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    Your first time...


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    Your first time... Empty Your first time...

    Post by Seignar Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:02 pm

    Really. Let us talk about our first time in whichever part in Dark Souls. Do you want to share your first time on Sen's Fun elevator? How about the that time when you first fought Seath? Did you ever recall meeting Logan on your first playthrough?, etc.

    So, I'll take this thread to inform you of my first time against the Asylum Demon (Oh, a story about the tutorial boss?) <---Good way to get started:

    So, I pwned the tutorial for the most part on my first go (No deaths, like a boss), until I got to the Asylum Demon and stared from the top of ledge down to the Demon. I contemplated my successful first steps before I decided to plunge attack. Unfortunetly, I contemplated for too long and he proceeded to knock me down, diminishing my HP by about 80%.

    So, what happened with the last 20%? I was too prideful and I didn't get my plunge attack which I wanted to test since this was the tutorial. So I let him kill me. Then, I successfully plunged attack next time and beat him (Although he was a surprisingly hard fight since I didn't know his dodge timings and Demon Souls had taught me "Shields do not work on Big Scary Weapons")

    Now, share your stories...this is a thread for nostalgia.
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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by WhatDoesThePendantDo? Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:07 pm

    I remember playing the game for the first 3 hours seeing Alvina and joining her covenant. I put on the ring she gave me and what followed was....utter tragic-ness. Your first time... 1330857165

    Took me a little to put 2 and 2 together and realize that it was the ring that was causing me pain.
    The Letter X
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    Post by The Letter X Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:53 pm

    My first time fighting the crestfallen warrior - it was when he appeared in New Londo, so I was pretty far along in the game and pretty confident in my skills to beat him. I didn't miss a beat when I saw him and just sprinted over to him for a running R1. Little did I know was that he wouldn't miss a beat in his parry timing.

    It was my most anti-climactic moment in Dark Souls.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Dr_Disco Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:00 pm

    Somehow I went my entire first playthrough without ever learning about backstabs (i was offline, but still). I was watching my brother one day, he backstabs a knight and I just stared and muttered "........what the **** was that."
    Phoenix Rising
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    Post by Phoenix Rising Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:00 pm

    This is embarassing but here goes...

    First time fighting the Asylum Demon I tried, and tried. and tried to beat him with the broken straight sword until I ragequit... :oops::oops::oops:

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Seignar Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:16 pm

    Don't worry man, I've done a more embarrassing thing:

    I couldn't see the cliff leading to the Undead Burg, So I though the Catacombs was the first level...for 72 hours. When I left from the bowels of the ToG, I was Level 35, then, when I found the Undead Burg. I ragequit and deleted the character.

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    The Letter X
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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by The Letter X Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:20 pm

    Seignar wrote:Don't worry man, I've done a more embarrassing thing:

    I couldn't see the cliff leading to the Undead Burg, So I though the Catacombs was the first level...for 72 hours. When I left from the bowels of the ToG, I was Level 35, then, when I found the Undead Burg. I ragequit and deleted the character.

    Your first time... Th?id=H.4534696122123330&pid=15

    You, sir, deserve a medal. A sunlight medal.
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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by GrinTwist Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:33 pm

    I didn't know how to lock on to any of the enemies until after I beat Nito in the game.

    The first time I had ever quit from the game from rage was because I lowered the Asylum Demon's health to 25% with the broken sword before he killed me with one of his attacks.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Longshot Mon Feb 25, 2013 11:35 pm

    Seignar wrote:Don't worry man, I've done a more embarrassing thing:

    I couldn't see the cliff leading to the Undead Burg, So I though the Catacombs was the first level...for 72 hours. When I left from the bowels of the ToG, I was Level 35, then, when I found the Undead Burg. I ragequit and deleted the character.

    Your first time... Th?id=H.4534696122123330&pid=15
    "This game isn't hard enough for me"
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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Animaaal Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:05 am

    Dark Souls was preordered and about 500 or so hours went into Demon's Souls. The Asylum Demon, The Burg, and even the Taurus Demon were pretty much a cake walk. I even think I made it past the Hellkite Dragon with little to no difficulty (watched a lot of ENB's prerealese vids).

    However, when me and ol' Irona$$ Boar met, I was thoroughly violated and finally let out a "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh...I'm home again".

