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Steel Dragon74
Soris Ice Goldwing
24 posters

    Ravens of the Great Wolf


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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Thu Dec 13, 2012 9:11 pm

    .____________________________ LORE ____________________________.
    In the forsaken world of Lordran, A giant wolf guards the grave of a once great warrior. Sif, as he is called, has protected this grave for many years. In lordran, time is not how we would usually see it. Different dimensions intertwine with each other. People are murdering the great wolf, and claiming the spoils of the knight's grave. These people must be stopped, and the Ravens are the ones to do it. With our assistance, the grave can, and will be protected for years to come, and our efforts shall not be forgotten. We are the Ravens of the Great Wolf, and none shall break us!

    -Our objective is to protect the great guardian, Sif.
    -All who would try to kill him must be met with death.
    -Join the battle as a forest hunter, and slay any who enter, but be especially wary of Darkwraiths, for they have already slain the guardian in their world. If you encounter
    one in an invasion, they must be punished.
    -Your services will not go unrewarded, for if you should face the father of the abyss,
    the guardian himself shall aid you in combat!
    Ravens of the Great Wolf Sif11

    -Seeing as the Dark Souls populace is rather low, I don't see this group getting very
    large, so if you see a member of this covenant, and you recognize them, I'd ask
    that you hold off your weapon on them, and not kill each other. I know this is a hard
    task, so I wouldn't hold it against you if you didnt.
    -Do not aid others in killing Sif. (I dont mean to seem hypocritical, but you may
    kill him in your own world if you so choose, since he isn't an optional boss), but if
    another adventurer cannot fight him alone, he is not worthy of Sif's soul.
    -If possible, kill darkwraiths first, during an invasion. Especially on low levels, and/or
    are BB glitch abusers.
    -When you kill an intruder, point your soul towards the guardian's arena, to show them
    who they will have to get past.
    -If your opponent fights unfairly, and/or you are being ganked, there is no loss of honor
    for fighting dirty as well. Feel free, and live long.

    Coryf2209 SL125, 95
    Wenzlouis SL140, 80
    Steel Dragon74 SL200
    Icegodzilla SL95
    Debido SL110, 76, 20

    Soris Ice Goldwing SL120
    Icegodzilla SLtba
    CappuccinoJak SL100



    Overwatch - The administrative section .
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Enshadowed Eagles - The elite Ravens. .

    Dark Hawk - Ravens that show courage and skill. .
    Steel Dragon74

    Black Raven - New ravens that are loyal to the Great Wolf. .

    . __________________________ ALLIANCES _________________________.
    Guardians of Oolacile
    Far East Trainers

    . __________________________ ENEMIES ____________________________.
    The Ascended: Manus' Might

    Last edited by Coryf2209 on Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:59 pm; edited 33 times in total

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by LunarFog Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:03 pm

    Ah. I was tempted to devote myself to protecting Sif since he's such a majestic animal, but the calling of spreading chaos was a little bit louder. I'll have to kill him again soon. It's a shame your covenant won't be up quick enough to stop me.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:09 pm

    An interesting idea, protecting Sif. I always try to lead people to him in the dlc, a powerful wolf. I'll join...are Darkmoons allowed?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:28 pm

    Soris Ice Goldwing wrote:An interesting idea, protecting Sif. I always try to lead people to him in the dlc, a powerful wolf. I'll join...are Darkmoons allowed?
    Of course, any covenant is allowed but darkwraiths. I have nothing against darkwraiths, it just goes against the covenant, so if any darkwraith reads this and wants to join, just pick a different covenant, or make a new character. ^_^

    Also, what system are you on?

