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Demon Slayer
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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:13 am

    Dragon's Cabal
    We are warriors of the last true dragon, The Everlasting Dragon. To be alive is to be vulnerable, therefore we must seek out another plane of existence, which transcends life. So let our weapons crush the bones of our enemies, let our claws ripp their flesh and let our mighty roar fill their hearts with fear!

    Our main aims are to do group dragon eye invasions, discuss strategies, share our skills, practice and help each other out. The main forms of invading are with the dragon eye and with cracked red orbs, for any rituals or simple practice we will meet in Blighttown Pit.

    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Pre-path-of-the-dragon

    We are the apostles of the ancient dragons however amongs all the apostles who pray to the ancient dragons we are the strongest. We are the claws and eyes of the mighty Everlasting Dragon our lord and master, we aim to transcend life not through prayer but through action! We shall plunder other worlds reclaming the long lost dragon scales so that one day we will cheat both life and death, leave this mortal plane of existence and become dragons!

    The Path's

    There are three different paths, this might change as the time goes by. These paths are the classes that you can take. The weapons are also restricted to only dragon type. Shields, bows and others can still be used.

    Path of the Sage
    This is a spell based class that allows any and all spells, you must however use the dragon head stone to show your loyalty for our masters the armour sets for this class are all light and medium. Sages set and the Witches set are the best choices. You may also use the full dragonoid transformation this class can also use the Moonlight Greatsword.
    Path of the Strength
    This is a path which focuses on weapons and ther special powers any, dragon based weapons can be used. This path can use any medium or heavy armour but the dragon head stone is also required you can also use the full dragonoid transformation buffs can also be used if needed.
    Path of the Claw.
    This is a path based on skill and strategy using no weapons is advised however they can still be used.It uses full dragonoid transformation.

    Path of the Sage
    Rank 0: Novice ( joining rank )
    Rank 1: Apprentice ( 5 dragon scales )
    Rank 2: Spellcaster ( 15 dragon scales )
    Rank 3: Ash mage ( 20 dragon scales )
    Rank 4: Warlock ( 30 dragon scales )
    Rank 5: Dragon Archmage ( 40 dragon scales )

    Path of the Strength
    Rank 0: Novice ( joining rank)
    Rank 1: The Deprived ( 5 dragon scales )
    Rank 2: Warrior ( 15 dragon scales)
    Rank 3: Ash Knight ( 20 dragon scales )
    Rank 4: Swordmaster ( 30 dragon scales )
    Rank 5: Dragon Blade ( 40 dragon scales )

    Path of the Claw
    Rank 0: Novice ( joining rank )
    Rank 1: Apostle ( 5 dragon scales )
    Rank 2: Monk ( 15 dragon scales )
    Rank 3: Ash Priest ( 20 dragon scales )
    Rank 4: Clawmaster ( 30 dragon scales )
    Rank 5:Dragon Priest ( 40 dragon scales )

    Rules, Ranking up, Joining and Members
    1. Bow before each fight, this can be ignored if your opponent charges or tryes to buff.
    2. Heal only if your opponent dose so
    3. No hatemail or replying to it
    4. No stupid gestures after a fight only bow or pray
    5. At all time use the dragon head transformation or/and dragon body if you wish too.
    7.No chain back stab unless it's a hacker / glitcher / griefer.
    8.No glitching/hacking
    9.No healing unless your opponent heals or you are ganked: 2 or 3 vs 1 madness.

    Member of the Council: It is granted by the leader. Member must be rank 3 and be a highly active member of the forum, psn chat and Covenant events, duels, and invading The Pit in Blighttown
    Only 5 members will be part of the Council and will have the role of Advisers to the Leader.

    Helpful Links

    Reim's Guide to Making Builds

    Tinypantha The build Doctor:

    Members of the Council rank titles:

    To be given upon request


    The War Commander is the personal body guard of the Leader and will accompany the leader on all diplomatic missions. Also, the War Commander is responsible for assisting the leader and Council Members with war strategies and plans,training of new members and optimum build adjustments.

    Post that you wish to join and then send me a private message we will meet in the game and dual to see how good you are with your chosen path.

    Ranking up

    In order to rank up dragon scales are given to the Dragon High Priest . However, only 5 scales can be given per day as well as the offering there will be a test. At rank 1 a simple dual to see your strengths and weaknesses, at rank 2 a bs test, at rank 3 another dual to see your progress, at rank 4 a 1v2 test and at rank 5 a parry test and a 1v1 dragonoid dual with your Dragon High Priest to progress however you must be the winner.

    PSN Members:

    messremb PSN:(Seguleh46)

    Twilightwarwolf PSN (same as forum)

    Jwebby6 PSN (same as forum)

    Jovias-86 PSN (same as forum)

    EverlastingRat PSN(Curious_Kitty)

    DxV04 PSN ( DarknessxVega04)

    Mr_no_face PSN (same as forum)

    Wolfsbane PSN (same as forum)

    Teh Kitten´s Cat PSN (Doomgrap)

    XBL Members:

    WaffleGuy XBL (DayWafel)

    DxV04 XBL(DarknessxVega04)

    ExplodingPenguin XBL (KiwiQuiche)

    SadPanda XBL (xAngry Badgerx9)

    Mellekilla19 XBL (EctoSpiritDemon)

    PC Members:

     Zyrrashijn GFWL(same as forum)
    Tonberryking01 GFWL(same as forum)
                                                                       SeriousDoggGFWL(sameas forum



    Always Remember This Is Our Symbol


    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) 2Q==

    Dragon Bro for live!!

