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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:27 am

    I was just browsing through the Dutch equivalent of Craig's List ,

    when I found a funny post of this particular vendor who wants to sell his copy of Dark Souls.

    He has a really good reason to do so .,



    This was the whole article ,

    It's not very common for people to give an explaination of why they are selling the game ,

    instead of what the condition of the product is etcetera. :pirat:
    Duke's Archivist
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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:30 am


    I guess... silly
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:32 am

    haha , that's exactly what I was thinking

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by Digitalyzed Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:52 am

    Wow, guess he just wasn't able to stand it He can join the ranks of those who have raged.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:06 am

    Many of us with myself included have raged at several points ,
    during our first playthrough the most for sure ,
    but to give up on the whole game just because he got cursed in The Depths,
    thinking that he has to beat the Gaping Dragon this way,
    just shows he probably shouldn't be playing this game
    at all in the first place haha.

    It's not that far of a walk to buy purging stones when being in The Depths big grin

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by IceIfrit666 Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:46 pm

    Ziko, when I first got the game, I went into the Depths and was cursed twice before a patch (So I had 1/4 of my health). I had no idea how to get out of the Depths so I continued and nearly got to the bottom of Blight Town. I had asked some wiki guys about how to get out of the Depths and finally got cured after 2 days. The point is that the seller is a wimp.
    ZikoLogiKa NL
    ZikoLogiKa NL

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by ZikoLogiKa NL Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:11 am

    Lol well i mean when something as dramatic as being cursed pre-patch occurs , he should've checked out a strategy guide or a random post on the internet to see what can be done about it. :cyclops:
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List Empty Re: Funny description on Dutch equivalent of Craig's List

    Post by User Mon Jul 30, 2012 2:40 am

    I raged at those who preferred to backstab than to fight me head first, when I so willingly show it... I give these people a large side of sunlight, as I usually fight with an occult instead of pure with sunlight blade.

    Same for people with spells, which I never use unless I see them use it. I usually have emit force and always Gravelord Greatsword dance for such times of spell usage. I can dodge every spell, but I prefer to fight with raw force than with magical casts.

    Rage for first playthrough never existed... When I first played all the way past two lord souls (Seath and BoC) with my Pyromancer, I was very good at killing and I did not fight Capra nor gaping, as I took the Shortcut from the forest to drake, and then to Blighttown. Getting there was a problem, until my Fire Orbs with plus 15 glove killed them all with my raw hand axe, which I got after killing the spider and got more Pyromancy. She was a nice girl, until I got screwed over by Niro and lack of light

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