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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable


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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by DeadRayne Thu Mar 14, 2013 3:27 am

    I recently acquired the dark silver tracer and gold tracer from a now friend i met pvping as part of the forest covenant. I was stunned he gave it to me and he said the tracer will near one hit most people of my level but he also said people don't like it when gold tracer is used in pvp. Why is that and can anyone list weapons they think shouldn't be used in pvp and why.

    Thanks in advance from a newbie dark souls player and wanna be pvpr

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Saturday-Saint Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:06 am

    Any Katana, Curved Sword, Bow, Straight Sword, Thrusting Sword, Great Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Dagger, Great Bow, Ultra Great Sword, Hammer, Axe, Great Curved Sword, or Fist Weapon.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Noob-of-Artorias Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:15 am

    Saturday-Saint wrote:Any Katana, Curved Sword, Bow, Straight Sword, Thrusting Sword, Great Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Dagger, Great Bow, Ultra Great Sword, Hammer, Axe, Great Curved Sword, or Fist Weapon.
    Whips Only eh? Guess we all know what you do in your spare time eh? winking

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by DeadRayne Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:19 am

    Noob-of-Artorias wrote:
    Saturday-Saint wrote:Any Katana, Curved Sword, Bow, Straight Sword, Thrusting Sword, Great Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Dagger, Great Bow, Ultra Great Sword, Hammer, Axe, Great Curved Sword, or Fist Weapon.
    Whips Only eh? Guess we all know what you do in your spare time eh? winking
    heh heh

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:20 am

    Lag + magic.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by lonewolf Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:26 am

    R1 spammers with a fast wepon
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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by The Letter X Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:34 am

    Washing Pole

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by DeadRayne Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:36 am

    lonewolf wrote:R1 spammers with a fast wepon
    Like the gold tracer?

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Saturday-Saint Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:50 am

    For the record whips are also dishonorable. I just forgot to list them. Spears and pole weapons are, too.

    Last edited by Saturday-Saint on Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:53 am; edited 2 times in total

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Avenger649 Thu Mar 14, 2013 4:52 am

    Katanas and spears, especially spears with the dark wood grain ring.
    And buffed halberd leo counter fishers.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:03 am

    Most new players can't handle a bunch of weapons. Hardest weaponsto learn how to fight back against are:

    Longer spears (demon spear, silver knight spear, dragon slayer spear, pike). Range and ability to turtle poke make them hard to understand how to fight.

    High armour/poise + fast weapon (gold tracer, buffed falchion). This is because they run up and R1 spam you to death. The weapon can do so much damage in a short period of time, if you try to engage it's over. You need to learn how to backstab, parry/riposte, or fight at a distance.

    Umm what else...
    Great Scythe. This has got to be in the top 3 weapons in the game. Hits really hard, huge arc, decent range, amazing dead angles. Fighitng someone good with this weapon is hard to do.

    All I can think of off the top of my head.

    No weapon is really cheap. Some are much better than others though.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by DeadRayne Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:12 am

    IV_Mark_VI wrote:Most new players can't handle a bunch of weapons. Hardest weaponsto learn how to fight back against are:

    Longer spears (demon spear, silver knight spear, dragon slayer spear, pike). Range and ability to turtle poke make them hard to understand how to fight.

    High armour/poise + fast weapon (gold tracer, buffed falchion). This is because they run up and R1 spam you to death. The weapon can do so much damage in a short period of time, if you try to engage it's over. You need to learn how to backstab, parry/riposte, or fight at a distance.

    Umm what else...
    Great Scythe. This has got to be in the top 3 weapons in the game. Hits really hard, huge arc, decent range, amazing dead angles. Fighitng someone good with this weapon is hard to do.

    All I can think of off the top of my head.

