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Lord of Ash
Knight Alundil
18 posters

    Suiciding when invaded?

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Tolvo Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:05 pm

    There is a reason I didn't down rep yours ash. While I thought it could start something, you gave a reason for your view and were giving it thought. You also did not come off as hostile to me, more so just that you had a view.

    Honor has sort of gone the way of politics and religion. We've had threads that have talked about such topics in a very civil manner, but at large it could easily cause a flame war because of the nature.

    I don't like to give out negative rep, I'd much rather give everyone a positive rep. But I have to rate things based upon how they appear to me.
    Lord of Ash
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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Lord of Ash Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:25 pm

    you got my respect just now tolvo peace out

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:34 pm

    Lord of Ash wrote:
    i agree with this in not to many words those who play with honor typicaly abandon their so called honor as soon as it suits them and probably only use honor cause they dont know how to deal with "dirty" fights and rage when they feel helpess I only have ever gotten hate mail from those who claim to be honorable but on another note i like the burg for 1v1 and the forest when I want to test my mettle
    I don't think you should make the mistake of thinking the "Honor Brigade" and people who try to win at all costs are two entirely separate camps. I also wish to correct your perception that "honorable players" hide behind honor because they can't deal with dirty fights- I consider myself "honorable" as far as honor in a videogame goes, but if you try to "play dirty", there's a good chance that's it's my blade that will be sticking out of your chest instead. I can and will counter bs, cancel bs, pivot bs, stun bs, roll bs, chain bs and hit you with a variety of nigh-inescapable wakeup attacks once you've been bs'd. However, these kind of fights aren't enjoyable to me, which is why I don't use these tactics if my opponent doesn't. You said in your post that honorable people throw away honor "as soon as it suits them", but honor doesn't exist if both parties don't decide to respect the other's sense of fun- usually signified by a bow or the use of the RSS to start a duel.
    Knight Alundil
    Knight Alundil

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Knight Alundil Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:53 pm

    Ghadis_God wrote:
    Lord of Ash wrote:
    i agree with this in not to many words those who play with honor typicaly abandon their so called honor as soon as it suits them and probably only use honor cause they dont know how to deal with "dirty" fights and rage when they feel helpess I only have ever gotten hate mail from those who claim to be honorable but on another note i like the burg for 1v1 and the forest when I want to test my mettle
    I don't think you should make the mistake of thinking the "Honor Brigade" and people who try to win at all costs are two entirely separate camps. I also wish to correct your perception that "honorable players" hide behind honor because they can't deal with dirty fights- I consider myself "honorable" as far as honor in a videogame goes, but if you try to "play dirty", there's a good chance that's it's my blade that will be sticking out of your chest instead. I can and will counter bs, cancel bs, pivot bs, stun bs, roll bs, chain bs and hit you with a variety of nigh-inescapable wakeup attacks once you've been bs'd. However, these kind of fights aren't enjoyable to me, which is why I don't use these tactics if my opponent doesn't. You said in your post that honorable people throw away honor "as soon as it suits them", but honor doesn't exist if both parties don't decide to respect the other's sense of fun- usually signified by a bow or the use of the RSS to start a duel.

    This was my entire point. I like the way you quoted "fighting dirty". Honor is different to everyone; just because they did something you consider to be dirty doesn't mean it is to them.

    Picture this: You and a fellow are fighting away quite happily la dee da no worries. At this point he takes out a manus catylyst and does a pursuer/dark orb combo. Now alot of people would consider this "dirty" but there is every reason to believe this player doesn't. So he continues on with the fight and all of a sudden you become a chainstabbing lunatic.

    If you're going to fight with honor it has to be all the time, especially if you're calling it "honor". If you discard your morals about fighting as soon as you reach an opponent who does then are you really honourable? Seems like you're just adapting to who you're fighting and everyone adapts in different ways.

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Bcc17 Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:05 pm

    Amos you double post like there's no tomorrow.

    Also, I don't see anything wrong with committing suicide while being invaded. Free souls for me! big grin
    Chosen Undead
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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by TehInfamousAmos Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:10 pm

    I double post pretty frequently due to the fact that normally they're different topics... Or the fact that I am frequently to lazy to edit.

