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    "Reasons Why?" (possible series)


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    "Reasons Why?" (possible series) - Page 2 Empty Re: "Reasons Why?" (possible series)

    Post by Jansports Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:31 pm

    What I mean, is the being a jerk is virtually synonymous with "playing to win" Miracles strip options away from players. You want to get up close and flarglearrgggCMW a falchion into me? TwoP says you *should* reconsider your plan. Think you can roll punish a 1h whiffed weak attack from a BSS? WotG outright tells you that's folly. Think you yourself can stop me from roll punishing you with WotG? VoS demands you respect my ability to punish you hard.

    What were once options are systematically taken away, until all thats left are a few meager safe options that because of their limited scope and predictability allow the miracle user to punish hard and often.

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    "Reasons Why?" (possible series) - Page 2 Empty Re: "Reasons Why?" (possible series)

    Post by Slarg232 Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:05 pm

    Rifter7 wrote:wotg'ing someone at the end of their roll or during a whiffed attack is pretty viscious.
    spamming it get's you roll stabbed.
    spamming anything is just basically asking your opponent to punish you.
    gc, gcf.. whatever. all of it you can dodge.

    twop on the other hand.. once someone uses that in a fight its basically telling me that my character needs to be gimped for you to win. at that point any kind of a rule or courtesy has been thrown out the window, never to be seen for as long as i remember your gtag/psn.

    if we compare dark souls to any kind of fighting game, like mortal kombat, that's like taking away the players ability to dash and jump. was a horrible idea for pvp setup around arenas (which from knew existed).

    i don't even care if they nerfed it, it's avoidable, and it's punishable.
    it's like a boxer trying to setup matches vs a person in a wheel chair.

    Subzero can take away your ability to dash and jump. Use his Clone in the air and then EX QCB-4, and the opponent is pretty much screwed no matter what they do. Jump forward? Eat clone. Dash either way? Feet get stuck. Jump back, and your still in the EX Puddle. Only thing left to do is jump up, and you have to time that right.

    And honestly, Mortal Kombat is a terrible example. A closer/better one would be Soul Calibur. 3D, and all that.

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    "Reasons Why?" (possible series) - Page 2 Empty Re: "Reasons Why?" (possible series)

    Post by Rifter7 Wed Aug 08, 2012 8:14 pm

    id compare sub zero's freezing more akin to a parry or beaking someones guard. you can still jump up, sub isnt able to hit you while he's in the ex puddle animation, and he gets a free hit if you don't jump and get frozen. if you do then you've avoided it, and if you feel he's going to charge at you you can crouch block when you land and get a free hit on him or crouch and avoid a freeze.

    plus doing that can leave subzero vulnerable to a combo since he has no breaker, and being overly aggressive after that can get him stuck in one.

    he just has little bursts of control that give him free hits. he won't completely slow the opponent down for 10 seconds.

    i don't play soul calibur to much, so if u'd brought up an example i'd be clueless.
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    "Reasons Why?" (possible series) - Page 2 Empty Re: "Reasons Why?" (possible series)

    Post by Forum Pirate Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:45 pm

    Jansports wrote:What I mean, is the being a jerk is virtually synonymous with "playing to win" Miracles strip options away from players. You want to get up close and flarglearrgggCMW a falchion into me? TwoP says you *should* reconsider your plan. Think you can roll punish a 1h whiffed weak attack from a BSS? WotG outright tells you that's folly. Think you yourself can stop me from roll punishing you with WotG? VoS demands you respect my ability to punish you hard.

    What were once options are systematically taken away, until all thats left are a few meager safe options that because of their limited scope and predictability allow the miracle user to punish hard and often.
    Given the choice in the next game, thats exactly how I would have faith work. Its a colossal **** off magic, with no physically damaging abilities, including buffs, except possibly a short range wog-like burst to force enemies back. Give int all the damaging abilities and leave faith for defensive casting.

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