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    Karmic Justice


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    Karmic Justice Empty Karmic Justice

    Post by OrnsteinBro Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:23 pm

    Topic inspired by this video:

    Anyone ever made a build around/incorporating it?

    I thought about pairing it with the RTSR for even better damage. Perhaps ring of the sun's firstborn, coupled with faith-based weapons and DMB. Does anyone know the exact trigger mechanics of karmic justice though?

    It seems like it would be handy for ensuring a double kill if you got ganked and stunlocked, not terribly great for a friendly duel (unless you're a troll). Any thoughts?
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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:32 pm

    KJ is a bit iffy on its trigger point, can be a waste of time and space. Other people have tested it more than I have so should have better data for you.

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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by zzombieboy Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:12 pm

    I would love if this miracle actually worked. I think it's swag. In my experience of it, it's really unreliable; it's only ever triggered as I die (if at all), which isn't terribly useful lol!

    I would really like to hear from someone who know's more about it as well happy

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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by RandelOolacile Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:15 pm

    People were testing using a shield that didn't block 100% physical so that the miracle was recognizing hits. This was a relatively reliable way of getting it to trigger safely. big grin
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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by skarekrow13 Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:24 pm

    Any damage will work as a trigger. If you want a physical damage trigger grass crest works great. However the damage is always about half of what wog does so do the math with applicable equipment. I couldn't get a trigger with less than five hits done quickly. In pve this is easy with a group and very effective. In pvp only a button masher will trigger it. However, if you see anyone using a soul mass with, you guessed it, five orbs........

    Edit: physical and magic are confirmed triggers, lightning and fire are hard to test

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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by Jansports Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:29 pm

    The common thought is that the miracle counts # of hits NOT total damage taken. Making Sanctus/GCS/other not quite 100% shields an interesting option. I recall 5 hits being needed.

    I am pretty sure the trigger time is a 5-6 second window, meaning you have to take damage X number of times within 5ish seconds of the first hit. Really tough in PvP as players tend to not unload every drop of stamina wailing R1/RB into a shield, and anyone who would be stunlocking actually doesn't have enough stamina to hit more than 4 times at most (and lets be serious after 4 hits from a dedicated MLGS build RTSR would be active and your only hope is that Justice OHKOs them)

    The spell comes off as an interesting idea, but in execution it falls a bit short of practicality

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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by ICEFANG Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:34 pm

    skarekrow13 wrote:Any damage will work as a trigger. If you want a physical damage trigger grass crest works great. However the damage is always about half of what wog does so do the math with applicable equipment. I couldn't get a trigger with less than five hits done quickly. In pve this is easy with a group and very effective. In pvp only a button masher will trigger it. However, if you see anyone using a soul mass with, you guessed it, five orbs........

    Edit: physical and magic are confirmed triggers, lightning and fire are hard to test

    I doubt lightning could be tested, maybe in water and a lightning spear, or you could use a 100/<100 shield to block all the physical damage and not all lightning. Flamethrower (gosh I can't remember its name) would be great for testing too, as well as the Black Knight Shield.
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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by skarekrow13 Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:45 pm

    The problem I would have with testing those is finding someone to help. There's nothing that comes to mind with fast enough elemental attacks in pve and my connection is tough to find people intentionally.

    My impression from testing was that there might be a similar mechanic to poison/bleed build with KJ. Five was the minimum number of hits to trigger but seven or eight was common with fairly methodical hits (two hollows, one sword one xbow). The build up decreases fast though (or simple hit count/time). A single hollow, even attacking steady (xbow is pretty consistent) will never trigger it.

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    Karmic Justice Empty Re: Karmic Justice

    Post by ICEFANG Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:13 pm

    I would test it, if anyone had a level near I think 650. I don't have any other characters who can use Karmic Justice, and I'm on xbox, so its not likely to happen.

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