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Mr. Tart
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*


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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:28 pm

    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* OKHeadingImage

    Noun - A disastrous event, marked by great loss and lasting suffering

    With Artorias and the other abominations of Oolacile slain, an unsung Hero returned to Lordran to link the Fire and finally end the corruptive influence of the Abyss and the Primordial Serpents, whose endeavours had cost the lives of millions.

    Beneath his gauntlets a curious artefact adorned his finger, a trophy and a testament to the Warrior’s skill; An unpolished ring, charred red in the shape of an eye. With the Hero’s final sacrifice, this ring slipped from his ashen finger and lay glowing in the brilliant embers of the New Flame. The age of the old Lords was beginning anew and with it a new era of futility and sacrifice.

    In the centre of the fire, the molten heart of the ring began to swirl, straining against it’s metal covering. The desolate air of the Kiln of the First Flame was pierced by a deafening shriek as the ring shattered, spilling countless Obsidian shadows onto the ash around it.

    The Flame extinguished and the shadows vast, a new Night had come to Lordran.


    You were born from the heart of Calamity, in the heat of Lordran’s first flame; an ancient prophecy spoken eons past when Dragons forged the world around them. With the demise of Kalameet, your arrival was heralded and Lordran’s doom sealed.

    Your Purpose:

    To bring Calamity and the final destruction to Lordran, the womb of the False Gods who slew the ancient Dragons. To sow dissent and fear into the cursed breed of Humans. To protect Kalameet’s resting place and slay, without mercy, all those who seek to desecrate it. You will pave the way for the Dragon's return, and usher in a New Age of valour. You know only of the old ways of Might, and will fight with honour in the name of your slain God, Kalameet.

    Calamity Shall Reign

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Wed Dec 19, 2012 8:41 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:28 pm

    Conditions and Requirements


    Kalameet must be dead in your world *UNLESS* you would like to host tournaments, as these will take place near Kalameet (you may be required to enter NG+ as you may need the Calamity Ring).

    You must use the Prayer Gesture upon defeating a foe, to symbolise your offering to Kalameet.


    You may only belong to the Dragon Covenant, the Gravelord Servants, The Forest Hunters or the Darkwaiths. You may not join the Blades of the Darkmoon as this covenant serves a false God. This applies to the other covenants in the game. You may join another Covenant only in order to gain access to a specific spell, but you will still need some method of invading.

    Recommended Soul Levels

    Undergoing Reconstruction


    You will fight with honour at all times, in service to the old ways
    You will not chainstab or backstab fish (unless facing hackers or gankers)
    You will not taunt your opponents
    You will only heal if you're opponent heals
    If you're opponent bows, you will use the Point Up gesture, to indicate that you do not bow before corrupted Humans

    Enemies and Allies

    Ally - The Darkstalkers

    Ally - The Exiled of Ariamis

    Enemy - The Gravesworn

    RSS Drop Sites

    (DLC) The area before Kalameet, at the end of the stream where the Large Soul of a Brave Warrior is

    The area outside Havel's room in Darkroot Basin (on the way to Dusk)(?)

    If all participants have access to the DLC, the tournament will be held in Artorias' Arena.

    Preferred Invasion Sites

    Anor Londo - The Darkmoon Bonfire/First Gargoyle Bridge, to halt those seeking to enter a covenant with Gywndolin

    Oolacile - The area outside Kalameet (invade next to Artorias' door)

    Darkroot - Invade by the bonfire, or outside Havel's door, to halt those seeking to enter Oolacile.

    New Londo Ruins - To protect Kaathe, in honor of our pact with the Darkstalkers.

    Kiln of the First Flame - To Halt those seeking to Kindle the Flame, and begin the age of the False Lords anew.

