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    Help with Faith build


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    Help with Faith build Empty Help with Faith build

    Post by Dutchy Mon Mar 11, 2013 4:55 am

    Hey'all! I have never created a faith-dependent build, but I thought now would be a chance. It a SL120 for Co-op and two player duels. It is mainly anti-magic, but with enough other spells to be multi-purpose. I am also not using what would be classified as "Cheap" i.e. TWoP and WotG. Here it is: I'm mainly looking for the best advice on spells, not so much weaponry or amour.

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    Help with Faith build Empty Re: Help with Faith build

    Post by kazumoshi Mon Mar 11, 2013 5:38 am

    Your stats are way too spread out, but you said you didn't care about that kind of thing.

    If you're making a faith build, not having WoG (TWoP is understandable, but you should still consider it) is pointless and crippling. You might as well stack homeward seven times if you're that worried about honor.

    Just put WoG on and use it sparringly. People won't complain if you don't spam it like a bad joke.

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    Help with Faith build Empty Re: Help with Faith build

    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Mar 11, 2013 10:45 am

    If you are gonna play Princess Guard I'd tailor your build as a support build seeing as you've chosen to go 48 Faith why not use both sunlight spells?

    Spells: Emit Force, Soothing Sunlight, Bountiful Sunlight, Great Heal and Sunlight Blade.

    With zero poise and cloth for armour and no shield you may want to consider Karmic Justice as a spell too...

    Also - you'll get to NG+ at least so why not join the Darkmoons for the Darkmoon Blade spell and Sunlight Blade spell and you have 2 buffs for the rapier?

    I know you didnt ask for weapons advice, but... By NG+ you can obtain 2 Avelyns and upgrade one to Occult+5 and use Lightning Bolts? Occult is meant to do loads of damage to the living which could be useful?

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    Help with Faith build Empty Re: Help with Faith build

    Post by LunarFog Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:22 am

    ANTI-magic you say? Well in this case I'll help you out to the best of my ability.

    I'd switch Ricard's rapier to the divine or lightning path or some other non-scaling weapon. Then you wouldn't need sunlight blade and that slot would be free to either add some other spell or get a few extra points into vit.

    Having a rapier with no shield to take advantage of it's poking abilities is a waste so I would add a dark hand. As a support character, I would switch the avelyn or at least get used to menu-switching it to a darkmoon bow+moonlight arrows or composite bow.

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    Help with Faith build Empty Re: Help with Faith build

    Post by largestember Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:44 am This looks more anti-magic. It's also set at SL 100 so you can get more pvp and co-op.

    But if I had that build, I'd swap the lightning spear with another wotg, it's not cheap like some people say.

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    Help with Faith build Empty Re: Help with Faith build

    Post by Halicarnassis Mon Mar 11, 2013 2:55 pm

    For a nifty little weapon I quite like Astora's +5 as a backup option...

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