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    Dark Souls Wants Me To Live!


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    Dark Souls Wants Me To Live! Empty Dark Souls Wants Me To Live!

    Post by Extertionist Sat Jun 16, 2012 3:58 am

    So I was going through lost izalith and after a series of bad fights I had run out of estus and had only about 30% of my life left, but then as I headed towards the titanite demon bridge to get to another bonfire, something happened. My estus flasks were refilled, five times. As anyone who plays Dark Souls may know, having this happen once is pretty rare, but this, I mean, encountering a couple vagrants would be more likely.


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    Dark Souls Wants Me To Live! Empty Re: Dark Souls Wants Me To Live!

    Post by DamageCK Sat Jun 16, 2012 4:04 am

    That's clutch. Haha.

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    Dark Souls Wants Me To Live! Empty Re: Dark Souls Wants Me To Live!

    Post by Yarxov Mon Jun 18, 2012 1:38 am

    Brilliant, it was quite a miracle haha silly

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