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    obsidian greatsword


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    obsidian greatsword Empty obsidian greatsword

    Post by Casdman Sun Aug 26, 2012 8:15 pm

    im looking for some help getting this bad boy, im sl 57 , windows live is casdman. if your interested in helping me either send me a msg in game or reply here. if you could help me get the sword i would be more than happy to help you get it in return big grin

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by TheWarriorBeard Sun Aug 26, 2012 10:14 pm

    The key to getting it is to know the distance at which you need to be for him to use the two abilities that allow you to hit his tail. That and being ready to sprint behind him and get a hit off. The way I did most of the damage to the tail was when he leaps into the sky and charges at you. Tank the hit and try to position yourself directly under his tail... then he will rear it up and bring it down at which point you can get in one or two hits.

    The other two abilities are pretty hit and miss... both of them involve him standing on his hind legs and either pulling you into the air or breathing fire at a distance and slowly closing into his body. Again the distance really matters as with the ability in which he pulls you into the air you have to be partly to the side of him so that you can sprint around and hit the tail. When he breathes fire you need to be pretty much already running towards him or you won't be able to get to the tail in time.

    The fight took maybe 25 minutes... all 20 of my estus flasks and part of my sanity but I got it.

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by his1n- Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:12 pm

    The sad thing about this badass porn weapon is... its 2H blocking is glitched.
    If you hold the block button while having it in both of your hands, and then turn in the opposite direction, your characters gets stuck during his animations and for about 1 second you can't do anything, also he does not block during that time.


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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by LordRevan Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:14 pm

    his1n- wrote:this badass porn weapon

    :suspect: ???


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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by Forgetfulness Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:23 pm

    LordRevan wrote:
    his1n- wrote:this badass porn weapon

    :suspect: ???


    That's hilarious, especially since I can't figure out what the correct word was supposed to be.

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by his1n- Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:29 pm

    And now both of you won't think about anything else for the rest of the night.

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by Pesth Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:30 pm

    porn = obscine?! humm... :suspect:

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by Casdman Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:19 pm

    Well someone helped me get it, so thats the problem solved big grin

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by TonyDamajer Tue Aug 28, 2012 6:14 am

    TheWarriorBeard wrote:The key to getting it is to know the distance at which you need to be for him to use the two abilities that allow you to hit his tail. That and being ready to sprint behind him and get a hit off. The way I did most of the damage to the tail was when he leaps into the sky and charges at you. Tank the hit and try to position yourself directly under his tail... then he will rear it up and bring it down at which point you can get in one or two hits.

    The other two abilities are pretty hit and miss... both of them involve him standing on his hind legs and either pulling you into the air or breathing fire at a distance and slowly closing into his body. Again the distance really matters as with the ability in which he pulls you into the air you have to be partly to the side of him so that you can sprint around and hit the tail. When he breathes fire you need to be pretty much already running towards him or you won't be able to get to the tail in time.

    The fight took maybe 25 minutes... all 20 of my estus flasks and part of my sanity but I got it.
    took me like 3 hours to figure out how to do it and execute...
    so yeah... he took my sanity aswell after not wanting to fly towards me for like half an hour.

    But the weapon is great AND buffable - i think it will be amazing at lower lvl pvp

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    obsidian greatsword Empty Re: obsidian greatsword

    Post by Glutebrah Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:39 pm

    TonyDamajer wrote:

    But the weapon is great AND buffable - i think it will be amazing at lower lvl pvp

    there is no way it is meant to be buffable, that will be patched.

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