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Wed Nov 07, 2012 5:29 pm; edited 16 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:29 pm


    Rank 0 - The Awoken - Entry Level

    Rank 1 - Cursed Blood - +1 Calamity

    Rank 2 - Doom Herald - +3 Calamity

    Rank 3 - Blood Knight - +5 Calamity

    Rank 4 - Obsidian Reaper - +7 Calamity

    Ranks 5 - You may chose your title +8 Calamity + Conditions

    Ranking Up

    Calamity points are required to rank up within the covenant. Depending on whether or not you participate in Tournaments or Invasions, you may gain Calamity to rank up in a number of ways


    Those seeking to sow Calamity throughout Lordran must prove themselves capable of surviving in the face of innumerable foes wielding powerful new weapons. These tests will be conducted by the leader of your faction and the apprentice of their choice, where applicable. Each test may only be proven once.

    + 1 Calamity will be earned by those who prove they can conquer against two skilled foes at once

    + 1 Calamity can be earned by those who can counter the dishonourable tactics of Backstabbing and Chainstabbing, without resorting to such methods themselves.

    +2 Calamity will be earned by those with enough prowess in battle to triumph in a fight whilst burdened (mid-rolling) with 0 poise. This serves as condition 1 and is required to gain Ranks beyond Rank 2

    +2 Calamity will be earned by those with enough prowess in battle to triumph in a fight whilst bearing a heavy burden (heavy-rolling) with 0 poise. This serves as Condition 2 and is Required to gain Ranks beyond Rank 3

    +3 Calamity will be earned by those who have gained such skills in battle that they may overcome two skilled adversaries at once whilst wearing the Ring of Calamity. This serves as Condition 3 and is required to gain the final covenant rank (winning may not always be essential, and this may be awarded on merit).


    Those wishing to prove themselves among their blood Kin may do so by participating in tournaments held in honour of our fallen Lord.

    +2 Calamity will be awarded to the victor of a tournament. This may only be earned once.

    +1 Calamity will be awarded to the Knight skilled enough to become second in a tournament. This may only be earned once.

    +1 Calamity will be awarded the Knight chosen by the leaders as having the most unique battle style, as well as demonstrating proficiency with it. This will be given to one member per tournament.


    + 1 Calamity will be awarded to any Knight who organises a covenant event

    +1 Calamity will be awarded to any Knight who hosts a covenant Tournament

    Rank Restrictions

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:42 am; edited 6 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:30 pm


    Covenant Leader:Chaos Moogle - The Eye of Calamity


    Faction Leader: ChaosMoogle/Mr. Tart


    Mr. Tart (Xbl: xFingeR PaiNtx)- Rank: The Awoken

    Lonewolf (Xbl: lone wolf 986) - Rank: The Awoken

    EliteBiker20 (Xbl: EliteBiker20) - Rank: The Awoken

    WhatDoesThePendantDo (Xbl: DiogenesSinope7) - Rank: The Awoken


    Faction Leader: Darksomething56

    Darksomething56 (PSN WELLING518) - Rank: The Awoken

    TheAshenPhantom (PSN GunGravePhantom) - Rank: The Awoken

    Gilgamesh2007 (Gilgamesh2007) - Rank: The Awoken

    XachAttack (PSN HellDragoon5) - Rank: The Awoken

    Phantomblk13 (PSN Phantomblk13) - Rank: The Awoken


    Faction Leader:

    HarlotsLoki (GfWL: HarlotsLoki) - Rank: The Awoken

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Thu Dec 20, 2012 5:58 am; edited 15 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:30 pm

    Allowed Weapons/Amour/Rings/Spells

    The motivation behind this covenant was to try something different where the usual weapons, armours and spells are not allowed. This is as comprehensive list of ALL of the allowed gear. If something is not on this list, it means it is not allowed within the covenant.



