by Zephryl Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:49 pm
Finding the Undead Burg.
Got out of the tutorial area, listened to the annoying guys speech and went "Okay! Up these stairs I go! Ooh a shrine, let's go out the side here~" then got massacred by skeletons. So I went "Alllllrighty lets try the other side, hehe~ Ooh look at all this loot~!" then got massacred by skeletons.
So I figured that the guy was being a lying bastard when he sent me "Up", so I decided to whack him a few times with my sword, he aggros and kills me. I have a but of a chuckle and wait to respawn, my surprise is so great when he continues to attack me that I die again. This time I put up a valiant effort before being slain, and after a few more deaths I'm relieved when he grows bored of me, and barrel rolls off a cliff.
So I head downwards, finding a big area with lots of the same zombies I faced in the tutorial area "Aha! Finally, I'm getting somewhere" I exclaimed, and then got massacred by ghosts.
Feeling that I went the wrong way down there, I head through a nice little tower and find a door, which I proceed to go through "Ooh, what I pretty valley I say! And such shiny loot~ Omnomnom!" and then I got massacred by an Undead Dragon.
At this point, I was getting pretty pissed off with everything not-living in this game, so I head back downwards, to the one path I hadn't tried yet... And then I got massacred by a troll.
I ragequit for about 2 days, before deciding that maybe some of it was like the Asylum Demon, and meant to be ran past. So I load it back up, and run past the Skeletons (The enemy that least-painfully massacred me) and managed to get myself an awesomely huge sword I couldn't use before being massacred.
So after a few more suicidal runs I got myself all the loot there, and managed to find the Catacombs, where I was killed by a floating skull... then a skeleton, then a ledge, then a skeleton and then a necromancer. Having managed to reach the Bonfire, and deciding that this place was in fact, not where I was meant to go, I headed back up to Firelink and finally saw the path leading up to the Undead Burg.
I proceeded to throw my Toon down the Well in Firelink, and rolled a new one, before heading up to the Burg.