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2 posters

    What's your strategy for using the silver pendant?

    Back Lot Basher
    Back Lot Basher

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    Location : Canada

    What's your strategy for using the silver pendant? Empty What's your strategy for using the silver pendant?

    Post by Back Lot Basher Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:46 pm

    I finally grabbed this handy little toy, and am loving how it neutralizes the Oolacile mages. The timing can be a bit tricky, though, since the anti-magic field is very brief. Has anyone found an optimal time to hit it when facing a mage? In the short time I played with it this morning, I couldn't really tell at what point the shield kicked in...I was more or less just doing it as the mage went into casting motion. Is that about right?

    Posts : 1087
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    Join date : 2012-07-18

    What's your strategy for using the silver pendant? Empty Re: What's your strategy for using the silver pendant?

    Post by ICEFANG Fri Oct 26, 2012 1:00 pm

    Use it against the final boss, otherwise, don't use it.

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