    It was at that moment I knew I would love Dark Souls and the hard core Demon's Souls skeptics should just shut the **** up and play the the end, they all ended up being just as addicted to Dark Souls anyway lol.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Ghadis_God Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:30 am

    Seignar wrote:Don't worry man, I've done a more embarrassing thing:

    I couldn't see the cliff leading to the Undead Burg, So I though the Catacombs was the first level...for 72 hours. When I left from the bowels of the ToG, I was Level 35, then, when I found the Undead Burg. I ragequit and deleted the character.

    Your first time... Th?id=H.4534696122123330&pid=15
    I can't believe you didn't stop DkS altogether. The Crestfallen Soldier does tell you to go "up" you know.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Hue Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:35 am

    I had the master key

    Went to new londo, nope, ghosts
    blighttown? nope, poop giants
    lower undead burg? nope, capra demon
    Darkroot? nope, butterfly
    Tower? nope, gargoyles
    gank forest? nope, rollcats
    Catacombs? nope, bonewheel skeletons

    i stayed like that for about one month

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Leeroy_Jenkins Tue Feb 26, 2013 4:43 am

    My first time through I couldn't for the life of me beat the gaping dragon. I just got pwned over and over...

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Hyena Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:13 am

    The first time I fought Bed of Chaos.
    *** that noise. XD
    But the first time I went to the Painted World, I got chills.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by lalliman Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:21 am

    My first playthrough was awesome because i never played Demon's Souls so i had no idea what to expect. And damn the game is good if you don't see anything coming.

    I remember opening the door near the taurus demon with the master key... and then sh*tting my pants when Havel came running up the stairs 🇳🇴

    Also for most of my first playthrough i didn't know one could parry with a medium shield ._. I heard something about greatshields having a shieldbash instead of a parry, and i assumed that counted for medium shields as well. derp.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by BIG TIME MASTER Tue Feb 26, 2013 6:25 am

    Hardest part of my first playthrough? Getting out of Blighttown. What a nightmare.

    I must have fallen fifty times from the waterwheel and the area above. It was like an impossible maze to me. I remember how helpless I felt, and how ironic it was. It had been a mighty adventure getting down to the bottom itself. I was lucky enough to find Queelags lair pretty quickly, and the bonfire too. Queelag herself wasn't too much of a hassle. The real test was getting out of that godforsaken stinkhole.

    I clearly remember, after another pitiful falling death, I just dropped my controller and slouched like a bratty kid, and said out loud, "I just want out of here!"

    Yet, in the back of my mind, I knew that this was totally awesome. What other game has ever done anything like that?

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Longshot Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:32 am

    Ash Lake. I put the controller down and just stared into the background.

    I read a lot of Lovecraft back in the day, 'Shadow out of Time' came to mind, really sent a chill down my spines. Haunting place. Even now.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by EeAyEss Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:34 am

    The first time I walked through that hallway with the slimes on the roof in the Depths, i didn't know that they would hide on the roof. 1 slime came down on my head. I kilt it. A second slime came down on my head. I kilt it too. For teh most part, every single slime got a nab at my head. I was all like: Your first time... 2707236321
    Even though i didn't have the emote. Or even know about it.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Sanhedrim Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:18 pm

    The first time I went through the Great Hollow to Ash Lake.

    I fell to my death several dozen times, trying to get all the shiny things, and got myself cursed before I figured out how to safely kill basilisks. I should mention at this point that I had no purging stones with me. After -finally- getting to the bottom, I tried to take on the black hydra. When I got tired of dying over and over again, I just went to find the stone dragon. Also, this was before I got the Lordvessel, so I had to climb the Great Hollow again. Afterwards, I beat Quelaag and Ceaseless Discharge while still cursed, where every attack would oneshot me.

