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    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)


    Posts : 112
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    Age : 30
    Location : In Royal Wood roasting marshmellows

    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

    Post by >Brave< Mon Oct 29, 2012 7:59 pm

    [When fighting Hawkeye]

    - Due to being blind the slumbering dragon crest ring keeps him from hearing you. When attack he knows where you are for about 2-3 attacks then idles by looking around for you. Once his HP is at half, his attack count goes from 2-3 to 3-7. HIGHLY recommended that hawkeye is fought using a great shield, fast weapons , and fast rolling.
    (I.E. for a fast weapon: Balder side sword with 20 DEX unbuffed is effective)

    It is best that you kill kalameet BEFORE fighting hawkeye so you can obtain his great bow and armor in one playthrough.

    Attacks (All attacks break poise if not blocked)

    - Fist smash
    - Ground swipe

    - Full body slam (Takes up 80% of the area; greatsword SOMETIMES blocks the attack. VERY high chance that this attack will kill you)

    - Elbow drop (Takes up 50% of the area; can be blocked and dodged by rolling to the side)

    Recommended equipment

    - Any great shield
    - Slumbering dragon crest ring
    - Light or no armor
    - Fast weapons (Katana, Straight swords, Curved swords)

    Posts : 1433
    Reputation : 311
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Re: Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

    Post by FexDS Mon Oct 29, 2012 10:12 pm

    Very good points! Did you add this to wiki?

    Posts : 112
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    Join date : 2012-08-10
    Age : 30
    Location : In Royal Wood roasting marshmellows

    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Re: Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

    Post by >Brave< Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:58 am

    FexDS wrote:Very good points! Did you add this to wiki?
    Sadly no. I really don't know which page to add it to and I really dont know how to edit lol.

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    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Re: Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

    Post by Wilkinson3424 Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:05 am

    You can sign up for the wiki, and an admin usually tells you when you are accepted, then there is a EDIT button, bright as day on each page.

    Posts : 1433
    Reputation : 311
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Re: Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

    Post by FexDS Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:47 am

    You can join the wiki by clicking here

    This information would be well suited for the Hawkeye Gough page happy

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    Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki) Empty Re: Hawkeye discoveries (For the Wiki)

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