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    Dark Souls 2 setting POLL


    Where do you want the game to take place?

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    Total Votes: 30
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    Dark Souls 2 setting POLL - Page 2 Empty Re: Dark Souls 2 setting POLL

    Post by Animaaal Wed Feb 13, 2013 7:24 pm

    Frank_White wrote:
    Animaaal wrote:
    I would then recommend reading a person's entire post before replying then. Or at least say something like, "To reply in partial" or something of that nature. That would help clear up any confusion imo.

    Well it should be kind of obvious I was only replying to the "if in Lordran" part since it's the only part I answered.

    I dont know what you expect people to think when you flat out say you didnt read something. For instance...

    Well: A primitive contraption used in retrieving water from deep in the Earth. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just saying. Its a pretty ridiculous right?

    You cant expect people to read your mind. That might be why people think you're being rudely sarcastic, because if you were in person, the inflection of your voice would probably come through.

    I hope you're just misunderstood. I have been before and can relate. As a matter of fact anyone with any experience with posting has delt with it at one time or another I'd imagine.

    One last thing, if you are of the frame of mind that you dont care what anyone thinks then fine. All I have to say is one word, "Tact". And also, "You get more flies with honey man."

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 6:50 pm