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Phoenix Rising
6 posters

    Quality places to PvP


    this is a poll question

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    Total Votes: 70

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Quality places to PvP

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:48 pm

    multiple choice is on.

    thinking about remaking some of my toons to access different areas.
    wondering what's worth checking out, leave an opinion hey?

    let me know if i missed a place you can invade at.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Phoenix Rising Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:01 pm

    I never usually leave the Burg. When I'm not dueling I'm forest hunting. Although I do like Demon Ruins for FC as well...didn't see that on the list...

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Uparkaam Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:03 pm

    You mean for dueling? Or balls to the walls type bloodbath? (like the Forest)

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Rifter7 Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:07 pm

    ill add demon ruins.
    or not i don't know how apparently.. or it's not possible.

    i don't quite care either way tbh. if there's players i can stab i'm happy.
    but i mean.. look at this as a way to just share your opinion.

    i'm just wondering if blighttown and parish are worth it, or if just sens fortress is..
    or if its better to just go kiln, danor londo and painted world.
    whatever i'll just do all of them on separate characters. who cares.

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by 727 Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:04 am

    im pretty fond of Londo and the Painted World for decent pvp but since i tend to get tired of the waiting ill generally go to the forest just for the frequency of fights
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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by cloudyeki Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:18 am

    Burg is good, though there are ALOT of asses there.

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Rifter7 Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:26 pm

    i practically live in the burg. i've come to enjoy having all my rules thrown out the window from their shenanigans.

    i've gotten pretty good at healing there too, if i have the room i can do an unlocked roll into the corner and relock them to be standing with my back away when i heal now, and when they usually try the same i sprint to kick them and r1 them twice immediately since they don't back up. they usually roll out to my right side so i assume that and land a backstab on them when they try to escape.

    sure it's fighting dirty, but when they start it i'll be damned if im not ready and practiced for those tactics.

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Seignar Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:51 pm

    Burg: Simple arena and easy to get there. Main area for those who BB glitch both for griefing and dueling. It is VERY convenient.
    Main Purpose - Dueling

    Sen's Fortress: Death trap home, tight and open spaces as well as constant 3rd party danger. Also a forced zone, so invading is probable.
    Main Purpose - Regular Invasions

    Darkroot: Many invaders and free-for-all fightning, as well as wide open spaces and some cliffs for added thrills.
    Main Purpose - Free-for-all

    Ariamis: Far off, but worthy arena. Great wide open spaces.
    Main Purpose - Dueling

    Catacombs: Great place for hiding and trickery, as well as escaping. Many environmental dangers for added thrills.
    Main Purpose - Regular Invasions

    Tomb of Giants - We hate it, but that darkness makes for interesting PVP.
    Main Purpose - Innovative PVP.

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    Quality places to PvP Empty Re: Quality places to PvP

    Post by Rifter7 Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:58 pm

    i think i'm going to bounce all of my characters into ng+ and stick with

    and i'll just host matches at the arenas there for the cov.

    i don't have my abysswalker ring bbg'd tho so i can't get into late game places without losing the forest.. but i really don't care about that gankfest. i'm usually a summon when i'm there honestly and that's pretty rare as is.

    would anyone want to help me decide what areas to access on what toons? i can list builds..

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