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White Mamba
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    commands delay


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    commands delay Empty commands delay

    Post by dianaduh Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:37 am

    this has been happening a lot to me recently, i press a button and it will only act like 5 seconds later
    i just got mad cause i got backstabbed and just after it, without pressing any button, my char rolled forwards and fell from the little bridge in front of the burg bonfire
    is it something lag related?

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by Bloodios Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:41 am

    dianaduh wrote:this has been happening a lot to me recently, i press a button and it will only act like 5 seconds later
    i just got mad cause i got backstabbed and just after it, without pressing any button, my char rolled forwards and fell from the little bridge in front of the burg bonfire
    is it something lag related?
    Same here. Annoying as heck, it sure is. Even worse, this happened while I was playing offline...

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by dianaduh Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:43 am

    when i was just PvEing this used to happen, but now its all the time and i feel like i cant do anything ;_;
    White Mamba
    White Mamba

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by White Mamba Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:51 am

    It seems to happen to me when I press roll and hold up my shield at the same time, then it doesn't roll until I let my shield down. Well thats what it seems like to me

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by bmurn Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:21 am

    Most of the time this has to do with you being to quick pressing the next command after you release your block. I had this happen to me for a while. Try timing your release better with the next action. Often trimmest it will not perform the next action until you press another button. Next thing you know you are flasking when you wanted to attack...
    Forum Lord
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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by ublug Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:39 am

    I have had this problem since the game launched. I thought it was a problem relating to my old ps3, but after it died a while back I bought a new slim with new controller, and it's perhaps even worse.
    On one of my recent characters it totally bugged out, and I could not attack at all with a halberd while I held my shield up. After pressing R1 my character would continue to block until I lowered my shield, and then the attack happened. I could hold the shield up for a minute, and the attack still happened when I lowered it.
    I very often get the bug on my first drink of estus at O&S, where my character will just stand still instead of drinking, then suddenly starts to drink in the middle of an attack.

    Some players have said it helped to reset their ps3 controller, by pushing the small button on the back of it.
    Is this a ps3 only problem, or is it present on xbox as well?

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by BartholomewWenceslas Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:46 am

    It's definitely on the xbox as well. I seem to get it more often on the PS3 (at least recently), but I had a lot of trouble using combustion with my shield up on Xbox, it sometimes would wait a few seconds after I dropped my shield :|

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by ICEFANG Wed Aug 08, 2012 11:05 am

    These things happen, attacking, rolling, dragon roaring, all of these things for me have been canceled by blocking or for no reason, just never expect that first roll to work haha. Perhaps its an intentional fall over move that From put in, like slipping in Super Smash Bros Brawl if you change directions too much at one time.

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by dianaduh Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:52 pm

    it happens even with my dual pyro
    and it really hard for me to press attack and block at the same time cause i have to know with which hand im gonna pyro, i dont even roll and "block" at the same time.

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    commands delay Empty Re: commands delay

    Post by Juutas Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:40 pm

    Yeah, button delay glitches happen every now and then (more often with L2 or when swiitching a weapon than any other I've noticed) and pisses me off when it costs me a victory..

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