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    Best Covy for a 225 Build?


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    Best Covy for a 225 Build? Empty Best Covy for a 225 Build?

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:03 pm

    I've made a grand total of 4 120 builds, and even though I love them, I've decided to try and make an ultra build.

    Basically It's a Leeroy build on steroids.

    What's the best Covy for getting fights at 225 though? I'd assume it's the Forrest Hunters, as it has no level restrictions, but Darkmoons can invade down as well. I assume that Darkwraiths won't find nearly as much action as they do at 120.


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    Best Covy for a 225 Build? Empty Re: Best Covy for a 225 Build?

    Post by sergeantstrawbery Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:23 am

    I would go with darkmoon or forest. darkmoon ring has no level restrictions as does the forest. So make this choice: lagstabbers in the forest or gankers in dark anor londo. You can have trouble invading with the blue eye orb sometimes, though. forest is faster, but you'll lose
    Tyler Durden
    Tyler Durden

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    Best Covy for a 225 Build? Empty Re: Best Covy for a 225 Build?

    Post by RANT Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:43 am

    go with the darkmoon talisman, leeroy uses the canvas talisman but since you wanna get the mot damage might as well go with the strongest talisman. sadly after the patch youre gonna need 99 end to fast roll with the complete leeroy gear. i would say go with darkmoon or forest cove, and like straw said it doesnt matter much since youre gonna get ganked A LOT, since dark anor is pretty much the same as the forest.

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    Best Covy for a 225 Build? Empty Re: Best Covy for a 225 Build?

    Post by AzureCrow Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:06 pm

    Well so long as you leave sif alive and darken anor londo you can host in both and get pretty constant invasions. I'd say join the DM cov before you kill Gwynevere and see if you can invade regularly in anor with the blue eye orb and Darkmoon cov ring. If they don't work out join forest and kill Gwyndoline then Gwynevere in that order so anor will be dark perma pvp. Then you can wear the cat ring while human in dark anor and get the most possible invasions.

    Also GL greatdance is a cov miracle so you can only get one per toon, you should replace the 2nd GLGD with a sunlight blade or DM blade. I'd ditch the lightning spear for another cast of sunlight blade too but that's more preference.

    I've never landed lighting spear once in solid pvp lol!

    The real advantage to the second is that while hosting wears down casts forest summons will always end in you either winning and returning where you where with full casts or loosing and returning to the bonfire and getting full casts, less downtime and no item usage.

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    Best Covy for a 225 Build? Empty Re: Best Covy for a 225 Build?

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