    -Dragon Bone Fist
    -Dark Hand

    -Ghost Blade
    -Priscilla's Dagger

    -Jagged Ghost Blade
    -Gold and Dark Silver Tracers (only if duel-wielded in the correct hand)


    -Crystal Straight Sword
    -Broken Straight Sword
    -Straight Sword Hilt
    -Silver Knight Straight Sword
    -Barbed Straight Sword

    -The Obsidian Greatsword: Unbuffed only, and available to those Rank 2 and above who are in Dragon Form.
    -The Abyss Greatsword: Available to Rank 2 and above.

    -Demon Great Machete
    -Dragon Greatsword
    -Black Knight Greatsword

    -Gravelord Sword


    -Butcher's Knife
    -Gargoyle Tail Axe
    -Crescent Axe
    -Golem Axe

    -Demon's Greataxe
    -Dragon King Greataxe
    -Stone Greataxe

    -Morning Star
    -Blacksmith's Hammer (Andre's only)

    -Great Club
    -Demon's Great Hammer
    -Smough's Hammer
    -Dragon Tooth

    -titanite Catch Pole

    -Channellers Trident

    -Notched Whip
    -Guardian Tail

    -Darkmoon Bow
    -Dragonslayer Greatbow
    -Black Bow of Pharis
    -Sniper Crossbow
    -Gough's Greatbow

    -Warrior's Round Shield
    -Red and White Round Shield
    -Cracked Round Shield
    -Plank Shield
    -Effigy Shield
    -Crystal Ring Shield

    -Pierce Shield
    -Spiked Shield
    -East West Shield
    -Large Leather Shield
    -Tower Kite Shield
    -Caduceus Kite Shield
    -Knight Shield
    -Spider Shield
    -Crystal Shield
    -Gargoyle Shield
    -Iron Round Shield

    -Black Iron Greatshield
    -Tower Shield
    -Giant's Shield
    -Stone Greatshield
    -Bonewheel Shield
    -Cleansing Greatshield

    Any Talisman, Catalyst or Pyromancy Flame

    These Weapons may be used in any combination, from Dual-Wielding, to main-handing a shield and offhanding an Ultra Greatsword. The aim here is to be creative.



    -Hidden Body
    -Hidden Weapon
    -Cast Light
    -Fall Control
    -Resist Curse
    -Aural Decoy
    -Great Soul Arrow
    -White Dragon Breath
    -Dark Fog
    -Dark Orb
    -Soul Spear
    -Great Magic Weapon (?)

    -Undead Rapport
    -Acid Surge
    -Poison Mist
    -Toxic Mist
    -Iron Flesh
    -Power Within
    -Fire Whip
    -Chaos Fire Whip
    -Fire Surge
    -Chaos Storm (Invasions only)

    -Karmic Justice
    -Gravelord Sword Dance
    -Gravelord Greatsword Dance
    -Emit Force
    -Sunlight Spear
    -Vow of Silence
    -Magic Barrier
    -Great Magic Barrier
    -Soothing Sunlight (PvE)
    -Bountiful Sunlight (PvE)



    **The Following is a list of BANNED armour**

    Havel's Set
    Giant's Armour
    Black Iron Armour
    The Dingy Set
    Wanderers Set
    The Big Hat
    The Witch Cloak
    The Crown of Dusk
    Family Masks
    Hollow Soldier Waistcloth



    **The following is a list of BANNED rings**

    Leo Ring
    Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
    Ring of the Suns Firstborn
    Hornet Ring
    Dark Wood Grain Ring


    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Thu Nov 08, 2012 7:20 pm; edited 22 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:30 pm

    Current Updates and Announcements

    Announcement: Looking for someone with a account and streaming equipment who might be interested in hosting an occasional tournament happy

    We welcome our first Allies, in the fight against Gywn and his Progeney; The Darkstalkers.

    Their methods may be different, and our values distinct, but our goal is the same. We call them Ally...until Lordran falls...

    Last edited by ChaosMoogle on Thu Nov 01, 2012 4:04 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:34 pm

    FIRST THREAD UP! happy

    I'll be dumping everything else in here over the next few hours. Welcome everyone!

