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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?


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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by Killamari Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:21 pm

    My first build with 40 Str + 40 Dex. Will probably use some kind of resin as a weapon buff for the Broadsword (which can be swapped with Balder sword if need be). Can also add different options for Pyro, but the two I have listed are my favorite and seem to work best for pure PvP situations. I managed to reach 53 poise while still keeping the fast roll big grin I never make builds with the flip. Just a weird preference. Let me know how you think this build will play out, and what adjustments I can make to it. Thanks happy

    ~ Killamari

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by ICEFANG Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:24 pm

    Sure, I really like 40/40 builds now. I start as Warrior and have 50 VIT 40 END/STR/DEX, and ignore all magic, it puts me at 125, so with a little suck off VIT you can use some magic too. Magic does get the 40 DEX cast speed bonus nicely as well.

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by Killamari Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:41 pm

    It's hard for me to tear myself away from using sorcery or miracles. But I'm interested in seeing how the raw damage plays out. Who knows.

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by ICEFANG Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:46 pm

    I think DEX or STR weapons (E-D/B-S or B-S/E-D) weapons are better for more magical love, since they get so much of their strength from just one of the stats, but adding some magic into a 40/40 is a good thing, it only takes 2 SL to get Great Combustion, that seems like a winner to me.

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by Glutebrah Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:58 pm

    Washing pole +15 is best weapon for a 40/40 build imo

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by Jansports Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:16 pm

    Not using MURA on 40/40? ShoggyDiggity ect.ect.

    Claymore is a good choice too, and the Demon's spear is often overlooked though it does have C/C scaling making it the best spear for 40/40 builds The Zwei is just a big non trusting claymore on 40/40 builds but it can be usefull if you don't like trusting attacks (why don't you?)

    This is the 40/40 I use, but it's for 130 with a couple friends, droping 2-4 attunment and some Vit wont make it suffer all too much so it'd be easy to drop it to 125 or 120

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by ICEFANG Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:20 pm

    I would add, that it has the highest AR at 40/40 (Demon Spear), but I wouldn't call it the best, it depends on a lot of factors, but I'd choose the Winged Spear over it, but the Demon's has the great range too.

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

    Post by Jansports Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:25 pm

    ICEFANG wrote:I would add, that it has the highest AR at 40/40 (Demon Spear), but I wouldn't call it the best, it depends on a lot of factors, but I'd choose the Winged Spear over it, but the Demon's has the great range too.

    You are right it's split damage can be a let down at times, but no other spear has C/C scaling and happens to be the longest poking tool in the history of poking tools. (Winged Spear carried me through my first playthrough, it was my best friend) I think the Pike is interesting as well, heck almost any of the spears are good enough to use on a 40/40 except MLBH

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    40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable? Empty Re: 40/40/40 Build Idea - Viable?

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