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    I cant decide!!!

    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 6:59 pm

    I making a ton of builds lately for the DLC and the arena, the only problem is now I cant decide on which one to make first
    I narrowed it down to five of my favourites
    Can you please help me decide, any opinions or ajustments are also apreciated

    1:Fast rolling goughs greatbow

    2: Three out of fours not bad (if only Ornstien had a sheild)

    3:Dark Magic, Nuff Said

    4: Black Fire and Lightning Bolts!!!!!

    5:You are so wipped

    P.S I have put them all in similar armor, I might end up using different stuff the point is the stats and weapons. Also to avoid confusion the second ring slot is free so that rings can be changed

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:13 pm

    Not bad, i suggest trying to make the builds around the idea of versatility rather then a specific idea(or at least limit the builds fine tuned for a certain set up). I also have been making builds for DLC, and am almost done. I have experimented A LOT, with builds so i have a good idea of what i want. Even so, i pretty much made a build that can be used for each different type of "class". So i really don't not have a build that can use a certain weapon/spell ext. To give you and idea(and to share mine happy ) here are most of my builds, i have ready. ( STR build, i think i'm in love <3 ) ( INT build, not my favorite but nice to have) ( DEX/Pyro, anyone want a cookie lol ) ( DEX/Faith, two cookies? Female, armor looks better then it seems) ( STR/DEX, made for BK weapons,Goughs bow, and Obsidian sword) ( DEX, another cookie cutter build one i will use a lot though)

    Then i have a SL 200,666, and need to decide on two 50s.
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:22 pm

    You think these aren't versatile? Then again I do have a love for the stranger builds

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:30 pm

    No i think you have a nice mix. Mainly the first and second build are the ones i was talking about, they have very low HP do to you wanting them to do a specific thing(not bad, but has its negatives). Personally i think you should make a SL200 build if you want to have a build focused on using the new Artorias sword. I will personally be using my SL666 build to use it, as well as any cosplay builds that require insanely high stats to be viable for pvp. I was never one for high level pvp, but i think it is well worth having at least one high level build. I actually never had anything more then SL120 until just a few months ago when i made a Shiva forest hunter build SL250, which is now my SL666 build.
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:34 pm


    I've worked with lower HP before so im kind of used to it I guess

    Got any particular one you like best?

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by FruitPunchNinja Sun Oct 21, 2012 8:50 pm

    Probably the 4th one, although when it comes to builds in dark souls i think i have developed OCD. If i changed them to how i would make them, they would be VERY different. Not to say yours are bad in anyway, you clearly have a playstyle you're used to(switching rings,AR/unique movesets over HP ext). I just have, like i said, experimented with insane amounts of different builds. So i know exactly what i like, and need.

    Knight CiArtGough lol! I like making builds that are Cosplay colabs. One of my favorites ive done is Smoval
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Sun Oct 21, 2012 9:09 pm

    LOL awesome builds

    Yeah I can understand fiting into one playstyle, mabey its because my first playthrough was a no poise bandit knife only build or mabey its just because i dont like just doing the same thing as everyone else but tanking just never really felt right to me. Sure I can make it work when I do it (I change builds every couple of weeks) but it never sticks.

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by OmniBot Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:31 am

    Aw man, that Smoval build. I want to see it in action.
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:46 am

    I agree is there a video of it or something

    While your here omnibot do you have a favourite out of my builds?

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by OmniBot Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:30 am

    I suppose I like the first one the most, but I'd change the left hand gold tracer to something that can parry. Priscilla's dagger would be a good choice I think, since the 500 bleed would be easier to land with the right hand tracer building up the bleed bar.
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    I cant decide!!! Empty Re: I cant decide!!!

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:37 pm

    Good idea
    I'll test both to see which works better, it could also shave a few points off of end as well for a bit of extra HP

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