do its job. Its mostly pressure and bs punishing when I use it. They fish, you unlock and spin in place. It looks stupid but it works.

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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by WyrmHero Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:29 am

    Nice build, +15 Flamberge and your good to go
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by dancash1808 Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:59 am

    Sorry, how do you get 2 fire tempests. I thought that was a 1 a character sorta deal.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:03 am

    ^I believe the chaos one you can only get one of, but you can buy the normal one of Quelana.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Spurgun Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:04 am

    The only Pyros that are 1 per char are great chaos fireball and chaos storm.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by Spurgun Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:05 am

    DoughGuy wrote:^I believe the chaos one you can only get one of, but you can buy the normal one of Quelana.

    You can’t buy tempest from Quelana. She either gives it to you when you have completed her "task" (killing BoC) or you get it when you kill her.
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by DoughGuy Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:06 am

    But you can still get one per playthrough. So I was half right silly
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    Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame Empty Re: Future First Follower of the Flame: The Dark Flame

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:18 am - for faster casting speed - I personally also would swap once at low hp - the wolf ring for the RTSr. It will make you basically OHKO people with pyromancies.

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