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    Post by befowler Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:08 pm

    I played through the first time cold and didn't know which fog gates were boss gates (although some were suggestive enough to guess). The most horrifying and surprising of them all was actually gaping dragon -- first that sudden chill of realization that this little door leads to a giant boss battle, and then the dragon itself just keeps getting bigger and bigger as it climbs up, and then its sheer size as it chases you right through pillars as you flee in a panic, down towards the far end where there's a lethal drop, and you're cornered and oh god what is this wave of unblockable acid or something coming at me... ahh, those were good good times.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:24 pm

    my first playthrough i didnt really have a lot of trials until my friend told me about the covenants specificily the gravelord cov so i sat in the coffin for a bit (without EoD's not knowing they were right behind the titinite demon because i thought he was a staute and also not knowing i needed them) then i finally got bored and curious and went to the "staute" as this was my first time seeing one and was ***** slapped in the face by his pole to only get grabbed by it and get killed. i went back and tried to fight again only get grabbed once more but i saw an item so when i came back again i raced by and got it only to get shocked and smacked from behind by the titinite demon again and worse yet the description was too confusing for me so i rage quit as i felt that for all that work and dying i got a peice of junk.
    Soris Ice Goldwing
    Soris Ice Goldwing

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Soris Ice Goldwing Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:40 pm

    I remember my first time in Blightown and all I can say is: dahell was I doing? Well here's how an easy trip became the dumbest mistake I ever made. Well I wanted to go blind and this game was crazy hard. So I had the master key and wanted to explore firelink a bit. Went down to new londo and through the drake valley to Blightown down the waterwheel and I got lost. Spent around tw hours in the swamp looking for the boss and missed that entrance five times and found the great hollow instead. Avoided it and found the path going TO the depths. Spent three hours the next day trying to go up the path. Then I got lost again and finally said F*** It went to the site the first time and when I found where you had to go I Your first time... 2707236321myself so hard my mom started laughing! All in all I spent around 10-14 hours in Blightown, most of it trying to get down.

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Zephryl Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:49 pm

    Finding the Undead Burg.

    Got out of the tutorial area, listened to the annoying guys speech and went "Okay! Up these stairs I go! Ooh a shrine, let's go out the side here~" then got massacred by skeletons. So I went "Alllllrighty lets try the other side, hehe~ Ooh look at all this loot~!" then got massacred by skeletons.

    So I figured that the guy was being a lying bastard when he sent me "Up", so I decided to whack him a few times with my sword, he aggros and kills me. I have a but of a chuckle and wait to respawn, my surprise is so great when he continues to attack me that I die again. This time I put up a valiant effort before being slain, and after a few more deaths I'm relieved when he grows bored of me, and barrel rolls off a cliff.

    So I head downwards, finding a big area with lots of the same zombies I faced in the tutorial area "Aha! Finally, I'm getting somewhere" I exclaimed, and then got massacred by ghosts.

    Feeling that I went the wrong way down there, I head through a nice little tower and find a door, which I proceed to go through "Ooh, what I pretty valley I say! And such shiny loot~ Omnomnom!" and then I got massacred by an Undead Dragon.

    At this point, I was getting pretty pissed off with everything not-living in this game, so I head back downwards, to the one path I hadn't tried yet... And then I got massacred by a troll.

    I ragequit for about 2 days, before deciding that maybe some of it was like the Asylum Demon, and meant to be ran past. So I load it back up, and run past the Skeletons (The enemy that least-painfully massacred me) and managed to get myself an awesomely huge sword I couldn't use before being massacred.

    So after a few more suicidal runs I got myself all the loot there, and managed to find the Catacombs, where I was killed by a floating skull... then a skeleton, then a ledge, then a skeleton and then a necromancer. Having managed to reach the Bonfire, and deciding that this place was in fact, not where I was meant to go, I headed back up to Firelink and finally saw the path leading up to the Undead Burg.

    I proceeded to throw my Toon down the Well in Firelink, and rolled a new one, before heading up to the Burg.
    Mr. Tart
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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Mr. Tart Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:08 pm

    Sorry for some of the repeated/spammed sentences below. I'm really just trying to describe my frustration at the time.


    Also, i know i've mentioned this one a couple of times, although not as much in detail as now, but this more worthy of being mentioned than any of my other "Dark Souls tales."

    Edit: Sorry if there's any bad grammar. I just don't feel like going through that wall of text for some grammatical errors. silly

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    Your first time... Empty Re: Your first time...

    Post by Seignar Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:37 pm

    I proceeded to throw my Toon down the Well in Firelink, and rolled a new one, before heading up to the Burg.
    "Yes, of course. Exactly what happened to me. We are both victims in this vicious level design, but at least now there are two of us."

    I'm getting a general vibe here that a surprising amount of us have, at one point in our first week, thought that "the hardest" way was the only way (Me beating the Catacombs first; Zephryl going everywhere, but the Burg; Tart challenging the Stray Demon with a broken weapon).

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