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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists


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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by MosquitoPower Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:31 pm

    So im watching Man with the Iron Fists (2012) in the theater, and there is a character (The X-Blade) that has an all-black suit of armor (no helmet) with spring loaded spikes (no sword or shield).
    He only uses it in one scene but it was pretty neat to see him wipe out a bunch on enemies with a spike suit.
    The Dark Souls fanboy in me was happy.

    Anyone else see this movie? Or am I just too desperate to see Dark Souls connections?
    Jester's Tears
    Jester's Tears

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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by Jester's Tears Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:40 pm

    Nope. Random guy in Spike armor. Nothing to do with Dark Souls.

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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by MosquitoPower Thu Dec 06, 2012 6:48 pm

    Jester's Tears wrote:Nope. Random guy in Spike armor. Nothing to do with Dark Souls.

    My dreams of a Dark Souls movie....dashed on the rocks of reality!
    Oh the humanity!
    Compulsory Poster
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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by Marino. Thu Dec 06, 2012 7:47 pm

    Here is an actual Dark Souls reference happy


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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by MosquitoPower Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:00 pm

    Marino. wrote:Here is an actual Dark Souls reference happy


    LoL They better have a MP Holy Grail DLC soon costume pack! soon!
    PC modders need to get on that right away!

    Hehe I guess I should have specified that I did not think the director/writer that put X-Blade in "Man with the Iron fists" was doing something specifically from Dark Souls. But what I was thinking was IF there was a live action Dark Knight Kirk, that is how I would want his armor to work.

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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

    Post by ChizFreak Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:42 pm

    Oh right! Community!


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    Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists Empty Re: Dark Knight Kirk in the movie Man with the Iron Fists

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