Here's a little PvP w/commentary showcasing the Silver Knight spear, enjoy!
Pesth wrote:the greatest weapon against a spear user is a high poise/vit build with a elemental shotel
the nightmare of every spear turtle
Pesth wrote:the greatest weapon against a spear user is a high poise/vit build with a elemental shotel
the nightmare of every spear turtle
Tolvo wrote:Very nice video, and a favorite weapon of mine in the forest. And you technically turtled a few times, but only in the loosest sense, just doing a few shield pokes mainly against DMB users I assume to help off put the DMB damage. I enjoyed watching the fights, very nice use of the weapon Mart. If only the SK spear could be buffed, I'd love to use it with a charcoal resin haha.
Tolvo wrote:I don't like to usethatany glitch haha.