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Mr. Tart
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    Oh how time changes all


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    Oh how time changes all Empty Oh how time changes all

    Post by Jodecho Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:10 am

    I was reading through the forums and ive notticed a few threads about people being bored with their weapons, wanting to try out new things, or just simply asking questions about certain weapons they dont normally use. This got me to thinking how much ive changed the way i play since the game released

    I used to LOVE heavy armor -> now i can barely stand to med roll, fast is the only way for me

    I used to HATE fencing weapons -> now the Estoc and Velka's may be among my favorite weapons. Retrospectively i used to LOVE katanas and now i cant stand them. I think most of that is the katana spammers in pvp, but honestly i just think they dont really fit the feel of the game. besides whips they are the least numerous and varrying weapons in the game, and 25% of them are boss weapons.

    ive always been kinda Meh about faith, and i dont see that changing. when i see other people use it it seems awesome, but ever time ive started a faith build i get bored way too fast.

    So what are some things that have changed with you along the lines? Do you still play the same way, same build, same weapons, or have you got bored with your "norm" and changed it up?


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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by AnCapaillMor Mon Mar 11, 2013 9:20 am

    Definately the armour thing, it just feels wrong now at >25%.

    Weapons no change still pretty much the same dex\quick although i have started messing with katana's and halberds, tried a str and just couldn't get used to the sluggish feel of the weapons, Could land no hits whatsoever in pvp.

    Tried a faith and liked it but felt a bit cheesy with DMB or SLB, it was only when i faced it that i stopped using it.

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by Jodecho Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:26 pm

    i know how you feel with STR. i tried making a mid rolling str build not too long ago and i could barely stand to play it

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by MistahrFox Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:37 pm

    Fist character I ever made was back when I played on the PS3. used a katana and pyromancy with mid roll. Now I cant really see myself using any of those 3 again. Always fastrolling and mostly using straight swords like the Longsword or Balder's, also Sorcery and miracles are kind of fun to use. well most of them I dont really see myself using WoG

    Besides that i'm always sticking with lvls below 70, mainly because I took a really high liking for invasions, shame that the PC comunity is not as big as the consoles comunity or I'd have a lot more people to invade.

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by LunarFog Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:42 pm

    I used to be fine with magicians. Now I hate them.

    Heavy roll seemed satisfactory for me. But now I at least need midroll usually.
    Mr. Tart
    Mr. Tart
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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by Mr. Tart Tue Mar 12, 2013 2:45 am

    I don't think i've changed a lot in the way i play. I've always used med roll, and i still prefer it over fast rolling to be honest.

    More recently i have challenged myself with more risky builds like dragonbros etc, which isn't really my kinda playstyle. Other than that, i can't really say a lot has changed.

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by WyrmHero Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:03 am

    I remember filling the secondary weapon slot with heavy or useless weapons. That extra equipload had my builds sacrifice Vit. Now I just menu swap back up weapon or use very light weapons (bows/daggers) in the backup slot.

    I began PvP with a Str/Faith and a Dex/Int. Spells have akways been part of my builds, eben pure melee have Great Combustion. I was a heavy buffs user but now I only buff if they buff because it was annoying that my opponent who didn't buff dodge spam till the buff fades. Also my builds used to have very low HP (1100-1325) but after I tasted 1800 HP I couldn't go back to low HP.

    I remember a pure Faith build which used buff on base stats weapons, I won't ever do that again. High damage for a couple of seconds gets tiring. I also remember my first spear build, I'll never do that again, too OP and boring.

    All my builds now have some sort of ranged weapon if fast rolling (bows, crossbows, spells). All my builds can swap a spear when my opponent feels too dodgy or uses a spear as well. All my builds have a form of close range spell depending on stat (GC, Dark Bead, WoG) and also AoE spells specifically Fire Tempest. I've also incorporated tank builds on my arsenal. They medium roll with 91 poise minimum. Through experienced and build suggestions my builds have evolved from heavily specialized to versatile for all kinds of situations.

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    Post by KrazykevS10 Tue Mar 12, 2013 4:23 am

    I started out in this game as a strength character.I used to rock the biggest weapons ever,now I detest them.I can't even remember how to use anything bigger than a greatsword.The same goes for greatshields and fat roll.My builds have mandatory crest shield and fast roll or it drives me nuts.

    The one thing that hasn't changed is I still hate all magic/miracles/pyromancy.Call me narrow minded but both PVP and PVE are more fun for me with melee only.

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by mugenis4real Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:12 am

    I used to love heavy weapons, and now I don't use weapons at all lol

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by AnCapaillMor Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:23 am

    MistahrFox wrote:Besides that i'm always sticking with lvls below 70, mainly because I took a really high liking for invasions, shame that the PC comunity is not as big as the consoles comunity or I'd have a lot more people to invade.

    Yeah tis a pity alright, outside oolacille and the kiln its dead. Very tempted to pick up the box or ps3 versions.

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    Oh how time changes all Empty Re: Oh how time changes all

    Post by densetsushun Tue Mar 12, 2013 8:58 am

    I loved midroll because, coming from DeS, I thought there was only fat and not fat. When I discovered that there was fast roll, I wore the lightest armor to try it out and got murdered, so I decided mid roll was more than enough for me.

    I can barely stand midroll now, I will always alternate between a fastroll to travel around and midroll if I think I can handle the boss with that.

    I hated big weapons. I wanted so badly to cling to my longsword. Now, I can't do without something that weighs at least 5 points silly

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    Post by Tchuwib Tue Mar 12, 2013 10:39 am

    Back in DeS I alway's used high def armor with towersheild with greatsword play. I still used that style in DS, but that game got way more option then what I feeled with DeS. So now I just make regular build, using different style at different level. My favorite still stay with a mid roll and str weap of choice (claymore,giantblacksmith hammer). I've alway's made sure to usually have faith enough to heal since I co-op a lot, but recently I've tried a more pure faith build since magic doesn't rub me the wrong way. I love it. With a full upgrade divine weapon and enough attunement to vary my miracle style, it really fit my style. I'm working on a new lv100 that's gonna be big on miracle and I'll use Darkarmor set to be a Golden Wraith that help people instead of killing them silly.

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    Post by Shindori Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:13 pm

    I used to hate any type of magic, even pyromancy.. now, I can' seem to function without at least pyromancies on a build. As we speak, I'm considering making a faith build as we speak, actually. Making it have a dex weapon so it casts a bit faster as well due to high dex.. Perhaps a darkmoon blade. I love the way the darkmoon blade miracle looks. Plus on a thrusting weapon like BSS, it'd be amazing. Or maybe estoc. Or hell, just on a longsword. I do love me the longsword. That's another thing, I used to hate any weapon except greatswords and ultras, now i love ANY type of weapon. theyre all so diverse and epic in their own way. and I love mid rolling. I dont mind it as much as others do. hell, it works better for me than most other people. And I feel comfortable with any type of weapon. c: I love this game in general, and everything about it.

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    Post by NPCWhiteMage Tue Mar 12, 2013 5:35 pm

    I am known as one of two roles in a party.

    A) Support: I am the guy who stands in the background and helps out allies either through healing or other support roles

    B) Tank: Load me up with the biggest and heaviest armor you can find. Give me a weapon the size of a building, and let me loose.

    I still use both these roles, though I love wearing Havel's set with the Dragon Tooth. Cantstoptherock.mp4

    But if anyone has ever invaded my while I'm hanging out in the forest, you will see me wearing light armor with a dagger. Quick and efficent.

    But to stay true to the thread,

    I used to hate weapon buffs, but now I feel lost without them.

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