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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?


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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by retro Sun Jun 24, 2012 3:32 pm

    Of the three vagrants I've seen, only one of them has matched the lists on both wikis. Does that mean I've found new locations, or that vagrants aren't actually bound to a select number of predetermined locations?

    If they spawn from someone losing a lot of humanity or leaving certain items, it seems likely to me that there are PvE locations that will cause players to die in similar or identical locations. That could be an explanation for why some people have spotted some in the same place.

    Just wondering what everyone thinks. I've always had some doubts about their location lists. I guess there's no real way to know unless some heavily co-ordinated vagrant testing takes place, which I don't think is likely to happen unfortunately.

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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by Green__Eagle Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:14 am

    I've seen one that wasn't on the list in Wiki as well. The one I saw was in Undead Asylum just before the boss fog gate where you would do the r1 plunging attack.

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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by retro Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:07 am

    The two that I saw:

    -In the Undead Burg, right at the bottom of the steps of the small spiral staircase (the tower with the archer in it). Sticking halfway out of the 'doorway'. I think it was an evil vagrant, but I'm not certain. I remember the location more accurately because it was before I knew the difference between types.

    -In the Undead Parish. Headed from the blacksmith bonfire, there's the empty area outside, 'to the right' of the stairs into the church. The area behind the crossbow undead. The vagrant was all the way up against the building and disappeared like a crystal lizard before I had a chance to kill it. It was a good vagrant.

    The one that did agree with the current lists:

    -In the Undead Parish, near the Tower Knight / Reah.

    But if it's possible that there aren't fixed locations, that could just be the Tower Knight wrecking people in some level of NG+, right? I could see how an overconfident player might get killed by it in that area. If the vagrant is spawning wherever a large batch of humanity was lost, people seeing it in the same spot could just be a coincidence.

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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by lextune Mon Jun 25, 2012 9:58 am

    I killed one in Anor right next to the broken window you jump down through to get the dragonslayer bow. I don't think that location is on any list is it?

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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by Doelker Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:26 am

    Imagine this... BP Tower Knight and Normal Tower Knight at the Parish in NG++ ...
    I was running like a crazy when I noticed there was the usual tower knight and a black phantom version of it.
    On topic, I've only seen an evil one in New Londo by Beatrice's sign.
    I have always looked the areas suggested by the wiki but never seen another one.
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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

    Post by Federally Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:27 am

    Most of the more commonly reported locations are all areas heavy with traffic and death. Due to the immense amount of Burg and Parish PvP no location in either area is weird or unexplainable.

    @lextune I wonder if you saw my vagrant lol. I once died trying to get out to the bow and lost my stain.

    The one I've seen I didn't get was an evil vagrant by the sunlight altar. I sat down at the bonfire and he shot **** at me. Just seems like an odd place to die.

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    Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations? Empty Re: Is there evidence that suggests that vagrants have fixed spawn locations?

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