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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?


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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Automancer Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:01 am

    I'm not sure where i heard it from but apparently there was a way to break walls in Demon's Souls with a pickaxe so i thought i gave it a shot in Dark Souls. I tried it at the most obvious areas, the wall at the Centipede Demon's area and those stone walls in Lost Izalith. Sadly, no luck. The walls near the Chaos Fire Whip looks like there's a pathway going further in though. =(

    Or am i doing something wrong? Anyone else tried to do this and have better results?
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by ublug Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:15 am

    You could break some walls with a pickaxe in Kings Field: The Ancient City. You could use other weapons as well, but the pickaxe was the first weapon you found that was able to do it.
    I have tried breaking some walls with it (for example the entrance to Vamos), but no luck. Haven't tried with a raw pickaxe though.

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Automancer Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:49 am

    ublug wrote:You could break some walls with a pickaxe in Kings Field: The Ancient City. You could use other weapons as well, but the pickaxe was the first weapon you found that was able to do it.
    I have tried breaking some walls with it (for example the entrance to Vamos), but no luck. Haven't tried with a raw pickaxe though.

    Well, the purpose of a Raw weapon had been bugging me since i found out about the little 'secret' but never had time to try it until now. I've tried Raw upgrades with the Warpick as well but no luck either. I really wanna know what's behind that wall in the Centipede Demon's area!!! It could be something the developers intended to put in but left out...
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Tolvo Wed Oct 31, 2012 10:50 am

    I've tried this in all of Sens before, with each blacksmith hammer, and every upgrade path of the pickaxe.

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Automancer Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:25 pm

    No luck, i presume?
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Tolvo Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:37 pm

    Nope, though maybe someone should try with the Calamity ring on.
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by PlasticandRage Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:46 pm

    what are you referring to when you say 'the little secret?'

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Automancer Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:24 am

    Oh, it didn't mean anything really. I meant the fact that the walls 'could' potentially be destroyed. =(
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by PlasticandRage Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:37 am

    oh, gotcha. Thought maybe there was something being discussed I wasn't aware of yet. Been out of the loop for awhile

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by DMC Thu Nov 01, 2012 6:02 am

    What wall could you break in Demon Souls?!

    Never heard that before.

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by passivefamiliar Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:22 pm

    Bump. I'd like to know what wall could break in demon souls too. I know of the'illusionary' walls. But...breakable ones? When i get home im going straight to the phlanax(sp) first boss blob thing, and getting a pickaxe on those 2 back walls. They ALWAYS had a message, highly rated, sayingg secret ect ect. But i never considered using a specific weapon.

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Glutebrah Thu Nov 01, 2012 1:50 pm

    Automancer wrote: I really wanna know what's behind that wall in the Centipede Demon's area!!! It could be something the developers intended to put in but left out...

    the wall you might be referring to is a wall that opens up if you are +3 in the chaos covenant. it is a short cut right to centipede demon.

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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by CaligoIllioneus Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:48 pm

    No, the Chaos Covenant shortcut leads to Lost Izalith proper, not to the Centipede Demon area. That wall he's talking about can't be opened.
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    Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe? Empty Re: Breaking walls with a Raw Pickaxe?

    Post by Carphil Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:54 pm

    That wall that is blocked by stones, just like Sens way to Anor Londo.

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