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Phoenix Rising
Knight Alundil
24 posters

    We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Post by Knight Alundil Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:14 pm

    ublug wrote:
    xelectrowolfx wrote:perhaps the calamity ring is the wrong version that drops when you kill the dragon the wrong way, has anyone tried killing him, by just shooting directely at his red eye??? perhaps it will cause it to crack draining his power and produce completely different results.
    You can kill the black dragon without help from gough, I guess you just shoot it with arrows when it flies past. Don't know if the outcome of the fight is different, since I have not seen anyone do it this way.

    But as you say, the ring could also be a hint towards his eye being a very weak spot.

    IF I get to NG+ at that point and IF my character can stand a chance doing it, ill get it done soon. Of course dont rely on me. lol.

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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Post by SnailsAndSlugs Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:54 am

    ublug wrote:
    xelectrowolfx wrote:perhaps the calamity ring is the wrong version that drops when you kill the dragon the wrong way, has anyone tried killing him, by just shooting directely at his red eye??? perhaps it will cause it to crack draining his power and produce completely different results.
    You can kill the black dragon without help from gough, I guess you just shoot it with arrows when it flies past. Don't know if the outcome of the fight is different, since I have not seen anyone do it this way.

    But as you say, the ring could also be a hint towards his eye being a very weak spot.

    I don't think it's a hint at a weak spot. Rather, the effects of his eye, when he snares you in mid air, create the same effect as the calamity ring. If you hadn't noticed, for like 20-30 seconds after he snares you with that attack, you will have the orange orb above your head as if you were wearing the calamity ring and will take double damage. It's a curse, essentially that kalameet's eye and the ring can cast.

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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Post by ICEFANG Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:14 pm

    Maybe the answer is in the ring, needs to be hidden away somewhere.

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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Post by SmittyRomps Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:38 pm

    Seems to me they put the ring in there just to make the game harder and keep people intrested and playing. Theres plenty of people out there that stirctly pve and probably have max level characters. Also you gotta think they just released a new version of the game to increase customer base.

    Also has anyone tried giving the guardian soul to dusk?
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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

    Post by ublug Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:47 pm

    SnailsAndSlugs wrote:If you hadn't noticed, for like 20-30 seconds after he snares you with that attack, you will have the orange orb above your head as if you were wearing the calamity ring and will take double damage. It's a curse, essentially that kalameet's eye and the ring can cast.
    Thanks, didn't notice that!

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    We need to do some research [SPOILERS] - Page 3 Empty Re: We need to do some research [SPOILERS]

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