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by XachAttack Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:52 pm

    Yay, it's finally here! \o/. The lore was pretty neat, can't wait for the rest of the stuff to be filled out.
    Mr. Tart
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:53 pm

    Hm. First post.

    Excellent. twisted

    Sign me up. tongue

    Edit: I hate you Xach, i f*cking hate you. 😢

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Rudmed Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:58 pm

    Part of me senses allies....but we can't have allies because of lore reasons.

    .....How does this group feel about recieving a Calamity?

    I mean it is only fair right?
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:30 pm

    ChaosMoogle wrote:
    Darkwraith and Dragon Members - 60-65
    Gravelord Servants - 70
    You will need an SL99-100 build to participate in Arena events
    You may prefer to have a separate SL120 build to participate in Non-Arena Tournaments.

    Just checking, but is it necessary as a Gravelord Servant to be SL 70 or just adviced? Cause i'd prefer going to SL 100 with it for the events as well, and i'm kind of running out of character slots here. :|

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:46 pm

    Mr. Tart. Just advised, but for reasons. There will be some areas that are off limits for invading/gravelording so you may wish to stay lower. SL60-70 for all invader builds was also recommended for participating in Covenant Wars, but I understand if you're running out of slots silly

    Rudmed - Oh no! You could have been our first ally silly No matter!

    P.S - I hate HTML code silly
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:01 pm

    Damned be. I'll have to work out a build and see if it works at sl 70. I'm working on the character right now. Trying to get a pitch black skin tone and orange eyes just for this covenant. And damn is it hard. :x
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:03 pm

    On another note: Really hope we'll get any members, would be unfortunate if we only got as far as a few, with all this planning.

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:04 pm

    Haha! That character will look awesome. I tried to do the same, and got a sort of blue/green kind of color. Suffice it to say I deleted it silly

    I hope so too! I'm being realistic though lol. What do you think of the Lore/Ranking up mechanics?
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:06 pm

    Lore seems nice. Not really done reading everything though, kind of busy switching between working my *** off of the character and reading. As for weapons, didn't read the weapon thread more than once, so is the Obsidian Greatsword allowed? silly

    Edit: It saddens me that the Obsidian Greatsword is not allowed. Would have fit perfectly if i somehow manage to create a character that fits with the covenant.

    Oh well.

    Last edited by Mr. Tart on Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Mr. Tart Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:26 pm

    Getting closer btw. The color is THIS right now.

    Edit: After about 1 hour of work it seems i've reached the limit. No matter what, the arrows won't budge. I ended up with a dark blue color, but you can't get any further. Period.


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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:33 pm

    I was like "This User Cov Looks epic and I will join".....until I saw the honour thing....

    Great Idea though.

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:41 pm

    ViralEnsign_ wrote:I was like "This User Cov Looks epic and I will join".....until I saw the honour thing....

    Great Idea though.

    sad If you look at the list of weapons etc that's actually allowed, it's really not that restrictive. It's mainly just the usual Kats/GS/Rapiers/Spears that aren't allowed. Thanks though happy

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ChaosMoogle Mon Oct 29, 2012 8:51 pm

    To all you other lovely Covenant Leaders out there, we're looking for enemies and allies twisted
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:51 pm

    Spreading calamity aye? Bring it 8)

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:05 pm

    Hmmm the Gravesworn are small and we like to spread misery.... I guess Calamity is similar....
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:07 pm

    Very nicely done, Mr. Moogle! cheers

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Darksomething56 Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:12 pm

    damn interesting cov here glad to see some love for kalameet, and how come no obsidian grt sword, another thing im interested in joining
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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by DoughGuy Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:13 pm

    You're joining everything Dark!
    Btw how much longer will you be able to be online for?

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    THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)* Empty Re: THE OBSIDIAN KNIGHTS - The First Era *On hold (but still recruiting)*

    Post by Sponsored content

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