    Last edited by Demon Slayer on Wed Jul 24, 2013 11:30 am; edited 44 times in total
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:21 am

    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:28 am

    ok everyone start posting
    Abyss Dweller
    Abyss Dweller

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by User1 Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:32 pm

    I'll join!

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty I might join

    Post by Paragon Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:15 pm

    I have a character, my first character actually, that fits the criteria for the path of strength. Once I fix my xbox i might commit that character to your covenant. but first I gotta...

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by messremb Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:50 pm

    I want in! Got a sl33 dragon right now, but can level up if there are sl reqs. PSN ID is Seguleh46.

    My build was originally a character I wanted to beat the game on soul level 1 with, but I started getting my *** handed to me in the DLC. Does use pyro and a little bit of magic.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Sat Mar 02, 2013 10:06 pm

    farewell my felloow dragons

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by tinypantha Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:09 am

    I am a little butt hurt you linked reim's guide to making builds. No Love for the Doctor?
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:37 am

    Prostration damn sorry there you go my friend you should put a link in your tread, promote myself :dragon-eye:

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:13 pm

    interesting idea i like it XD
    EDIT: after some thought i would like to join your cov but i do have a few questions. first off for the spells is that only the sage path or is that just more specified on spells and can a dragon mage use weapons or is it just the mlgs? does the strength path follow only drgon weapons or can we use others and if it can are allowed to use dex weapons also for example prisiclla's dagger? and what levels are allowed? i imagine 55 right now at least right? and for the fights you have to do for rank ups have to be won or is it an assesment? because for practice for 2v1 fights dragon sign cant be used as it only does 1v1 fights. and for the joining fight are we expected to have finished our build? and finally are you the only dragon high priest or does a cm when you get them count also?
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:13 am

    The Mages can only use MLGS, same with the path of strengh you can only use dragon weps

    In order to rank up u need to fulfill the requirements

    This is hiw it goes:

    You msut be an member of the path of the dragons covenant
    You need to give me the require dragon scales remember in whatever path you want to join
    You must duel me to test your skills

    For the 2 vs 1 i supose you can summond two Dragon Bros but if not then the host will summong a Dragon Bro and they will fight you

    And for the joining what do you mean by have then finished?

    I will work on the Sl

    And i,m only Dragon High Priest at the moment


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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:20 am

    for having finished i meant do i have to have my build done by the time i duel you to join. and thank you for answering my questions but you did miss two can only the sages use spells and what are the lvl ranges if any? what ever the answer i would like to join though XD
    Demon Slayer
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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:39 am

    Mages can only use the MLGS and all the spells they eant to choose and yea you need to end your toon before duel me so i can test all of your power

    And for Path's sl 99 will be the chosen

    Good i will add you to roster but firts post your Psn

    I wll do it tomorrow 1 AM here gotta sleep

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Mar 06, 2013 12:53 am

    ok then thanks and my psn is the same as my forum and ill post a build later thanks again XD
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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Maneater_Mildred Wed Mar 06, 2013 5:56 pm

    I have never had a true dragon toon and as I deleted all my toons and am starting again, I plan to make 1. It may take some time, but when it's ready I will join up.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Wed Mar 06, 2013 6:41 pm

    Maneater_Mildred wrote:I have never had a true dragon toon and as I deleted all my toons and am starting again, I plan to make 1. It may take some time, but when it's ready I will join up.

    Cool and if you need any help with the toons

    I cna help you as well just hit me up in Psn i will play this weekend

    Or either Pm me

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:39 pm

    ok so i have a build made so here it is
    but i also made this just in case my buffs or magic is not allowed
    though im not sure the mists and acid is allowed either so i made one last build here it is

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Jwebby6 Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:11 pm

    I'll join! I'm new to the forums, and to the dragon bros in general, but I've always wanted to give the torso stone a try. I'm on pretty regularly. My PSN is jwebby6

    This is a general Idea of the kind of build ill be going for:

    I'm basically relying on high Vit, various rings, and dodging/ parrying for defense.

    And for offense, I'm rocking the obsidian great sword enchanted with crystal magic weapon. As well as the demon's spear for trickier situations.

    The only bad thing I can see is being limited to basically just the obsidian great sword(OGS) for offense. But I like the OGS, so it's not too bad.

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Jovias-86 Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:54 am

    I have a dragon at Sl99.

    Im in for this happy
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:38 pm

    Guys i,m sorry but mu mom died yesterdsy and i need to take care of somethibgs before i yet back to this
    hope you can undertand sad

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by twilightwarwolf Tue Mar 19, 2013 5:42 pm

    please take all the time you need. i for one understand this all too well.

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Ashran Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:23 pm

    Oooh this covenant looks great. I will build a dragon knight soon so i will keep you informed!

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by WaffleGuy Sun Mar 24, 2013 10:34 pm

    Starting next weekend, I might be able to make a Butcher Knife - Wooden Plank Shield build. I was kind of going for a Mildred build, but I can change that. SL 15 now, not planning to level up though silly

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Zyrrashijn Mon Mar 25, 2013 5:23 am

    My thoughts be with you and your Mom. I hope you can get along with it.

    As soon, as you do, i will strengthen the ranks of my dragon brethren with my dragon build. LVL60 right now on PC utilizing the Dragonking Greataxe and gathering scales to rank up for the torso.

    Anyone, i'm always searching for pvp anywhere with the dragoneye.

    Be well.
    Demon Slayer
    Demon Slayer

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

    Post by Demon Slayer Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:08 am

    Ok guys ifter a bad week i,m back i will change the OP soon :dragon-eye:

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    Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers) Empty Re: Path's Of The Dragon's Cabal Covenant (looking for Brothers)

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