by Saturday-Saint Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:51 pm
First video:
1:12 - When going for Combustion oki, try to delay it a bit. Most people will try to roll away the instant they get up, use it to knock people out of that roll. When somebody gets up and pauses for a second before rolling, THEN do instant combusts.
2:25 - When somebody is coming in for an obvious BS and you whiff an attack, DO NOT ROLL AWAY. NEVER EVER ROLL AWAY FROM BS'S. Get in the habit of unlocking and attacking people in situations like that. Kick is really good for this. If you attack too early and the guy poises through your attack, you deal some damage, but still get BS'd. Kick doesn't do damage, but it DOES go straight through poise, so you don't run the risk of getting poisestabbed. The only time I'd use an attack over a kick is if I have something with a really fast attack, like Uchi/BSS, or if I think I can instant-pivot into an attack and not get BS'd.
Also he hits you after he BS's you. Ultra Greatswords are SUPER slow and you should be able to dodge them on reaction when getting up from a BS. Just watch him and back roll as he swings, don't try to predict or anticipate how he's going to swing. Just watch, react, use your i-frames.
The Scythe guy was spamming running attacks all over the place. You had a big poise advantage here, as you could poise through his attacks, but he couldn't poise through yours. So you could have done something like just wait for him to attack, then 2H R2 > R1 (pretty sure this combos with MSGS, but maybe it's just Clay) or just poisestab him as he goes flying past you. Both would be pretty easy to do, and would trade in your favor, especially since you had the HP lead after landing that first BS.
When you do rolling attacks, unlock and manually aim them. They have next to no tracking when you lock on with them. You can also unlock, roll, then lock on just before you press R1. That isn't as good as manually aiming them, but it's a lot better than just staying locked on the whole way through.
That guy with the Server spammed way too many parries to not catch at least a couple BS's. If people are spamming parries like that, BS them until they stop.
2nd video:
If you are using an Estoc, the only attack you want to use to trade blows is shieldpoke. 99.9% of the time, if you're going to trade attacks, you want to shieldpoke. In fact, your default attack most of the time should be shieldpoke. Shieldpoking is just a super safe poke attack and so long as you watch your stamina and have a decent shield, it beats pretty much everything that isn't a parry or a backstab. The other attacks have their uses, but you want to be sure that the other guy isn't about to attack you when you use them. If he is about to attack you, just shieldpoke.
But yeah, mostly you just shouldn't be attacking into Great Scythe running R1's. Those do a lot of damage. Like that fancy **** you tried around 2:33. Don't do that. Yeah you look cool doing it, but it's dumb.