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    OGS faith build


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    OGS faith build Empty OGS faith build

    Post by Sir-flicker Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:02 am

    Hey all, I'm currently making a toon around the OGS and one the wike it says that is buffable, Would It Be worth lvling up faith so I can SLB it witch would also add lightning damage to aoe special atk on the sword but is the damge worth the stat investment and how viable is the aoe in pvp?

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    OGS faith build Empty Re: OGS faith build

    Post by Rifter7 Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:21 am

    i dont remember what ogs standed for.. uhhhhg..

    can you just give me a dumbstink version without the abbreviations, im illiterate to this stuff today.
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    OGS faith build Empty Re: OGS faith build

    Post by Spurgun Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:30 am

    Sir-flicker wrote:Hey all, I'm currently making a toon around the OGS and one the wike it says that is buffable, Would It Be worth lvling up faith so I can SLB it witch would also add lightning damage to aoe special atk on the sword but is the damge worth the stat investment and how viable is the aoe in pvp?

    Yes, it is worth it to get SLB for a OGS build. If you're getting SLB, then you should also pick up some other useful miracles, like WoG and GMB.
    Or you can get CMW and sorcery.
    I don't know how viable the AOE is in PvP, since i haven't used it myself.
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    OGS faith build Empty Re: OGS faith build

    Post by sparkly-twinkly-lizard Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:43 am

    some people try to use it as a wake up attack after a backstab, but it can be easily blocked, but if they try to roll away... they pretty much die and get flung across the room, buffs do add damage to the aoe so even if they do block you'll get good chip damage from slb, i mostly stick to one handed so i can dead angle with the r1 but i can confirm its deadly with slb, and if you get great magic barrier as well you can nullify 90% of magic damge flung at you (you can laugh off dark bead and pursuers etc.) i use this set up on my dark moon character, so its dmb im using but the damage difference is not that great, all in all a sunlight bladed obsidian greatsword is a scary thing to fight, especially since the ogs doesn't require high stats to get max damage out of, so you can have a solid hp and end .

    Posts : 51
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    OGS faith build Empty Re: OGS faith build

    Post by Sir-flicker Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:51 am

    MThats pretty much the exact build I had in mind thanks for the advice I might even give the dragon head stone and black flame for a kalmeet cosplay (kinda)
    Thanks again

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