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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)


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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by ChizFreak Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:33 pm

    This is the only set that no one has found yet. Every armor in the game, is usable by the player. From Gwyn to Iron Golem, from Smough to Cresfallen Warrior. But his armor? And don't come to tell that the Cleric armor set it's the same because it's not. That's the set that Nico and Vincent use, not Petrus. I've seen, can't remember where, pictures of Petrus' set, called Elite cleric armor or something like that, but no one knows it's location. Anyone?

    Also just realized that Petrus uses a Morning Star, the "most savage weapon used by clerics", lol totally represents him. And he uses the Knight's shield instead of the standard Caduceus shield that Nico and Vincent use.

    EDIT: I found the pics I was talking about, here they are:

    Be aware that there is also a Helm for the set that Petrus does not use. I think maybe (if it's in the game) it could be found in ToG? That place is very dark.
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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Re: Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by ublug Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:03 pm

    This is still not known.
    The armor set can be seen in this trailer:
    The classes trailer was also released a month after the game, which should make the armor's existence even more viable. I doubt that it can be found in any known location, if it could then someone would have found it by now, but there may be an unknown way to trigger it.
    The 'mage smith' armor that blacksmith Rickert are wearing is also missing, it's similar to the black sorcerer set, but with a blue front piece.

    I suspect that they are related to drift items or vagrants; "The more powerful the vagrant, the higher chance it will drop better armor than what spawned it". Very little is still known about vagrants, I have not heard of anyone who got a 'significant' item like an armor set from them, players usually just get a humanity or a copper coin when killing them. Other drift items are also an unknown, but people have reported finding 'goodie-bags' in various places, while playing online, with different consumable items inside.
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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Re: Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:34 pm

    hmm maybe there actually is a color change option in the game and we just haven't figured it out, like 3 possible color schemes for armors etc?
    Tyler Durden
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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Re: Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by RANT Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:25 pm

    sparkly-twinkly-lizard wrote:hmm maybe there actually is a color change option in the game and we just haven't figured it out, like 3 possible color schemes for armors etc?

    its not just the color, the armors are different, its like the knight and elite knight armors.

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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Re: Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by Herbo Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:55 pm

    If you gank Petrus after saving emo Rhea perhaps his armor shows up on a corpse placed somewhere in the world?
    But it is a bit odd that Chunk gives you a copper coin and you also get copper coins from the vagrants so...maybe some lucky little boy or girl will get a special prize from an egg monster if the stars and moon align properly and they've pwn'ed enough tail in just the right quantities?

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    Petrus' Armor set (Pics included) Empty Re: Petrus' Armor set (Pics included)

    Post by Yarxov Tue Jan 31, 2012 10:57 pm

    We should pick a location and just empty our inventories of junk to increase the chances of getting vagrants. A 'Vagrant farm' of sorts.

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