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    just had an epic win and an epic fail


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    just had an epic win and an epic fail Empty just had an epic win and an epic fail

    Post by Glutebrah Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:59 pm

    Epic win: invade a dragon with a bow, he back stab fishes non stop, and backstabs me 4x but i manage to cancel the damage each by hitting him same time, and eventually win after he flasks 3x.

    Epic Fail, get invaded by a BKGA 1 handed R1 spammer, he walks up to me i shield up he swings once i block, swings again i miss parry. repeat this 3x and i finally die. you can't ask for easier parries and i messed up 3x.
    Chosen Undead
    Chosen Undead

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    just had an epic win and an epic fail Empty Re: just had an epic win and an epic fail

    Post by Spurgun Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:03 pm

    Stupid dragon, ruining everyone else´s reputation :evil:

    I often miss the parry for the BKGA/GS r1, since i´m to eager to parry and can´t wait silly

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    just had an epic win and an epic fail Empty Re: just had an epic win and an epic fail

    Post by Glutebrah Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:11 pm

    Ut I never miss on GS R1 spams, but the BKGA I do once in a while... but 3 in a row...

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    just had an epic win and an epic fail Empty Re: just had an epic win and an epic fail

    Post by DamageCK Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:23 pm

    I mess up the timing sometimes because I group the speed with the GS class, even though it's a little slower. Thankfully you can roll out after the first swing.
    Phoenix Rising
    Phoenix Rising

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    just had an epic win and an epic fail Empty Re: just had an epic win and an epic fail

    Post by Phoenix Rising Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:34 pm

    I had an epic fail 3x in a row...troll that was spamming r1 with smough's hammer and i kept missing. 3 invasions and i didn't even touch him....hahaha!!!

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