    And @LunarFog: We'll see. twisted

    Last edited by Coryf2209 on Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:31 pm

    Perfect! But I forgot the details: Im on xbox as a 120... well I'm dressed as Artorias minus the leggings with a estoc and my fighting ranges by who I fight.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:47 pm

    Great! My main is actually SL116 silly
    If you need help with anything, feel free to ask. winking
    (I have the DLC, too)
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Thu Dec 13, 2012 10:52 pm

    Yeah I find it fun to lead people to Sif then save him. Of course I don't where in Manus' area can you summon him.. I don't why but I always bow to Sif...Anyway where do I start?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:57 am

    You dont summon him, he invades you as a white phantom. Start at the Oolacile township dungeon bonfire(the warpable one), then go down the pathway to where the humanity phantoms are, and instead of going right, into the field with the phantoms and the caster, turn left. I think there might be an illusionary wall. If there is, smack it, and it will drop you gently down to a platform below. This only works once, so if you die, you'll take fall damage next time. Continue along the path until you get to a doorway with a lamp on either side, that leads to a shorcut elevator. Go inside, and come back out just a bit, and look left. You will see a wall. Hug that wall around the bend, and then strike it immediately after the turn. It will lead to a cave with some more phantoms, and Sif hidden behind Artorias' shield. Kill the phantoms and walk up to Sif. He will then disappear, and you will get the shield, and after that, when you fight Manus, he will invade you as a white phantom, and helps you kill Manus. Enjoy! Also, if you can't find him, tell me, and Ill place my summon sign by the bonfire..
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:05 am

    Sorry I meant when I'm summoned to help others. I already completed the dlc but I did not know where you can summon Sif when you fight Manus. First time I thought he did what Dusk did and appear in another time. Though thanks for the advice, you should leave for others to use. So what to do with this covenant?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:09 am

    It's a loose covenant for the most part, with only a few spicific rules. Try to protect Sif by attacking those that want to kill him, and kill darkwraiths when you can. You can also be a summoned help in the forest for anything but the boss fight. When this covenant lifts off, Ill do events and the like, and probably include a ranking system of some sort. Until then, its quite like the other covenants, just with different goals. Do them if you'd like, and refrain if you dont.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:15 am

    What is the significance of ravens if you dont mind me asking?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:30 am

    Ravens usually watch their prey, and then strike when it's most opportune.(like when I entered the arena with another player, and parried him multiple times, leading to his death, and my feeling of satisfaction) Also the notable size difference, so as to him, we are mere birds flipping, rolling, and pecking around. And partly because it sounds cool. Actually, thats a large part of the reason. silly
    It was originally going to be Guardians of the Great Wolf, but since he is himself a sounds bad.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:52 am


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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 1:55 am

    Why, thank you! What dost thou say? Wilt thou not join us?
    Oh yes, I believe we would suit thee well.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Fri Dec 14, 2012 2:10 am

    Nah I had my time running a user cov and it was a lot of fun with all the guys here....however I swore after my Gravelording days that I would only ever side with the most heroic and noble individuals I could find. You guys seem more neutral than anything to me.

    Good luck with the user cov though.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:40 pm

    Hope this keeps going reasonably well...I really don't want to have to call this off.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Dec 14, 2012 10:49 pm

    What we need to do is find members who want to join. Ideas?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:38 pm

    We could probably ask our friends, and when we have more people from ways like that, the cov would be more appealing to newer forum members that are looking for one. Also, I'm currently cooking up the lore.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Fri Dec 14, 2012 11:52 pm

    That could work however if this does grow into something big...Well ask Tinypantha, can't spoil anything. So who do we know that would want to join? Or the better question how do we make this legit?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by ViralEnsign_ Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:27 am

    I suggest nabbing one of the veteran forumgoers. others might follow suit.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by PwnasauresRex Sat Dec 15, 2012 2:46 am

    I'll join. I am about to make a new toon anyway, and I never liked killing sif:(

    I think it is time help the Great Grey Wolf guard the treasure of nasty grave robbers.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:28 am

    @Viral - Thanks for the tip, I'll work on it.

    @Pwnasaures - Great! I'll add you to the roster.

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by tinypantha Sun Dec 16, 2012 2:20 am

    interesting post but why not check out how the covys work on the forum before posting your own?

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Coryf2209 Sun Dec 16, 2012 6:15 pm

    What do you mean?
    Steel Dragon74
    Steel Dragon74

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    Ravens of the Great Wolf Empty Re: Ravens of the Great Wolf

    Post by Steel Dragon74 Tue Dec 18, 2012 12:15 am

    Can I join? Because Im in the process of making a character that would suit this perfectly
    Im on PS3

    How do we rank up btw?

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