    No weapon is really cheap. Some are much better than others though.
    Thanks for your reply.
    It feels like attack speed and high damage are the largely disliked things in PvP. I personally use the gold tracer because its good at killing invaders who come into my world when im trying to clear areas. In a 1v1 proper PvP i use a parry dagger and a dark silver tracer to fight in 1v1s

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by IV_Mark_VI Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:25 am

    Meh. Every weapon has a counter. High attack speed and damage generally mean short attack range. If someone had a long spear and jumped around at a distance, they'll poke you to death. That's the weakness with these weapons; range. If your opponent can't exploit that weakness, then they're in trouble.

    What system are you on?
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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Rynn Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:52 am

    People don't like the gold tracer because it's incredibly easy to kill people with it if they stand still. One must outrange a gold tracer user, and if the tracer user also has 53 or more poise they can easily come out on top of that engagement. However if you properly build yourself, such as having 62 poise, and any weapon with 53 poise breakpoint, you can easily out damage the tracer due to stunning them before they stun you.
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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:30 am

    No point concerning yourself with what people find "dishonorable." Somebody finds everything dishonorable, there is no way to not make people angry, especially if you win.

    As such I recommend you use whatever you want, and if other people don't like it, its really not your problem.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Jodecho Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:31 am

    i hate fighting against anyone high poise + fast weapon (specially katanas) but i dont think they shouldnt be used in pvp, i just with they werent so effing common.
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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Forum Pirate Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:39 am

    Forum Pirate wrote:No point concerning yourself with what people find "dishonorable." Somebody finds everything dishonorable, there is no way to not make people angry, especially if you win.

    As such I recommend you use whatever you want, and if other people don't like it, its really not your problem.
    quoting myself, because I got bottom paged.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by AnCapaillMor Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:51 am

    Agree dude, this debate has been going since people picked ryu and just spammed hadoken and before that i imagone too.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by lextune Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:55 am

    Forum Pirate wrote:No point concerning yourself with what people find "dishonorable." Somebody finds everything dishonorable, there is no way to not make people angry, especially if you win.

    As such I recommend you use whatever you want, and if other people don't like it, its really not your problem.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by Jodecho Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:45 am

    lextune wrote:
    Forum Pirate wrote:No point concerning yourself with what people find "dishonorable." Somebody finds everything dishonorable, there is no way to not make people angry, especially if you win.

    As such I recommend you use whatever you want, and if other people don't like it, its really not your problem.

    to go along with that statement, last night during one of my fights i made some room and estus. please restrain your hate. the odds of you getting ganked in the forest are outrageously high so ill use any advantage i can. anyways...

    i get a message from the guy saying something along the lines of "theres no honor in estes"

    i appologised and asked him to tell me what page on the official pvp rulebook that was on because i just couldnt find it.

    point is, he thought i was disshonorable for healing, i thought he was out of place because 1. he invaded me, and 2. he knows damn well that if more people invaded i was more likely to get ganked than everyone take turns fighting me.

    oh and moot point but i dont WSS or Sunbro for help in the forest, i solo that shiz.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by reim0027 Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:09 am

    What Forum said. The weapon I least like to see are spears behind a shield just poking when I attack.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by crbngville2 Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:11 am

    All weapons/spells/tactics/strategies have a counter. Knowing, executing or having a toon built to perform the counter is a different story. So play with whatever weapon/spell/tactics/stategy you prefer. When you get hate mail, laugh it off or tell them to go f**k themselves (your choice).
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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by skarekrow13 Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:51 am

    The Calamity Ring is dishonorable. I created a whole thread to prove it. Everything else is fair game

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by DeadRayne Thu Mar 14, 2013 10:01 am

    Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Also to reim0027 i know what you mean i faced one recently and just poked me all day. Though the spear has narrow range making it easier to dodge then most weapons. Just my thoughts on it.

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    PVP weapons You think are not honorable Empty Re: PVP weapons You think are not honorable

    Post by lonewolf Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:24 am

    DeadRayne wrote:
    lonewolf wrote:R1 spammers with a fast wepon
    Like the gold tracer?
    yes or katanas

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