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Ghadis_God Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:17 pm

    Knight Alundil wrote:
    Ghadis_God wrote:
    Lord of Ash wrote:
    i agree with this in not to many words those who play with honor typicaly abandon their so called honor as soon as it suits them and probably only use honor cause they dont know how to deal with "dirty" fights and rage when they feel helpess I only have ever gotten hate mail from those who claim to be honorable but on another note i like the burg for 1v1 and the forest when I want to test my mettle
    I don't think you should make the mistake of thinking the "Honor Brigade" and people who try to win at all costs are two entirely separate camps. I also wish to correct your perception that "honorable players" hide behind honor because they can't deal with dirty fights- I consider myself "honorable" as far as honor in a videogame goes, but if you try to "play dirty", there's a good chance that's it's my blade that will be sticking out of your chest instead. I can and will counter bs, cancel bs, pivot bs, stun bs, roll bs, chain bs and hit you with a variety of nigh-inescapable wakeup attacks once you've been bs'd. However, these kind of fights aren't enjoyable to me, which is why I don't use these tactics if my opponent doesn't. You said in your post that honorable people throw away honor "as soon as it suits them", but honor doesn't exist if both parties don't decide to respect the other's sense of fun- usually signified by a bow or the use of the RSS to start a duel.

    This was my entire point. I like the way you quoted "fighting dirty". Honor is different to everyone; just because they did something you consider to be dirty doesn't mean it is to them.

    Picture this: You and a fellow are fighting away quite happily la dee da no worries. At this point he takes out a manus catylyst and does a pursuer/dark orb combo. Now alot of people would consider this "dirty" but there is every reason to believe this player doesn't. So he continues on with the fight and all of a sudden you become a chainstabbing lunatic.

    If you're going to fight with honor it has to be all the time, especially if you're calling it "honor". If you discard your morals about fighting as soon as you reach an opponent who does then are you really honourable? Seems like you're just adapting to who you're fighting and everyone adapts in different ways.
    Pursuers+Dark Bead might be a cheesy combo, but I don't think it warrants a chainstab. Second, what is this "fighting away no worries"? If he bowed to me, then no, I won't do anything horrible to him. If he didn't, I'll be prepared for him to pull tricks. Though gameplay-wise there's a gray area between honorable dueling and win at all costs play, the two exist in very separate spheres in terms of how you find the matches. Honor relies on an unspoken agreement between two people not to ruin the other's fun- and there is variance and misunderstanding, but that doesn't invalidate the whole concept. If I go looking for a duel I might encounter a couple of things I think are cheap or dishonorable, but to each his own. If I host and wait for invasions in the forest, or invade the kiln, there are going to be a ton of them.

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by LoreFF Mon Nov 12, 2012 6:10 am

    Feel free to jump to your death. In my experience 90 % of the invaders on low levels are people who BB glitches and have high level items on their lowbie chars for an easy win.

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by Bioraptor Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:54 am

    Grindgear wrote:Well, I just got Dark Souls the other day and wasn't aware of the Invasion mechanic being tied into being Human. Is it considered bad form to suicide and deny a invader a kill? I did so because I hit them once for full damage and their health barely dropped, so I decided to kill myself rather than give them the satisfaction of killing me.

    I believe even if you had stayed and had a go at fighting the invader you would have been handicapped with the chances of the invader being a BB player.
    So you would have never won.
    If you play on Xbox send me a friends request and I will help you in guiding you through as far as I can or dropping you some weapons and armour that will even the playing field if and when you get invaded next time.

    My gamer tag is CelestialSpiral.

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    Suiciding when invaded? - Page 2 Empty Re: Suiciding when invaded?

    Post by FexDS Mon Nov 12, 2012 11:12 am

    This topic is spiraling out of control and into offtopic fast.

    Honor vs. no honor is a neverending argument of he said she said.

    And in this forum, we all know SHE said wins. Evil Fex

    I suicide pretty much everytime I'm invaded. Deal with it ppl.

    The end

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