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    Weapon Buff Damages


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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by WandererReece Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:11 pm

    weapon buffs with minimum requirements
    spell / miraclecatalyst / talismanint / faiAR
    darkmoon blade +1canvas talisman30326.8
    sunlight bladecanvas talisman30309.6
    crystal magic weaponoolacile ivory catalyst25252
    great magic weaponooacile ivory catalyst15198
    magic weaponsorcerer catalyst1087.2
    weapon buffs with 50 int / fai
    spell / miraclecatalyst / talismanint / faiAR
    darkmoon blade +1darkmoon talisman50429.4
    sunlight bladedarkmoon talisman50406.8
    crystal magic weapontin crystal catalyst50410.2
    great magic weapontin crystal catalyst50322.3
    magic weapontin crystal catalyst50234.4
    EDIT: New charts added.
    weapon buffs with min for best catalyst / talisman
    spell / miraclecatalyst / talismanint / faiAR
    darkmoon blade +1darkmoon talisman40362.9
    sunlight bladedarkmoon talisman40343.8
    crystal magic weapontin crystal catalyst32355.6
    great magic weapontin crystal catalyst32279.4
    magic weapontin crystal catalyst32203.2
    weapon buffs at 30 int. / fai.
    spell / miraclecatalyst / talismanint / faiAR
    darkmoon blade +1canvas talisman30326.8
    sunlight bladecanvas talisman30309.6
    crystal magic weaponsorcerer catalyst30277.2
    great magic weaponsorcerer catalyst30217.8
    magic weaponsorcerer catalyst30158.4
    weapon buffs at 40 int. / fai.
    spell / miraclecatalyst / talismanint / faiAR
    darkmoon blade +1darkmoon talisman40362.9
    sunlight bladedarkmoon talisman40343.8
    crystal magic weapontin crystal catalyst40380.8
    great magic weapontin crystal catalyst40299.2
    magic weapontin crystal catalyst40217.6

    Last edited by WandererReece on Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:19 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed)
    Stat Guru
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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by BLA1NE Sun Oct 28, 2012 10:02 pm

    Not damage, you mean Attack Rating (AR).

    It's a bit over-simplistic to look at it simply that way. You have to consider what you'll be attacking, what SL you want your build to be, and what other benefits you can get incidentally. For example, Darkmoon Blade and CMW deal magic damage, while Sunlight Blade deals lightning. So depending on what you're attacking, this can make a huge difference that AR didn't tell you (example: people using Great Magic Barrier!). As for SL, Great Magic Weapon makes a very good low-level buff, and CMW doesn't seem worth it at only 25 Int. But, if you go to 32 Int (mid-level, not shown on your chart) and use the TCC, then suddenly you get a huge hike. So do you want 15 Int, or can your SL goal justify going to 32? And finally, and most importantly, what other benefits can you get along with the buff? If you go for the Fth buffs, you can get WoG and healing miracles too; if you go for the Int buffs, you can get many other offensive spells.

    There's a lot more to consider beyond just AR--that's the last thing you should be looking at, actually! Food for thought.

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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by WandererReece Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:38 am

    BLA1NE wrote:Not damage, you mean Attack Rating (AR).

    It's a bit over-simplistic to look at it simply that way. There's a lot more to consider beyond just AR--that's the last thing you should be looking at, actually! Food for thought.

    I did mean attack rating, sorry about that. Also, I know it's simplistic. It's like you said, there are many things to factor into the equation, and there are other benefits in deciding if you want int. or fai. I just made this to satisfy my own curiosity, because I didn't know how much attack rating the buffs would add.

    Also I know enemy def. will make them do less damage. I already knew sunlight blade does lightning, while the others do magic. I know certain gear will lessen the damage. I know you shouldn't use them at minimun requirements. I know uping the stats will increse the damage (which is shown in the chart).

    If you want I can spend a few months making a complete chart, but this is good enough for me because it's simple. I like things simple.

    Last edited by WandererReece on Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by Knight Alundil Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:44 am

    Damn it annoys me that the strongest buff is Darkmoon >.>

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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by WandererReece Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:22 am

    Added new charts.

    @ Blain, I'm not going to factor in enemy def., armor, magic barrier, or other types of protection. If you want that, then you have to find someone else. It would be too time consuming for me.
    Stat Guru
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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by BLA1NE Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:07 pm

    I wasn't saying that you need to add to your chart, or that I want any information from you, I was trying to give you advice--I don't know where you got the information you used to calculate those numbers, but a lot of it probably comes from me, by the way. What I was saying is that AR is rather insignificant when choosing what buff you want.

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    Weapon Buff Damages Empty Re: Weapon Buff Damages

    Post by WandererReece Tue Oct 30, 2012 10:15 am

    BLA1NE wrote:I don't know where you got the information you used to calculate those numbers, but a lot of it probably comes from me, by the way.

    Actually, When I used the search button for "weapon buff", the forum showed nothing relevent. Honestly, I didn't know you had any research on the subject. So, I got my info from my other sources. Perhaps we should compare notes?

    They all stated each buff had a multiplier that multiplied the magic adjustment to create the attack rating. So, the equation would have to be magic adjustment times buff multiplier equals buff attack rating. Each weapon buff has it's own multiplier.

    spell / miraclemultiplier
    darkmoon blade +11.9
    sunlight blade1.8
    crystal magic weapon1.4
    great magic weapon1.1
    magic weapon0.8

    Once I got the multipliers and equation, I used a character planer to find the magic adjustments for catalyst and talismans at various intelegence and faith levels.

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