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Heroez Blade
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    Effigy Shield


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    Effigy Shield Empty Effigy Shield

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:32 pm

    Anybody ever notice how the Effigy Shield depicts Vamos (or a similar skeleton-like creature) wearing the Royal Helm?

    Can't help but feel this whole rebellion to kill the Gods spoken about in the Effigy Shield description somehow links to the Server and its Primordial Serpent engraving, if not only because the Server's description changes when you turn it Chaos/Fire(?), which is performed by Vamos.

    But yeah, just...thoughts?

    (PS - you now have permission to roll your eyes, Acidic. :roll:)
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by DoughGuy Tue Aug 07, 2012 7:47 pm

    GODDAMIT! Why does every lore thing that I need to check happen while Im at uni/on the way to uni. Good work mate!

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:42 pm

    Haha, don't worry - it'll be there once you're back tongue

    But yeah, check it out!


    Definition of effigy noun (plural effigies)

    • a sculpture or model of a person: coins bearing the effigy of Maria Theresa of Austria

    • a roughly made model of a particular person, made in order to be damaged or destroyed as a protest or expression of anger: the senator was burned in effigy

    Effigy Shield FZerz
    Heroez Blade
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Heroez Blade Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:15 pm

    I never actually took notice to that. Good find. Could you post a pic of the server because i never noticed the pic on that weapon either.
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Spurgun Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:14 pm

    I don´t know why but it reminds me of Brain from Berserk.

    I don´t know what it could be. I have never seen anything like it.

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by ICEFANG Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:16 pm

    That's really cool, too bad that the shield is not very good, at least in my opinion.

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:00 pm

    It's got sweet ltg defense, but that's really it (though that would make it a good shield for fighting, say...GWYN!?)

    I don't have a better picture, but you can see the engraving up the blade, a seeming eye toward the very tip, and those weird-droopy-head-things a little further back from the eye.
    Effigy Shield Bmy9E

    I forget the exact change in the weapon description when modified to a fire weapon...but it does change.

    Anyone every try giving the Lordvessel to Vamos? :pirat:

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by ICEFANG Wed Aug 08, 2012 5:24 pm

    The word Occult, "A frightful Occult energy" is changed to "A frightful Heretical energy".

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:13 am

    OOooooh man! Effigy...Heretical...this is some s*** right hurr

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by sunbro Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:31 am

    ICEFANG wrote:That's really cool, too bad that the shield is not very good, at least in my opinion.

    go to vamos and upgrde it to fire shield and you have a pretty good pvp shield

    check the wiki on it

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:05 am

    Amazing find. The helmet says it is believed that it belonged to an ancient royal line, but only Vamos would know for sure. A royal line of what? Occultists?
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by DoughGuy Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:08 am

    Is there any link to the helmet in the PW?

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:09 am

    But it seems those wearing the helmet were some kind of beasts. Is Vamos one of them?

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by WyrmHero Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:09 am

    Not that I could think of, maybe the occult ember or the dried finger....

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Eolan Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:31 am

    That looks more like a Giger inspired dragon to me...

    The royal helms pretty different. Effigy Shield J5Gi8

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Eolan Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:32 am

    Hmmm on second thoughts maybe yur right.... It all feeds into the no bonfire run theories about the game subtly pushing you towards wiping the gods out and the flames once and for all...
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Tolvo Thu Aug 09, 2012 7:31 am

    The Effigy Shield is one of the contest winners for player made shields isn't it, before the game was finished? Like Tarkus' shield, and the Bloodshield. So I'm not sure if that was intentional on From's behalf. Also in regards to the Server that Cook mentioned long back, I made a slight not myself. The Caduceus Shields.

    Tolvo wrote:So two minor things, the round shields. The Warriors', and the Caduceus. Both of these shields carry a symbol on them, one the Caduceus, the other a Labryss. Now the Caduceus is currently used for the purpose of medicine and knowledge. However it's origin is believed to be in relation to messengers of gods. Note, the Caduceus is normally two serpents twisting around a staff but in game it resembles a sword more so, at the cross guard. As well the serpents have an appendage coming from their faces, yet they are thick and bulbous unlike a serpent's tongue. More so like the fleshy mustaches that the primordial serpents have. This version is on the Kite shield however, while on the round shield their features are different. It is a single serpent with two heads on the round shield.

    Now then the normal round shield carries a Labrys, a two headed axe. In more modern contexts it represents power, however there are a few other earlier symbols. One, it represents the power and lightning of gods, specifically Zeus. Two, it represents femininity in a butterfly. Three, it represents femininity in a waning and waxing moon. The axes were often carried by female priests, though there were larger versions for sacrifices as well. These sacrifices were typically of animals, especially bulls. As well the word originates with the term Labyrinth, so the two are related. The Labyrinth guarded by the Minotaur, it is sometimes associated with the slaying of them. It is associated as such with slaying bipedal bull creatures that are abominations. This shield can be bought from the Undead Merchan in the burg, a bit before the taurus demon.

    Just thought I'd mention these minor things.

    From the linking Internal and External Lore thread.

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by JohnnyHarpoon Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:57 am

    I thought Sanctus was the contest-winner designed shield? And either way, I really don't think that has any affect on From's ability to tie it into lore.

    I mean, maybe its unrelated and just some random dragon, but I really doubt that. Also, I think it kind of silly to write this off (or anything with the slightest inkling of a possibility) when there's been so much speculation based off of even further stretches in terms of what we're actually given of the lore.

    It's like, yeah, it could be some dragon, but that doesn't make any sense. Context is everything, and the 'heretical energy' of a Fire Server seems to relate more with overthrowing Gods than a dragon. No matter what, Vamos is involved with some sort of heretical power given the change of the Server's description, which makes it a pretty easy link to the Effigy Shield. The only thing missing is a direct link...which the picture on the front could potentially be.

    So...what's more logical, you know? The shield depicting Vamos/the Royal Helm, or a dragon otherwise completely unrelated to the game?

    Last edited by JohnnyHarpoon on Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:33 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar)
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by User Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:28 am

    I believe the content winner shield was actually the Sanctus, not the Effigy.

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:44 am

    There were regional contests for different areas.
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by User Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:55 am

    Well, despite whether the contests were for both or either shield, they both fit pretty well and are integrated well into the game's lore nonetheless.

    I like your avatar... seems hungry.
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Tolvo Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:56 am

    I'm not saying it isn't possible, I was just saying I do have a bit of skepticism at the time being.

    And yes, it is hungry.
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by cloudyeki Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:03 am

    Has anyone tried parrying nito with the effigy shield?
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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by DoughGuy Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:26 am

    Has anyone tried undead rapport on him or aural decoy on seath yet?

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    Effigy Shield Empty Re: Effigy Shield

    Post by Lancelot Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:07 am

    The definition of the Server also changed to "this sword absorbs HP upon a foe's death", or so the wiki states.

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