by VinheimProfessor Mon Jul 23, 2012 12:28 pm
Perhaps the Everlasting Dragon isn't the Firekeeper at all, but is just resting there. Anastasia, for example, is not immediately near the Firelink Shrine bonfire. The closest person to this bonfire is The Crestfallen Warrior. This would make some sense, as dragons apparently can't use humanity, and an essential element for being a Firekeeper is that they draw massive amounts of humanity. Also, so much humanity results in deformities yet the Everlasting Dragon seems completely healthy. Perhaps you don't have to kill the Everlasting Dragon at all.
This leads to another thought: the Fair Lady is said to be sick because of sucking the poison from Eingyi's body in an attempt to heal him. However, returning to Firekeeper lore, the massive amounts of humanity they absorb deform their bodies. Perhaps she was temporarily ill due to the poison, but became sicker the more humanity Quelaag bought to her. Quelaag may have been inadvertently killing her sister's eggs by hunting so much humanity. The Fair Lady herself says that her eggs have stopped moving, yet the implication is that the eggs were moving while she was sick, but started to stop. Perhaps that is why there is a record of how much humanity has been given to her. Especially since the text dump didn't show any dialogue in which she fully recovers. It could also be the case that the nature of her Firekeeper deformity is that her eggs will always be weaker, but the more humanity she absorbs to gain more strength personally, the more of them will die. The poison may not have been the key cause of her wasting illness at all. Just speculation.