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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods


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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by dr_calamitus Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:45 am

    sigh, figures this would happen! on my toon for low level pvp, and some guy wiht infinate stam and invulnerability shows up....

    he stayed away from the cliffs so i couldent throw him off, i just dced,

    anyone know if you can report the users that hack to gfwl or steam?

    Oneshimasu black list that fellah
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:47 am

    There is, but I don't know how effective it is at actually getting people banned. All I know is when I google GFWL Report...A lot of really nasty things about GFWL pop up.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by dr_calamitus Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:54 am

    figures, shame its not solely on steam...
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:56 am

    They'd still be there. It would be better of course, since VAC would catch a good deal. But the good ones would still slip through and be running around naked with 90k hp and a buffed Demon Great hammer invading at level one.

    You know what I've noticed? I've never seen a hacker do Co-Op.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:59 am

    Niether..... they would be the best co opers.... shame that would ruin you experience of the level
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:01 am

    "Hey, watch me tank the four kings naked without a shield."

    It would ruin it, but I've got to say there are some moments that would be entertaining to see.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by EasilyDelighted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:07 am

    I agree with that. Watching an idiot run face first into the Gaping Dragon's mouth would be amusing.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by dr_calamitus Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:11 am

    would be handy for beating the 4 kings as a lvl 11
    god damn thats not gunna be fun, or OS
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:11 am

    What would be the best is if they got stuck at Seath, since they couldn't die.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by EasilyDelighted Tue Aug 28, 2012 2:23 am

    Haha, that too. It'll be a battle to the "un"-death.
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Spurgun Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:23 am

    Tolvo wrote:What would be the best is if they got stuck at Seath, since they couldn't die.

    Wouldn't they still be cursed?
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:24 am

    Infinite curse resistance.
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Spurgun Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:25 am

    Maybe they didn't mod infinite curse resistance.

    Why would you do that anyway?
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Tolvo Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:26 am

    To hug the basilisks. You've never been tempted?
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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Spurgun Tue Aug 28, 2012 3:30 am


    I wish there was a weapon with a curse status effect.
    It would be the bane of dragons though. OHK from the curse.

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by Montante Tue Aug 28, 2012 12:35 pm

    Spurgun wrote:No.

    I wish there was a weapon with a curse status effect.
    It would be the bane of dragons though. OHK from the curse.

    White Dragon Breath would be a good, logical candidate. The amount of hate mail you get for killing people with sorceries in PvP would only increase even more, though. bounce

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    hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods Empty Re: hackers in the 1-30 bracket in the dark woods

    Post by OrnsteinBro Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:14 pm

    Tolvo wrote:You know what I've noticed? I've never seen a hacker do Co-Op.

    You'll be surprised. Back on XBL I was summoned by a host who also summoned a hacker, and the hacker basically helped the host like an ordinary phantom. I've also invaded at least two hosts there who had hackers helping them co-op. All this was in light Anor Londo.

    Of course, the majority of the hackers you're going to see are ganks and twinks, but that's not to say that jolly co-operative hackers don't exist.

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